Chapter 545: Online games, BOSS don’t be sick 33

In the hegemony game.

Because Xuan Yunzhi quit her job in the hospital, she has a lot of time.

She was first on the number of "Hegemony Maintenance Personnel".

Accepted the task sent by the headquarters to destroy a b.

After dealing with these things, she changed back to the little red caviar

Now her level is a little bit worse, but she has the top equipment in her body.

People will look twice wherever they go, and it is simply a treasure trove of movement.

She went online early that day, and Si Yunxie hadn't come yet.

Having nothing to do, he rode to the foot of Huoyan Mountain and planned to dig volcanic ginseng.

She is now two levels short of her full level.

Fighting against people of full level, although most of the time you win by relying on fluent moves, there are still high levels that suppress low levels.

She is still at a disadvantage.

For example, with her current level, holding top equipment, hitting one full level is no problem, but hitting three full levels will be very difficult and it is very likely to be destroyed.

But if she fights with three full-level people with a full-level status, she can easily win it.

Her technical moves appeared in the form of crushing from the beginning.

Otherwise, how could they be recruited into the maintenance department to fight against those b-bs?

If she finds two more volcanic ginsengs to eat, then she will be able to upgrade to another level.

Volcanic ginseng can only be found under the volcano.

Although it's not a top-level rarity, it still depends on character luck to find it.

Start digging under the volcano with a small shovel.

Dig for a while, then change to another place to continue digging.

Seven or eight places were changed, but nothing was dug.

001's voice suddenly appeared

"Host, under your current feet, dig down for a meter and a half, and you will find what you want."

Xuan Yunzhi's eyes lit up, looked at his feet, and moved away.

Then he took the shovel and started digging. When it reached one and a half meters and a half, the volcanic ginseng appeared in her sight all red.

She took it in her hand and looked at it carefully

"001, not bad."

With a smiling compliment, 001 was silent for a while, then suddenly said again

"Host, ten meters to your left, dig down half a meter, and there will be something you want."

She walked ten meters to the left and pointed


"Yes, host."

Xuan Yunzhi squatted down and started digging. A few minutes later, another volcanic ginseng appeared.

"Your northwest direction, fifty meters, also dig down half a meter."

001 said immediately.

Another volcanic ginseng.

"Move back thirty meters and dig down one meter."

There is one.

For an hour, the basket she was holding was full of volcanic ginseng.

The joy on her face could not be hidden.

001 The cold voice sounded

"Host, is 001 great?"


It seems that such an evaluation makes 001 very happy, just listen to it.

"Host, all the volcanic ginseng under this volcano has been dug up by you."

Xuan Yunzhi sat on the ground and took out a single volcanic ginseng from the basket.

Count carefully, twenty-three lessons.

This volcano, covering thousands of hectares, has only 23 volcanic ginseng, and it really can only be found by luck.

But what makes her a little curious is

"001, how would you know?"

"Host, 001 is a system, in a way, it is the most advanced technology product. When you come to a world, I will transmit and manage all the things in this plane world as data, no matter what you want I can find anything for you. A world in a game, let alone a story."