Chapter 522: Online games, BOSS don’t be sick 10

Playing cards: Among the great gods in our battle for hegemony, which one is not popular among fans? But the great **** Baiye is the one standing at the top of the pyramid among the great gods. He looks like the second one and no one dares to talk about the first. In the hegemony game, he walks sideways. Fans only dared to hide in one corner and watch it secretly. Thief.

One person mentioned Bai Ye, and a large group of people complained, love and hate.

When Xuan Yunzhi saw the three words Hongyegu, he closed the World Forum.

Quickly ran to the Red Leaf Valley.

She only has one idea, you just stay there for me, don't run away again.

She couldn't find him anymore, her two legs were really going to be broken.

When she reached the boundary of Red Leaf Valley.

The red leaves all over the mountains and plains are in full bloom.

Maybe you don't think there is anything when you look at a red leaf tree.

You will feel amazing and shocked when the red leaves that can't see the end appear in front of you in the mountains and plains.

However, Xuan Yunzhi didn't have the time to appreciate it now. Her gaze kept scanning around for searching, and from time to time she opened the World Forum to see their discussions to confirm whether Bai Ye was here.

Finally, when he was about to walk to the center of the Red Leaf Valley, he saw a man lying under a huge red leaf tree, half-squinting his eyes like asleep.

She walked over and saw the face that hadn't changed much even in the game.

Probably even this game that claims to be the most optimized face design can no longer design a face that is more stunning than Si Yunxie's own face.

He was dressed in a red dress and fell under the tree, as if he had merged with the valley of red leaves over the mountains and plains.

She walked over, slowed down, and slowed her breathing.

Seeing that he did not wake up, she leaned on another red-leaf tree, sat down, and rested.

But it didn't take long for her to feel a cold and gloomy glance over her.

She suddenly looked up.

Confronted with Si Yunxie.

After she froze for a while, her eyebrows and eyes curled up with a sudden smile


Si Yunxie didn't expect that there was an extra person beside him just squinting his eyes, but he didn't even notice it.

Seeing the harmless look of her smiling, her thin, pursed lips slowly conjured up.

The long and narrow eyes were filled with the deep blackness of the gloomy bird.

"Who are you calling?"

The voice is a bit hoarse, but it still sounds good as always.

She dangled her legs and smiled brighter and brighter

"You, Great God Baiye."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Si Yunxie's eyes drooping, her black eyelashes trembled, and she said nothing.

Maybe he is in a good mood today, maybe he doesn't bother to care about her anymore.

No hands, no words.

On the contrary, his appearance is called Xuan Yunzhi's smack.

Lie on the ground with your hands supporting your cheeks

"Abai fight with me. If I win, let me give you a hug."

She looked cheerfully smiling.

Si Yunxie raised his eyelids, carelessly

"Oh? What if you lose?"

She lay down on the ground, lazily

"It's at your disposal."

Cruelty was originally one of his occasional interests.

Someone took the initiative to deliver it today.

I can't justify it if I don't do it.

This is a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere.

However, a sudden change occurred in the next second. With a bang, bang, the place where Xuan Yunzhi lay just now, as well as the land and the big tree behind her were cut away.