Due to the help of the previous two times, Duan Muyue only paused, then reached out and took the black box.

The man in black looking up to the front

"Who is your palace lord?"

The man in black was expressionless,

"Don't worry, if the palace master has the heart to kill you, you have already died thousands of times."

Duan Muyue did not speak, holding the pitch-black box in one hand, suddenly shot the box and slammed the box against the wall, a big red flower fell out of the box, and Duan Muyue raised his hand. , Cut hard towards the flower.

Everyone was caught off guard by the scene before them, too late to react.

Until a phoenix weeping blood hairpin pierced the darkness, like a **** collision with that dagger.

With a bang, the dagger broke in two, and the hairpin slammed into the stone behind.

Duan Muyue squinted her eyes and looked in the direction where the hairpin flew.

I saw a woman wearing a pure white shirt with a veil covering most of her face, her brows and eyes curled with a smile, as bright as night.

Seeing her appearance, the people in black immediately clasped fists with both hands religiously

"Palace Master"

The woman waved her hand and motioned to the people in black to withdraw.

"Why is there such a big fire, I just sent something kindly."

Nice ethereal voice, it sounds cooler than the night.

When the words fell, he had already reached Duan Muyue's and pulled out the hairpin that had been inserted into the stone.

As for the flame flowers on the ground, it was just a glance, no longer looking at it.

Duan Muyue and the woman in white looked at each other, a flash of surprise quickly flashed in her cold eyes, but she returned to normal in an instant.

"It's you"

That look and breath made her recognize this mysterious palace lord, Xuan Yunzhi, just by looking at it.

Xuan Yunzhi raised his eyebrows and smiled.

There is a saying that is true or false, the person who knows you most is not your friend, but your enemy.

The red lips covered under the thin veil lifted up, a nice voice

"Don't come unharmed."

The two people looked at each other, it seemed that the mysteries in the bottom of my heart had been solved, and there was no need to ask any more.

However, there is a problem, Duan Muyue is a little curious.

"Why do you want to do this?"

As soon as Xuan Yunzhi appeared, Duan Muyue immediately understood that she had suspended her death.

In order to get rid of everyone's sight.

Since she did this, it means that Xuan Yunzhi had noticed Qin Jingyan's idea of ​​killing her.


Why save him again and again? Not only that, but also sending this flame flower to help him quickly complete the detoxification?

Xuan Yunzhi cast his eyes down and straightened out his pure white sleeves.

"Two months ago, the regent of the Principality of Saint Yan launched an offensive against the prince of the Principality of Longzhong. The Scarlet Soul Army went northward and invincible all the way. It took only one and a half months for the Emperor of the Principality of Longzhong to surrender. This war was fought. It’s amazing and dumbfounded. Ten days ago, the regent went to war against the Xianlan Principality on the charge of Bai Qianqian, the palace lord of the Xianlan Principality’s unruly intentions. Hey, the princess’s unruly intentions

When she said that, she seemed to think it was funny, but she laughed out loud.

Obviously, Bai Qianqian died on the Cliff Mountain two months ago, so why did he have a bad intention? Everyone knows the true or false of this perfunctory charge.

But so what?

Si Yunxie's ambition to unify the other four countries is simply naked.

But who can stop it?

The unification of the five countries is the general trend of the world.

At this time, Duan Muyue's cold voice followed

"Three days ago, the emperor of the Xianlan Principality has issued an edict to surrender."
