Chapter 632: Rebirth Daughter 10

"It just happened."

He replied faintly, not caring much.

What should be shown off and what should be performed are all over, and the banquet seems to be coming to an end.

After a cup of tea, when Xuan Yunzhi looked up again, she found that Shangguan Qingxue had left her position.

Xuan Yunzhi was stunned for a moment, his eyes narrowed.

According to Shangguan Qingxue's temperament, she is now defensive and angry with vengeance, and she will never go out for a leisurely stroll to see the scenery.

Therefore, it is very likely that something is about to happen.

Xuan Yunzhi stood up,

"I'll go for a walk, Zhu Tao will come with me."

"Yes, miss."

Walking out of the banquet some distance, she turned her head to ask

"Zhutao, can you tell where this Prince's Mansion is quiet and remote? I want to sit down."

Zhu Tao is very dedicated,

"Miss, Zhutao once brought things to the prince for the lord, and I know a little bit about here. You turn in from the right and you can see a rockery and a fish pond. It's relatively remote. Why don't you go and sit there? ?"


The master and servant walked in one after another.

As I go in, the surroundings are dark due to the bushes, and I can only see a clear outline faintly.

Then, when I was about to cross this trail, I heard a sound from inside

"It's just playing a piece of music, and the three princes won't decide the mistress of the future palace just because of a piece of music."

The voice is familiar.

It was Liu Ying who was the first to take the stage by herself, the woman who was likened to a voice like a oriole.

But her voice now is not a sweet oriole, the voice of jealousy can be heard from far away.

Xuan Yunzhi glanced sideways at Zhutao.

"From now on, cover your mouth. Regardless of what you see or hear, take care of your mouth and don't make any noise."

Zhu Tao was taken aback by the serious tone of the eldest lady.

Nodded quickly, then covered his mouth.

Xuan Yunzhi took a few steps forward, and happened to be able to see the silhouettes of two people standing by the pool under the moonlight.

Immediately afterwards, I heard Shangguan Qingxue's calm voice sounded

"The third prince will never choose a person who doesn't even remember the name to be the future princess."

Liu Yingqi's face is green

"You! What do you mean?!"

Shangguan Qingxue's voice is quiet and can't hear her anger

"What do you mean by me?"

Liu Ying seemed to be blocked by Shangguan Qingxue and couldn't refute a word, so that she lost her reason in anger and started directly.

"you wanna die!"

As soon as the voice fell, his wrist was grabbed, and with a snap, Shangguan Qingxue drew back, followed her feet and stumbled, and with a clever effort, she pushed the person directly into the pond.

Liu Ying exclaimed.


"Help! Help!!"

She doesn't know how to swim, struggles constantly in the water, and yells hysterically.

Shangguan Qingxue stood in front of the pond and watched coldly.

Seeing Liu Ying sinking gradually, the shouting voice became quieter.

Shangguan Qingxue's voice with hatred

"I want you to taste this feeling of isolation and frustration."

He just turned around and left from another trail.

Xuan Yunzhi watched that scene.

Shangguan Qingxue was not trying to teach Liu Ying, but to kill her.

Her eyes were indifferent, and the bamboo peach on the side was so frightened by this scene that she clenched her sleeves tightly for fear of making a noise.