Chapter 182: Lord Regent 57 (plus more)

Xuan Yunzhi listened and smiled.

"The three cities closest to the Principality of Saint Yan have been burned into charcoal fires. No one left alive."

A light and fluttering sentence made these tens of thousands of souls become dead souls.

The trick of surrendering and not killing became a joke in the Xianlan Principality.

Xuan Yunzhi half smiled, his eyes were quite sincere

"Your Majesty, I would like to ask you to take care of your body quickly and take charge of the overall situation. You can't make your courtiers mess around like this outside."

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Jingyan vomited another mouthful of blood and fainted.

Xuan Yunzhi listened to the voice of 001 system

"Ding Dong, the system prompts Qin Jingyan's good fortune value to drop again by 11, the current good fortune 52, please continue to work hard for the host."

Duan Muyue supported Qin Jingyan, sweeping Xuan Yunzhi with a cold gaze.

In this cold windy night, it was so lonely and cool.

"He is avenging you with the lives of everyone in the Xianlan Principality."

Duan Muyue was so transparent, she could see through the reason Si Yunxie did so at a glance.

This is anger, so crazy and paranoid.

Xuan Yunzhi half-dangled his eyes and was stunned for a moment.

"Girl Duanmu doesn't blame the young emperor's narrow-mindedness. Don't blame the emperor of the Xianlan Principality for being weak and unscrupulous. Don't blame Si Yunxie for his pungent hands. Instead, she pushed this mistake to my head. Tsk, is it so unfair? "

Duan Muyue watched her for a long while, saying

"If justice comes one day, uphold justice for the people of the world, and restore peace to the people, where will you stand by then?"

Xuan Yunzhi smiled lightly, raised his eyes and looked at Duan Muyue, a smile came from his red lips

"I have only one choice from start to finish, right?"

In fact, both of them understand.

Obviously they are all so similar people.

It is similar to the fact that as long as the person who recognizes and recognizes things, he will always fight his life and will never look back.

Under the moonlight, Xuan Yunzhi walked out of the darkness in white clothes, and hid in the darkness, but when she left, her ethereal voice echoed in this canyon.

"If he is good, I am justice, if he is evil, I am from hell."

This desperateness is what makes them two never become friends.

Duan Muyue bent down and picked up the flame flower on the ground.

His face was still cold, looking at the dark night in the distance, like a pensive, but also like a sigh.

Wait until Xuan Yunzhi and the man in black completely disappear into the dark night.

Duan Muyue looked down at Qin Jingyan who was sick and pale on one side, bent over to lift the person up, and walked to the cave on the side.

It seems that everything is proceeding according to the development in the novel, and it has never changed.

But in this real world, a small move can be enough to trigger a powerful butterfly effect.

In the same way, Duan Muyue looked at Qin Jingyan and saw something missing.

Explore carefully, what is missing?


Because Xuan Yunzhi was behind the scenes, the original medicinal materials that took at least a year to gather in the original novel were obliterated.

Duan Muyue, who also came out of the pile of dead people, had an extremely cold heart. Such a short two months of getting along was not enough for her to fight for the young emperor's life.

It's still short of the last medicinal material, and the thousand-face poison can be solved.

And the home of the last blind medicinal materials.

Duanmuyue thought deeply and looked towards the direction of the Xianlan Principality.

Only there is it possible.

After leaving, Xuan Yunzhi, with a calm face, mounted her horse in three or two steps

"Su Yu"


"Have everyone in Xuan Yu Temple evacuated?"

The man in black was silent for a few seconds,

"Palace Master, the Scarlet Soul Army has closed the city."