Chapter 268: The Strongest Creature (3); Freed Destiny

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 268: The Strongest Creature (3); Freed Destiny

Ja Sun's entire body was drenched with sweat while all of King's Lair's 'top' beasts were gathered around Ja Sun. With his victory, Di Tian had effectively lost control of the region and since beasts weren't adept at Politics, things didn't really go out of hand. Of course, out of respect and the humiliation they suffered at his hands, the beasts didn't dare provoke him even if Ja Sun expended his spirit energy and divine intent like there was no tomorrow.

This was a special day.

By now, every sentient beast understood that there lay a 'top dog' dormant within the Emerald Lake who was changing something about their Auspicious Emperor. Of course, Goldilocks wasn't truly resistant but to her, Ja Sun was simply a choice better now that he had revealed enough abilities. Why would a beast want to change its very origin? Especially, a one-of-a-kind beast like the Three-eyed Golden Lion.

This dormant being could be considered stronger than Di Tian since it was revealed that the array wasn't formed by the Golden-eyed Black Dragon but this very mysterious beast.

And as beasts consider only a few things seriously, one of them being vows, they were eager to see if Ja Sun could truly unravel the strange array which would even fill their hearts with horror.

'God damn... A-rank mission my ass! This should have been S-ranked!' Similar to how sometimes an S-ranked mission could be completed easily based on circumstances, an A-ranked mission can also be objectively harder. Ja Sun had sat right in front of the array for three months unmovingly and now that the deadline approached, he felt quite complicated.

The Golden Sphere flickered constantly, the expectations in the eyes of the Three-eyed Golden Lion were great but Ja Sun was filled with conflicted thoughts.

This array had kept him busy for three months. It was a great commitment from his side on the matter, as if he had just binged a satisfactory fictional work that was soon coming to an end. It filled him with a moment of doubt. Maybe he can postpone it... go through the array again and enjoy his time once more.


'I won't be confined to a single array! This one is good... but so is Divine Grace Array and the War God's Cauldron. There will be more good stuff as long as I keep on searching.'

His divine intent raged, the blades of grass around him swayed quietly as the once calm surface of the lake was now marred with trembling ripples.

Of all the beasts, the farthest from the center, i.e. from the location closest to Ja Sun, was none other than Zi Ji who watched on with a frown. Her expression cold.

'How can he simply unravel the technique of the individual that even beas Di Tian respects and revere?... Merely a naive thought. He is only a little better with his fists...'

While varied thoughts hit different spirit beasts, Ja Sun calmly stared at the flickering array as the resounding roars of a dragon couldn't be clearer from the array.

Before truly moving on, Ja Sun compiled his observation within his mind orderly and compared it with his past observations, making corrections and compiling the result finally

'My first complete interaction with anything related to the Soul Origin was from the Rakshasa Soul Devouring Technique. From that technique, once I had a divine intent of my own, I formed a personal array, probably unique only to me, to refine the soul origin of a beast which, as they die, no longer give a spirit ring. This means that the spirit ring is tied to the soul origin itself. I can only have one of the two.

There is also a speculation that the reincarnation technique I tried in my previous world, claimed to be used only once, did something to my Soul Origin that may prevent further use. Although, I haven't noticed anything different... it may just be due to tha fact that the soul origin I'm viewing is already altered. Every soul origin is unique so I may never find the correct answer regarding the reincarnation technique. But this technique helped me in realizing that Soul Origin is capable of 'not' dying but moving on.

The Divine Grace Array has multiple uses. It collects the soul origins of different spirit beasts and forms them into a special artifact that can be used to grant a spirit ring of the highest limit as a spirit master can endure. Not only that, but it also uses the Soul Origin to raise the cultivation of one's spirit rings and can be used to even nurture a spirit master's body and mental energy. However, to set it up properly, the array must be transformed into a permanent formation with a steady accumulation of beasts... although, this array can be improved by using my own personal array that completely refines the soul origin of a beast with only 10% expected loss and if mixed with the War God's Cauldron...'

Not letting his thoughts wander further away, Ja Sun looked at the Golden Sphere.

'And this array... finally revealed that Soul Origin and bloodlines that cause martial souls are connected in a level deeper than I could have imagined. Soul Origin isn't merely a form of metaphysical energy but it is far... substantial. The bloodline itself is a tributary of the soul origin... no, the other way around. A Bloodline can be changed but it must be able to mix well with the soul origin.

This is the main function of this array... although, I have an immortal herb that has a guaranteed and relatively instant effect of what this array wants to achieve. It's also because of this reason I, and possibly Goldilocks, are getting the sense that we aren't compatible on the basis of Bloodline... had I absorbed her core, I would have been forced to use that immortal fruit.

But... how did the being within the lake get an essence of a Golden Dragon to use and convert the bloodline of the Three-eyed Golden Lion. It would have taken a few more thousand years... but what kind of effect would have taken place? A Three-eyed Golden Dragon?

Still, Goldilocks seemed to have only agreed due to a lack of options. The moment I appeared, she jumped at the chance of becoming something else... not that it'll come for free.'

Sighing, the three of Ja Sun's eyes closed as his energy seemed to have been retracted.

When others, including Di Tian, Zi Ji, and Goldilocks felt that Ja Sun had given up on achieving what he had claimed today, he pressed his palm against the flickering golden sphere as a Cauldron emerged from his body made from countless arrays.

The War God's Cauldron!

But aside from Ja Sun's words that seemed to make her uncomfortable, his careful touch only made Goldilocks sit as she allowed her 'other' half to inspect her as he wished.

"Say, Di Tian, do you ever wonder if your essence can be used to mutate another spirit beast? Such knowledge can change how we view cultivation itself for both, humans and beasts. Heck, in fact, we can mix humans with beasts... but more sophisticated than beasttakens that can allow the hybrid to either grow by absorbing spirit rings or simply living for 100000 years..."

Di Tian felt his skin crawling. This particular idea instantly made quite a bit of terrible memories resurface and as his gaze flashed ominously, the beast considering to refute orders given to him and take out Ja Sun right here and now, a calm chuckle emanated from the Silver Pole, causing Goldilocks to lower her head while Di Tian's boiling killing intent to vanish instantly.

"As amusing as the idea may be, beings far stronger than you and wiser, too, have already achieved such goals. What you think is the future of cultivation is, in actuality, the past wrought with war and betrayal.

Human... who inherited the essence of Phoenix as she earned the dragon's essence, do you wish to know the beginning of cultivation?"

Ja Sun blinked in surprise. This was the first time the being within the lake interacted with Ja Sun but recalling his supernatural interaction with Asura through the memories of the million-year-old Death Spider Emperor, Ja Sun smiled, "A good 'friend' of mine has made it clear that the knowledge of past, especially the war, is restricted. You know, tall, white-haired, and red eyes? Goes by the name of Asura."

Silence ensued soon after as the voice giggled again, "A friend? He is incapable of such emotions. But if you wish to know... I can help you understand the very beginning of human cultivation. The first tyrants to ever get born and the otherworldly beings, like you, who invaded this world that eventually led to the rise of humans, including Asura and all the human gods that rule over us."

Ja Sun wasn't all that surprised that his identity as the otherworldly being was known. Poseidon and Asura knew it at a glance so why not someone else? In fact, this only allowed him to silently ascertain the strength of the mysterious beast.

As if sensing his reluctance, the voice added, "I can even allow you to understand the true essence of evil attributes."

"Not right now," Ja Sun denied again and looked at Goldilocks, "I have gained too much. The past three months were used to understand more knowledge... I need time to digest and grow."

Snapping his fingers at Di Tian, Ja Sun stated as a matter of factly, "Leave. I need privacy. Oh, and if you want your cultivation and comprehension to increase quickly, migrate tribes of beasts from other continents to King's Lair. Before you say I'm laying... experience this," a gray domain spread out, the sensation of which made the experienced Di Tian shocked!

Even Goldilocks' three eyes as she felt something more than just the increase in the pace of cultivation.

Retrieving the domain, Ja Sun narrowed his eyes at the reluctant Di Tian, "I'm ready if you want to fight. If not, leave. I won't state again."

The sheer lack of respect disturbed Di Tian more than he imagined. He expected himself to be a gracious loser but... Ja Sun's blunt, no, eccentric nature was hard to deal with. While he may smile, he may simply attack in the very next moment which made Ja Sun more than a simple threat.

Di Tian cast a glance in the direction of the Silver Pole, but the lack of answer made him leave reluctantly for the first time from the clearing of the Emerald Lake.

"Do you need a special announcement?" Ja Sun looked at the Three-eyed Golden Lion as she blinked in surprise.

"Give that puppy look to someone else. Leave."

Ja Sun stated calmly.

But just as Goldilocks was about to leave, Ja Sun surprisingly called her back, "You know... I have a proposition for you that may benefit both of us."

The sincere smile on his face, however, made Goldilocks feel quite disturbed since she had observed Ja Sun for three months. And the smile sent chills down her spine.


Shoutout to Aiden, Krawn, and Nitorxs!!

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