Chapter 523: Online games, BOSS don’t be sick 11

Fortunately, she ran fast, otherwise she would have returned to the graveyard again and died.

She stood ten meters away.

Licking the corners of his lips, to be honest, it is always easy to get excited when fighting Si Yunxie. It is the kind of person who meets a strong person and really wants to kill him.

She was still innocent of humans and animals, her body relaxed, bent over, and made a weird but comfortable posture.

"Abai, I am a rookie and have no skills. So let's fight hand-to-hand."

She was not embarrassed at all.

It is estimated that those who come to fight with Si Yunxie will rarely ask Si Yunxie to give up the most advantageous attack method to fight hand-to-hand, right?

Of course Si Yunxie could see that she was a newcomer.

He raised his brows, said nothing, and automatically unloaded his skills and defense equipment.

The moment he unloaded his equipment, Xuan Yunzhi rushed over in three steps and two steps.

Her moves are fluent, deadly and extremely fierce.

Our Comrade Xuan Yunzhi did not intend to release water because the person opposite was her sweetheart.

Si Yunxie felt her attack power, his eyelids moved, and he began to earnestly.

The boredom of the person who broke into him suddenly disappeared.

After all, it's not like those idiots, the soul that is destroyed at the start of the hand is returned to the Burial Soul Post.

The more he hit, the bigger the smile of Si Yunxie's cracked lips.

Twenty minutes later.

Xuan Yunzhi sweated profusely, leaning on the wall and panting.

She held the rib around her waist with the other hand and broke one.

In fact, except for this rib, her cheek was beaten and her nose was bruised and swollen, and her calf was numb.

The person opposite, still smiling, didn't have the slightest injury on his face, and he didn't seem to have suffered any injuries while standing there.

But two ribs broke, and a blow in the chest, so that every breath that I breathe now hurts very much.

But even so, Si Yunxie didn't mean to give up. On the contrary, he was excited, and the madness and hostility in his eyes grew stronger and stronger.


He muttered to himself, his thin lips smile full of shock.

Xuan Yunzhi actually looked at his crazy look, and his excitement was reduced.



The physical pain is second, mainly because I am really tired.

She was sweating profusely.

The setting of a character has strengths and weaknesses.

The character she set is an assassin, with strong acuity and aggressiveness, but very poor endurance.

And Si Yunxie's character is set as a warrior.

Although his acuity is not as good as hers, he is patient and aggressive, and the farther back he goes, the greater his advantage.

If the two characters agree and Xuan Yunzhi hasn't killed him since the first play, she has already lost.

Because if this comparison continues, she must be the loser.

Si Yunxie walked step by step, there was no sweat on his body, as if he was just warming up just now.

Very lazy and arrogant and extremely glamorous posture.

With a sudden bang, his eyes quickly moved to the right and his body avoided, but the attack speed was too fast, and he broke his arm with a bang.

Blood sprayed all over the place.

Xuan Yunzhi was stunned.

Listening to arrogant laughter

"Hahahaha, Baiye, you also have today! I thought it was a great character, but it seems like that."

Xuan Yunzhi's face suddenly became gloomy, and Si Yunxie would of course not be injured.