Chapter 400: The Prince and the Dragon

If you die, I will also be destroyed. You exist, and the stronger you are, the stronger my ability will be. "

She nodded, which means that from now on, the system and her are completely on the same front.

"Does the host accept the gift package."

"En, accept."

"Ding Dong, acceptance is successful, the system is deeply bound to the host, please wait."

In the plane of experience, the relationship between the system and the host is not equal. If the host fails to complete the task, the host will be obliterated, but the system will not die, of course, it will also pay a heavy price.

And every time the host completes a task, the system will get the corresponding energy it wants, and it will survive like eating.

So that some systems will in order for the host to complete the task, at any cost, no matter how the host feels, it only needs the task to be completed. This is the relationship between the host and the system at the beginning of the binding.

But if the system is completely bound to the host, then they will be both prosperous and damaged, and if the host dies, it perishes. The host has a great psychological and emotional breakdown, and the system will be extremely painful.

The relationship at this time is more like a check and balance.

In order to avoid the system from issuing extreme or even unscrupulous tasks.

What to say?

The host of 001 is really lucky.

Unexpectedly, there was such a thing in the gift pack of this test plane, and 001 did not expect it at all.

Of course, the tasks it previously issued did not do too much. After all, it is an upright system, but it rarely considers the host's feelings. After all, they are of interest, and the host only needs to complete the task.

But from now on, their relationship began to change.

001 doesn't know who the other few of this deep binding are, but in this vast sea of ​​stars, countless systems and hosts, only the lucky one who has obtained this kind of deep binding is counted by one hand.

Now its host has become one of them.

Of course, Xuan Yunzhi would not know this.

After explaining all this, 001 asks aloud

"Host, are you going to the next task now?"


"Ding Dong, the task is being screened. Host, remind you that your current test level is, so you can no longer challenge the simple and normal modes. You can choose between the hard mode and the super hard mode."

"The ancient plane last time, was it difficult mode?"

"Yes the host, it is a star in Hardmode."

Xuan Yunzhi grinned.

"I choose hard mode."

As for the super-difficult mode, she wondered that she had to practice again, after all, there was only one life going in and it would be gone.

"Dingdong, after screening, there are three planes suitable for your choice."

1. Zombies in the last days.

2. Ancient prostitutes.

3. Separation of warlords.

Please choose the host.

Xuan Yunzhi raised his head and looked at it carefully.

After a while, let's be the third one.

Warlord, this kind of thing reminded her of how she felt when she was alone in the Delta.

"Ding Dong, the system is analyzing the plane, please wait."

"001, can I buy another resurrection pill?"

"Host, you can't buy it."


"Resurrection Pill is closed"

"What's the meaning?"

"According to the rules, your current good luck value is too low, you need to complete at least two planes before you can buy it once."

Xuan Yunzhi.

She put her arms around her chest and tilted her head.