Chapter 401: Boss is a girl 1

"If I die from this difficult plane, won't you die with me?"

"Host, you can buy healing pill. It can heal all external wounds. But it cannot detoxify or be used as a life-saving medicine."


"Healing Dan, 2000 Space Coins."


"Ding Dong, the purchase is successful, a healing pill, the current space coin is 500"

She thought about it, and there seemed to be nothing left to ask.


"001, let's start the task."

"Ding Dong, you are entering the task of your chosen plane. Please wait."

Along with the voice of 001, Xuan Yunzhi's eyes went dark, and he lost consciousness.

When she woke up again, she found herself lying in a room.

Just look at the decoration of the room with antique charm and exquisite clock records and so on.

Like the decorations of those wealthy people in the Republic of China.

The sound of walking up and down outside the door is very messy, like being busy with something.

She stretched out her hand and touched her whole body, a little thin, tall, with short hair, and her hair was just too big to cover her ears.

If this hairstyle is in the modern era, there is no problem, but in the Republic of China era, although many ladies who followed the trend had cut their long hair at that time, it was at least as long as covering their cheeks.

Her hair is too short.

This body was too thin, and Xuan Yunzhi felt panicked when he touched it was full of bones.

And this room doesn't look like a female boudoir at all.

Pen, ink, paper, inkstone, clock records, and various curtains, bed quilts and so on in dark colors.

It's more like a man's room.

Just as she was quickly observing her surroundings, there was a tingling pain in her head, and the memory of looking at it flooded with the sound of 001.

"Host, memory of the world, please accept it."

This is a chaotic era, like the Republic of China era after the Qing Dynasty, but it is not.

Because there was no Yuan Shikai and the reforms of the Revolution of 1911, this place was divided by warlords, forming a three-legged situation.

The Yisi family, the Dongfang family, and the Zheng family control this huge land.

Separation of the heroes, social turmoil.

001's voice broke in

"Host, you are willing to understand the background of this era as the background of the Republic of China, but a second different time and space was created due to the different development routes."

Xuan Yunzhi didn't speak, she was just groping for her memory, understanding her body, and the protagonist she was about to tackle.

Her name is Xuanzhi. She has an older brother named Xuanyun.

However, Xuanzhi and Xuanyun are both the same person.

It was just because of practical reasons that she had to exist in front of everyone for a long time as a man. As for Xuanzhi, she was placed in a private house in the name of her frail body and a sickly bed. So few people have seen Xuanzhi. People who have met said that Xuanzhi and Xuanyun are twins at first sight, and they look alike.

Let's talk about her family again.

Yan Gang belongs to her father.

Her father's name is Xuan Dayan.

He started as a bandit and became a local snake in the city.

Under the circumstances where the public security environment is extremely poor, she said unceremoniously, Shi, her father has the final say.

Although she is a daughter, her father still loves her very much. After all, this is the child.

But it is always unrealistic for a girl to surrender to the big masters of the Yan Gang, so much so that when she was born.