Chapter 544: Online games, BOSS don’t be sick 32

What does this mean?

This means that his nephew began to want to get to know a person, and finally is no longer in that completely closed state.

How can this not make him happy?

At the entrance of the hospital, Xuan Yunling, who had already walked out, squinted, carefully recalling what she had just heard.

Si Ji's nephew?

Xuan Yunzhi has something to do with Si Ji's nephew?

Who is his nephew?

She didn't expect Xuan Yunzhi's vigilance would be so strong and careless.

But this also proves that this matter is very important.

His nephew, Si's family.

It seems that if you want to completely disintegrate her cousin, you have to attack Si Ji.

When thinking like this, Xuan Yunling showed a hostile smile.

People in this era are really interesting.

Oh, no, it's true innocence.

She can feel it, Si Ji likes her.

She is also not disgusted, if you have **** with him, it is not a loss.

This is a good use point, isn't it?

Thinking about this, she walked along the streets of the hospital, disappearing completely into the corner step by step.

Besides, in the consultation room, Si Ji and Xuan Yunzhi are discussing.

When Si Ji was very cooperative and cooperated with her without any objections, she naturally had nothing else to say.

Xuan Yunzhi nodded.

"Okay, thank you Dr. Ji."

After speaking, she did not get up and leave, but looked at Si Ji.

Si Ji was stunned by the urgent stare in her eyes.

Looking down at myself carefully,

"Is there something wrong with me?"

Xuan Yunzhi smiled and shook his head.

"My cousin likes you, what's Mr. Ji's impression of my cousin?"

Si Ji's hand holding the pen froze, thinking of Xuan Yunling's smile on his face a bit bigger.

"She is funny."

Xuan Yunzhi nodded to express understanding, then stood up and straightened the chair

"Doctor Ji, if you can come with my cousin, I will support it."

When she was speaking, she smiled and paused, then her eyes floated to the food box on the window sill, which was very meaningful.

"However, work is work and life is life, and should not be confused. I ask Dr. Ji not to tell anyone about me and Si Yunxie, including my cousin."

Si Ji nodded

"Of course, I still have this professionalism."

After Xuan Yunzhi's confession, she had nothing to say. She said goodbye to Si Ji and then turned and left.

The smile on her face faded as soon as she walked out of the room.

The clean and white corridor reverberates with the smell of disinfectant.

She lowered her eyes, and walked to the elevator entrance step by step, not knowing what she was thinking in her head.

In the cold voice of 001, there are uncontrollable doubts

"Host, why do you support the love of two heavenly darlings? You have to know that this will make Si Ji become Xuan Yunling's best helper, and the difficulty of your strategy will also increase."

Xuan Yunzhi doesn't care

"I said I won't fall in love if I don't support them?"

"Uh, according to the data learned by 001, it shouldn't."

When Si Ji and Xuan Yunling met for the first time, Xuan Yunling slapped Si Ji in the face. He didn't have a trace of anger. On the contrary, he was surprised, even funny.

Xuan Yunzhi knew that this matter was no longer something she could stop.

She replied faintly.

"Since it can't be stopped, let it be."

But it doesn't matter, what if you like it?

As long as Si Ji hadn't devoted herself to Xuan Yunling's bottomless love, then she wouldn't worry too much.

The liking at this time comes quickly, but it also degenerates quickly.