Chapter 355: A Trip Through Time and Beyond (4)

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 355: A Trip Through Time and Beyond (4)

Ja Sun followed the steps of a spirit beast once the fragment of the drop of golden-black blood was sucked into the real world. It's no longer the same as skipping time as he felt when he washed over on the River of Time. This realm is obviously the planet that contained the Douluo Continent and many things become clear to Ja Sun quickly enough.

'The 'world' I was in was actually a higher realm... I got confused back then and misunderstood. I thought that the world was one but the moment the Supreme Dragon God came into existence, he had his own world and brought in many species and planets under his control. Essentially, humans rebelled against the Dragons with the added sprinkle of forcing the Otherworldly Warlocks out of this existence.

What feels like a realm divided is, in reality, a realm layered.'

Still 'within' the Lightning Panther, Ja Sun begins to feel frustrated. This may as well be his longest dry spell ever. For him, years have gone by. Years. He did not age physically. It could be argued that he did not age mentally either since to age and experience interactions, he needs to actively intercept such situations but until now he has acted as a spectator to the story of this fragment of Gold-Black drop of blood.

'I wonder if Ah Yin already gave birth to our kid...' He wondered for a moment. Now that he has left the river of time, he stands to experience everything in real-time which is dangerous to his mindset. It's after all, easy to lose the sense of one's origins. Spirit Beasts are well and dandy after 100000 years because, to them, their past feels like a dream. That's all.

But what about this core? Would following the memories of this core actually lead him to something useful? It's only a bet at this point. Ja Sun understood well he would need to 'sleep' and wake up every ten or even a hundred years.

Yet the question is should he choose to follow this and risk nothing or pull back and hope to be there on time for Ah Yin's delivery?

He would like the know more about the origin of the evil core formed by a mere fragment of a droplet of the blood of an offspring of the Evil Sage and Supreme God. But he also wants to be in the origin of his own offspring. It's important to him.

Ja Sun was never about power entirely. Else... what's the difference between him and his previous master?

Control of Self in face of ultimate, corruptive strength... that's what he aspired for.

This dilemma is truly a hard one... if Ja Sun didn't go through that trip in the River of Time itself!

'I have traveled the River of Time for many years. I'm almost a master. Instead of fearing if I would find any value in the creation of this core, I need to bet on the fact that I will soon become a master in the aspect of the temporal element. With that, hopefully, I would be able to at least discern the difference in time between my consciousness traveling this memory lane and my real body on that ship.'

Ja Sun decided at once. If becoming a master would not allow him to discern this difference in time, he would call it quits and return. At best, his gain would be becoming a master in the temporal element.

Instead of being anxious, calmly reasoning things did allow him to quickly come to this point and then Ja Sun got to work. If by this time, he does miss out on Yin's delivery then that's that. This memory trip really had been a surprise, after all.

Meanwhile, the Lightning Panther prowls around with his pack and would hunt other beasts. Its strength would increase at a steady pace every day but in reality... a beast's life is boring as hell.

Ja Sun focuses on his situation entirely. From observing the cycle of day and night to trying to feel the river of time flowing through this leopard, he did it all. And consequentially, his own understanding of temporal law grew by a small margin but at a steady pace.


With Ja Sun's skills in the array being second only to the Lady of Lake possibly, it was not an easy feat for Violet and Ja Yin to try and use the array on the ship to hide their presence from Qian Xunji. But their thought process is simple.

That's what matters the most for an array Thought Process. An array is formed to perform a function and the more simple and concrete the idea is, the better.

While dissatisfaction and fear for the unknown brewed within everyone on the deck now that they have tasted the ferociousness of aquatic beasts that Land Beasts simply could not contend against, the Titled Douluos held their own discussions.

"That attack almost got out of hand. We lost tens of spirit sages and two Spirit douluos. Our numbers have dwindled to less than 100... do you think it's a Sentient Beast?"

"Not 'A' Sentient beast," Golden Crocodile explains, "I have explored the sea quite a bit over the years. The majority of the attack comprised of specific beasts that already have an overlord of their own... but their territories once resided in the current Blood Sea. These beasts barely have any proper strength in their schools since Blood God's ascension killed many aquatic beasts and those that remain are probably recently conquered beasts. What we are facing... most likely is a group of enraged spirit 100,000-year-old beasts."

This instantly alarms some Titled Douluos. A single 100,000-year-old beast needs at least two average Titled Douluos to tackle them evenly and a group of such beasts instantly made these few Titled Douluos pale, at least, those who had lower strength at this level.

"What should we do? If they attack us all at once, we may not be able to protect the ship."

"Maybe we should set out and actively tackle these enemies before they find the right moment to lay a trap of some kind. The intelligence of these beasts must not be underestimated."

"How many can we even hope to defeat? The aquatic beasts are different. Beasts of the continent cannot hope to make use of their surroundings as deviously as the ones in the sea and the fact that such a group exists means that there is no shortage of 100,000-year-old beasts here. We cannot be rash!"

"Enough," Golden Crocodile frowns, "The fact that these beasts only sent fodder means that they are finally afraid of humanity's retaliation. Their intelligence will not allow them to rashly incite Blood God's anger. We stay focused on our objective and let the disciples of the Empire deal with the rest...

As you all understand, the beasts on the continent have a mutual understanding with the Blood God and have accepted his divine grace. This means that those beasts are our allies...

But the beasts in the sea are not. Each 100,000-year-old beast means an equivalent spirit bone. And we Titled Douluos rarely collect in such numbers. Once the objective is complete, we shall scout the region and try to fill the gaps in our strength collectively."

Golden Crocodile's words instantly use Qian Xunji's name to lower the pedestal on which the Titled Douluos had placed the beasts and simultaneously motivated them to hunt the beasts with all they had since it meant another level of strength!

After all, even Golden Crocodile did not have a full set of Spirit Bones and the spirit bones that he did have were of far inferior quality when compared to a single bone from a 100,000-year-old spirit beast!


Alternate Title: Beasts Die for Food and Humans for Greed!


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