Chapter 273: Tale of the Strongest Fool (2)

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 273: Tale of the Strongest Fool (2)

Ja Sun viewed the image of the Evil Sage carefully since the Lady of the Lake seemed quite angered just by showing the picture of the woman.

"You have come to know that the Dragon God was born of heaven itself. You may say he was the heaven himself. He produced nine offsprings, each a descendant of heaven.

You even understand that heaven encompasses all the laws that we understand but are you aware that there is more than one heaven? In fact, what is heaven if not a higher realm that governs a collection of lower realms?

... As an otherworldly being, you know it better than others. This world is boundless."

Ja Sun didn't interrupt. Many beings, arguably stronger than him, could understand that he wasn't of this world but how, that is something he couldn't understand.

"What do you mean by a higher realm?" He chose to ask something that genuinely interested him.

"As mortal turns divine, they are too strong to be kept in this world. Consider this for a second. Our world, that is, the one we reside in temporarily, is shaped by laws, yes? Everything has a mark of law be it the elements, exotic concepts, various attributes. In essence, even living beings are a concentration of certain law shards. Now, what if we consider the shape of this world as a bowl that contains us?

The bowl is bound to have certain limits. Above this bowl is the lid that we refer to as clouds of tribulation and beyond them are the fortunate but limited heavens.

What do you think happens when you fully master the spirit energy as a medium to understand the law to a certain level and ascend to become a stronger being?"

"I don't know," Ja Sun replied, "But seeing that all the gods aren't present... I'd say... this world cannot afford our existence."

"Yes! The act of becoming a god by itself has to do with the law that forms us. Heavens is a realm that can afford a god's existence. If not, a God must have enough strength and comprehension to form a new heaven for its residence..."

"Else?" He raised his brow.

"Hehe... the world has several gods. One less wouldn't make a difference."

Now that he understood that heaven was, in fact, a governing force, he could conclude many things that felt blurry before. Meanwhile, Lady of the Lake got back on topic.

"While the Dragon God gave birth to the cultivation for beasts, humans were, no doubt, oppressed. They began to hold enmity against the beasts and dragons alike but what could they do? Their existence was too weak to wield the spirit energy and dragons couldn't be bothered to shape them into something greater.

However, the Evil Sage originated from a different heaven. She wasn't a human despite her humanoid form and claimed herself to be a Warlock."

"A warlock?"

"Yes, beings of strength of the other world, it seems. In fact, her appearance was immediately noticed by the Dragon God. After all, the Dragon God was the ruler of this heaven. That, in itself, is how an otherworldly being is identified. A Supreme Grandmaster that can innovate on Law is capable of sensing the Laws, not of the domestic world."

"Different laws? You mean the fire of this world would be different from fire of another world?"

"I cannot say for sure. What I meant to say is that every Heaven has its unique breath that is carried onto the laws. Should someone else arrive into this world, they would feel suppressed due to the shift and Evil Sage was no different. Even if she had strength similar to Dragon God, in here, she couldn't even compare to his strongest son the Light Dragon King."

"Hmm... this still doesn't make sense... then why aren't I feeling suppressed? And given your explanation... are you implying that you are a Supreme Grandmaster yourself?" Ja Sun questioned.

"Why you aren't feeling suppressed has something to do with the method of arrival. If you have enough strength to traverse the heavens and move in your real form, you will feel quite suppressed. If your soul is cleansed and reincarnated, you won't. Of course, there are beings who can still hold onto some of the otherworldly qualities that do not garner the attention of the world and thus, not suppressed."

"And what about you?" Ja Sun looked into the lake, "Are you a Supreme Grandmaster?"

"There is nothing Supreme about me," she chuckled, "Anyway, the Evil Sage was confronted by the Dragon God the few moments after she had arrived," Lady of the Lake reverted from the tangent and continued smoothly while the image of a deeply charming man in luxurious but regal robes that flashed with nine colors appeared in front of the Evil Sage. While one personified luxury and lavishness, the other personified sickness and dullness.

"But instead of dealing with the intruder, he chose to satiate his curiosity.

You see, unlike the Dragon God who was born with a powerful bloodline that was the very essence of our heaven, the Evil Sage claimed she came from a world where humans and beasts alike wielded spirit energy in the form of an ability known as magic spells. They are quite similar to spirit techniques, mind you.

And among these groups of magus are a few potentially terrifying beings who adopt the blood of higher beings and fashion themselves with their skills Warlocks. Evil Sage revealed she came from the lowest of the low. While her sickly presence made many avoid her, The Dragon God was enchanted by her knowledge and thirst for... anything interesting.

While the Dragon God was amazed by the wealth of information the Evil Sage presented without hiding anything, for at their strength, hiding information simply meant a useless act, the Evil Sage came to appreciate the system of cultivation the Dragon God had invented and decided to optimize it while performing her own experiments that claimed the lives of many spirit beasts.

But neither of the two heavenly beings minded such a situation. After all, The Dragon Kings and their direct descendants were not touched at all.

Yet, she was made clear by the Nine Dragon Kings collectively that the beasts belonged to them and their enhancement in cultivation should come from them respectively. It isolated Evil Sage to only perform these optimizations on the humans... something she didn't mind. In fact, the Dragon God relieved his boredom by helping her.

For the first time, the Dragon God was attracted to someone. And thus, Evil Sage agreed to accompany the Dragon God until she returns.

Their union brought three things into this world.

The Dragon Prince.

The First Spirit Masters.

And the Bringer of Pain.

Not in that order."

She let out an exhausted sigh and whispered, "Evil Sage successfully merged the bloodlines of the beasts into humans but as I said, every heaven is unique. This method didn't create warlocks like her but instead created grotesque beasts now known as Beasttakens. Yet, she only took a few hundred years to develop another path.

She used inanimate objects to seal the essence of beasts and then successfully merge these weapons with the humans. This not only strengthened the humans who survived the process but also made them amazingly strong.

She began to tour the world of the Dragon God, leaving her methods that could be understood by mortals for them to peruse. Even if open, Evil Sage wasn't mindless enough to share the methods of becoming the divine.

The only way humans could grow after this was to continuously form weapons and merge them into their bodies. However, the human body had limits as to how many essence weapons it can keep merged.

Of these... some prodigies finally began to develop far beyond the expectations of the Dragon Kings that ruled the regions.

A being who claimed himself as the God of War amongst many appeared. You have his inheritance so you should know that the God of War had a special physique since birth that allowed him to absorb and refine multiple essence weapons until his very essence was twisted to devour and tame such weapons. He was also the pioneer who paved way for the humanity and managed to grasp the realm of Great Grandmaster in the Law of War and Devouring. Meanwhile, he also became the first human Supreme Grandmaster of Refinement Law.

Evil Sage wasn't under his rule. While she did accompany him, she also left him as easily. She was indifferent to everything but her interest and so, she rejected the words of the Dragon God and enraged him, the war even influenced the two supreme beings.

This led Dragon God to seek a higher strength than his own to push the Evil Sage out.

And as he did so, Evil Sage, too, decided to bring her allies from the different worlds who titled themselves Bringers of Pain.

The Evil attribute was much too condensed at this point and everything was acceptable.

The full-blown war of the Supreme Beings began where the Dragon God easily tackled multiple opponents equal to him. While others were Supreme Grandmasters in one or two elements, the Dragon God was born different.

At this moment, finally not wanting to be disturbed anymore, Evil Sage decided to make use of her trump card.

In the festival to worship the Dragon God as he had discovered the strength of faith energy that can boost oneself, Evil Sage used her innate connection with the Dragon Prince to break the balance between the attribute of Creation and Destruction within the Dragon God, leading him to enter a bout of insanity that slaughtered the Dragon Prince in cold blood...

And thus broke the Dragon God who was too feeble due to its high birth when compared to the cold and calculating Evil Sage who didn't mind the death of her son at all."

Ja Sun hummed and then suddenly smiled, "Pfft, hahahaha! So that's it! Evil Sage took care of the Dragons and the Dragons would eventually disappear... the reason why there aren't any Bringers of Pain is that... the humans took them out! Another war! Holy fuck, those guys didn't have any other form of entertainment!"

Lady of the Lake fell silent. It might be unfathomable how he could conclude this but for Ja Sun, it was easy. Asura seemed to oversee any ability from entering the past to view the war and the gods he had encountered despised the Bringers of Pain to the core. So, it wasn't hard to assume such.

"It is just as you say. With the beasts now declining, these groups of magus began to conduct all sorts of vile experiments on humans who had grown strong.

This caused Asura, God of Destruction, and the Goddess of Life to take them out. Unlike others, Asura's Law of Slaughter was simply too overbearing even compared to the standards of outsiders, and not wanting any further loss... the Evil Sage and her allies left this world.

It is quite ironic that Dragon God, who is far stronger than Asura couldn't achieve the same thing.

Again, the humans and beasts were left but this time, the situation was different.

Just like Rakshasa who had gone insane, Asura sliced the Dragon God in half. He wasn't in his correct mental faculties and couldn't defend against Asura... but...

The Dragon God didn't die.

No, he couldn't die. As long as the heavens exist, he isn't allowed to die.

The two halves of the Dragon God gained sentience itself. One that inherited attributes of destruction and Time and unimaginable Physical strength came to be known as the Golden Dragon King who is... not been seen since the war.

And the other half who inherited other elements, spatial attributes, and creation with high intellect and milder presence escaped in the form of the Silver Dragon King.

This is the tale of the Strongest Fool presented to you.

A fool who is still considered the son of heavens but isn't even capable of being whole..."

Ja Sun looked towards the silver pole sticking out of the lake. A conclusion already formed in his mind as he took out another portion of Life Gold and dropped it into the lake.

"I appreciate it," she remarked in content.

"No worries. With such an interesting tale, I ought to pay in kind... now, you wouldn't happen to know how I can become a god and what are the requirements, right?"

"Become a god... hehe, I just revealed to you the origins of cultivation. In history, there is only the God of War who surpassed the expectations of the Dragons and Evil Sage alike... do you dare believe I have something of the kind present for you?"

Ja Sun smiled slightly, "And what do I need to pay?"

"Why not discuss payment after you actually make some progress? This method defines the detailed way and restrictions to becoming a god... or a divine beast. Alas, Divine Beasts are forbidden by Asura who isn't as naive as the Dragon God.

Anyway, you already know that I'm not interested in most of the resources of this world. And consider this method a payment for my future request."

Asura had once asked Ja Sun to do something but never detailed what he would get for his services. This time, it was different.

If he doesn't enter hell, who will?

With a wicked grin, Ja Sun chuckled, "And you already know as long as the demand is worth the price, you've got yourself a deal."



A/N: Anyway, what do you guys think about the lore I came up with? I know it feels a little like an info dump, but if not this, I had planned a more interactive story where Gu Yuena would have delved deeper into the personal history... however, it would have spanned for five chaps which I couldn't promise to be written all well...

Still, if there is any doubt, be sure to comment on them and I will answer.


Shoutout to braydon merx, Edwin Carrillo, lxRushimxl, Bladehaste, and PandaMan!!

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