Chapter 633: Rebirth Daughter 11

"Go find someone to save someone."

Xuan Yunzhi finally spoke.

Bamboo peach hurriedly responded and hurried to find someone


In the end, it was a human life. Zhu Tao has been following Xuan Yunzhi and has never seen anything sinister, so even though he was terrified when encountering such a thing, the first reaction was to save the person.

When the bamboo peach leaves, Xuan Yunzhi hides in the bushes.

Grabbing a leaf and gently crushing it, in a daze.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming from the pond. It turned out that there were still people there just now.

The person who came did not seem to see the figure struggling in the pond at all, walked to the place where Xuan Yunzhi had just stopped, and stopped.

In the moonlight, she was standing in the shadow of the bushes, which was hard to be spotted. Looking at the gilt black boots standing around the corner, she paused with the hand of the leaf.

In this silence, a well-knotted hand suddenly stretched out from the bushes on the corner, grabbed Xuan Yunzhi's arm, crashed, and directly pulled the person out abruptly.

The two looked at each other, Xuan Yunzhi stood there in embarrassment, with green leaves on his white clothes.

Under the moonlight, the black brocade dress was embroidered with dark red complex patterns, Si Yunxie's thin lips curled up with a smile, and his eyes were deep.

Xuan Yunzhi looked at him as if she was deliberately trying to look at her frightened appearance.

She didn't struggle because she knew the person outside the bush was her.

But it seems.

She quickly took the Phoenix **** hairpin from the top of her head with her left hand, lifted her foot, and kicked him on the door.

Si Yunxie hid behind her, she had already bullied herself up, and the **** Phoenix hairpin reached Si Yunxie's neck.

There was no fluctuation in his eyes, and the corners of his lips were just a small smile, as if he was not surprised at her reaching out.

Instead, he wanted to hit her harder and abuse her.

His body froze, and he twisted one hundred and eighty degrees at an incredible angle, and was stunned to contain Xuan Yunzhi's neck. The harshness of his hand was to kill her here. .

Xuan Yunzhi shifted the hairpin to his left and right, and raised his elbow to resist.

The hairpin hangs down with his left hand and has already shot, stabbing him in the abdomen.

The two played against each other without showing any affection.


The two ran into each other again, Si Yunxie sneered, his voice lazily.


Xuan Yunzhi stared at him,

"The prince is polite."

As soon as the two of them had finished speaking, they listened to the hurried footsteps outside and the sound of bamboo trees.

"Quick, people are here!"

Someone lit a torch and carried a lantern to search for people by the pond.

The two of them were hard to be found in the thicker bushes because of the fight.

When Liu Ying was rescued, her lips were already bruised, and her breath was left.

But fortunately, listening to her coughed a mouthful of water, she fell to the ground and breathed, everyone also breathed a sigh of relief.

Liu Ying was taken away, and he could still hear his father's angrily wanting to investigate the matter thoroughly.

Gradually everyone left, and the brightness of the scene illuminated by the torch returned to the darkness of the past.

The two seemed to be tacitly aware, and no one said a word during the brief incense stick time.

But Xuan Yunzhi couldn't hold on trembling against the elbow of his attack.

She moved quickly and kicked out.

The two were separated by a few meters.

Si Yunxie is lazy, his eyes are deep and there is no fluctuation, his throat rolls up and down, his voice is faint