Chapter 182: Whitefall XXXVII

Name:RE: Monarch Author:
Chapter 182: Whitefall XXXVII

Dont touch nothing lasted as long as it took for Jion to open the doors to find the cell pit empty.

Hes gone.

I stood at the edge of the fetid cavity, my nerves grinding as Jion and Alten scoured the ten-foot hollow they were using to keep the shaman in isolation. Sera stared down, visibly disquieted. We just have holes to keep people in?

Looks that way, I said, inspecting the door frame for anything out of the ordinary. The door itself was locked from the outside, with little in the way of ingress in or out. The pit was deep with slick, refuse-covered walls. But there was still a chance of a trail.

But why? Sera said. She was pulled into herself, disturbed by both the revelation that the shaman was gone and the conditions he was kept in.

I thought of the infernals black rooms. Its a form of coercion. Less sticky than the usual dungeon fare, but Im guessing the king didnt want to take the risk of our guest having a heart attack. Shove them somewhere isolated, preferably where they cant hear or see anything beyond their own immediate surroundings. With the lack of stimulus, they start to see and hear things that arent there.

Its sounding like your time away wasnt all fun and games, Sera said, peering at me curiously.

Good guess. I looked down at Alten and Jion. Any scratches or small footprints? Could be small. Even rodent sized.

No signs of an animal, if thats what youre asking, Alten called up to me, crouching over a clearly defined imprint in the mud, tracing the outer line with a finger. Looks like he spent most of his time here leaned up against this wall. Trail of footsteps coming to and from this spot. Nothing on the walls to imply he climbed out, or even tried to. He just paced. Back and forth, and back again.

Why rodent sized? Sera asked, nervously.

I closed the door and went down on my hands, looking for a gap. It was flush with the ground, the door itself thick oak. There was no flex when I leaned against it. Stumped, I stepped back and turned to my sister. The drephin can change forms. Ive only seen them turn into wolves, so I dont know for certain, but its not outside the realm of possibility that he ditched his manacles somehow and changed into something small enough to escape.

What about an insect? Alten called up from the pit.

I considered that, eyeing the bottom of the door. While it was flush to the ground, the wood at the bottom was rough, with several grooves no larger than a sliver. If he changed into something that small, yes. That could do it. But where are the manacles? He couldnt have taken them with him.

Even if hed slipped them, we would have known about it. Jion shook his head. As soon as the connection is broken, the bindings make a racket. Ear piercing. No one in the dungeons would have missed it.

Which meant he left with the manacles intact.

Something smells septic. Sera wrinkled her nose.

Well, I doubt they were bathing him. For that matter, do you see a bucket down here, princess? Alten stood from his crouch, wiping at his brow with a forearm.

Shut up, dog. Seras mouth tightened as she flipped Alten a crude gesture. But I considered her statement. Sera was half-elf. Along with a higher than human capability for magic, elevated senses came with the territory. And her wording was very specific. Not awful. Not even like shit.


Septic how? I asked her.

She rolled her eyes. Dont be condescending.

Im serious. My sense of smell has been more or less ruined ever since I waded through a wyvern cove in the sanctum. I gestured toward Alten and Jion. And both of them are knee deep in the actual shit, so its probably overpowering everything else. If theres anything off about the scent, youre probably the only one present capable of picking out the difference.

Finally seeming to accept that I wasnt patronizing her, Sera closed her eyes and her nostrils flared as she took a long breath. Again, she wrinkled her nose. Gods. Itsits like the difference between Whitefall and Topside. More aged. Spoiled food, almost.

What sort of food? I pressed, focusing on nothing but her, the wheels of my mind already turning.

Sera opened her eyes with a grimace. A little like rotten eggs. Its familiar, but I cant place it.

My thoughts picked up speed. Similar to when the wind kicks up from the south in the summer months?

My sisters mouth dropped open. Exactly. Cairn, it smells like

The sewers.

But before she could finish, there was a ruckus from outside. The heavy march of soldiers in plate carried down the hall. Their steps were uniform, orderly. The Kings Honor Guard.

My father had arrived, my priority to suspect him growing more urgent with every marching boot.

Listen to me, I said, taking her by the shoulders, checking over my shoulder to make sure Jion wasnt listening too closely. Ive been here before. Many times. You discover a key piece of information and its tempting to shout it from the rooftops. But theres too much we still dont know.

Seras excitement faded in an instant, her enthusiasm replaced with suspicion. Conveniently positioning you to take credit later.

Dammit, Sera.

In desperation, my thoughts trended in several directions I wasnt proud of. Revealing my knowledge of her heritage was almost guaranteed to silence her, but shed hate me for it. There were a few other less nasty, but equally manipulative methods I could try. Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

With seconds to spare, I chose neither. If youre right, what happens after you tell him?

Seras lip curled. He sees that his precious heir is not the only offspring capable of upholding his legacy.

I shook my head. Think further. At most, you get a flicker of recognition. An acknowledgement that will last as long as it takes for the king to spin the crucial piece of information you uncovered into a victory for himself.

What are you offering? Sera asked, with an undercurrent of derision.

A way to prove yourself as more than just a good nose.

Which is? Sera asked.

I thought furiously until it came to me. The perfect carrot. My squandered opportunity to take control of a section of my fathers army in my previous life had been a constant source of friction between me and Sera. Shed constantly given me shit for it, banging that particular drum for far too long to be simple pettiness. In retrospect, her bitterness on the topic made sense. I wasnt a fighter then, not even close, while she was an iron-trained battle-mage who would, at most, be given a small auxiliary unit. It was a slight by any reasonable measure. Which made the carrot I was imagining something she would not only want, but would bend over backward for.

I was still leaning dangerously on an unconfirmed theory, drawn almost entirely from the stench of rotten eggs. But it was all I had.

The sewers are massive, I said, laying the trap almost nonchalantly. It would take us months to scour them on our own. Ill need to mobilize my regiment.

And youll what? Sera leaned in, her mouth pulled downward in anger. Let me fight with them? Your half-breeds and castaways and

I-I-I-I came out of curiosity. Wanted to spend some time with my brother, after his time away, Sera said.

I winced. To any other father, it would have been perfectly valid. But not ours.

King Gil advanced on her. Tell me another lie and Ill find an empty cell to lock you in. He is in the midst of doing great thingssomething you know nothing about. This period of his life will define his rule. If I discover this hovering is part of some childish plot to undermine him

Seras eyes welled with tears, and she retreated until her back pressed up against the stone wall.

My father continued undeterred. then you will be stripped of your title and cast aside. If I hear a single whisper that youve been a hindrance

She hasnt, I interjected. The smart thing would have been for me to hold my tongue, stay silent. Comfort Sera after, much as I had before. But I couldnt bring myself to do it.

My fathers head whipped around. He stared at me in distaste. By all means, explain to me how your sister has served as anything other than a distraction.

I blended truth and deceit, answering quickly. If Sera hadnt brought word of the disappearances to me, we wouldnt be standing here. Depending on how liberally the inquisitors interpreted your orders, it could have been days before we knew the shaman was missing. And while the infernals trained me well in technical spellcraft, Ive had very little instruction in the rawer methods practiced among my own kind. Sera is exceptional in that regard, even amongst the elites of the Crimson Brand, and when she offered an exchange of knowledge, I accepted wholeheartedly.

The king looked between the two of us, and I could almost see his mind shift gears as he acclimated to the idea. He glared at Sera dangerously. Stay at his side then, since he seems to have accomplished the impossible task of finding a use for you. However. If there is an accident in your favor

There wont be. Sera looked away.

Is there anything else youd like to tell me? King Gil asked, leaning close enough that Sera began to sweat.

Seras eyes flicked to me, then back to him. No, father. My intentions are to serve the kingdom. I swear it on my mothers soul.

Something unspoken passed between them.

Finally, King Gil relented. He turned from us without so much as a word and approached a member of his honor guard, hefting a polearm. Weapon.

The guard didnt hesitate to take a knee and pass it to him. Gil snatched it from his grasp one-handed and stalked into the cell. Altenwho must have ascended from the pit and was listening at the doorwayslipped out behind him, looking back over his shoulder. Not looking great for the Terragorian, he muttered.

As Id half-expected, the revelation that there was a greater plot didnt stay the kings wrath. It didnt matter that there were outside forces at play, because that was something he expected to be accounted for.

King Gil recited the words with the emotion of a stone. For your lapse in service to the Kingdom of Silodan in failing to contain a conspirator of regicide, your life is forfeit. The men under your direct command, all who bore the responsibility of containing the conspirator, will be questioned with the same methods you employed. Do you have anything to say that might ease their suffering?

It wasnt me, Jion said, the refusal half-hearted. For all his cruelty, hed spent much of his life witnessing the darkest Silodan offered. He knew exactly how this would end.

Do you have any last words or rites?

Jion stared up at the king with the tired gaze of a man lost in the wilderness. I

My father threw the spear, piercing Jion through the gut and pinning him to the filth covered ground. The man slid down the spear, face twisted into a rictus of pain.

King Gil exited the cell, a look of disgust on his face. Wall him up. Let his screams be a reminder of the fate of those who fail the crown.

Several of the dungeon staff wheeled out a cart of brick and began piling them in front of the door.

I watched, impassive, as they walled up the cell mechanically, the window separating us growing smaller by the second. The cold part of me whispered that he deserved itnot for failing the crown, but for the many, many lives hed maimed, tormented, and destroyed.

But the truth was, no one deserved this.

I sent a tiny violet sparkalmost too small to seedown the tail of my tabard and trousers, across the doorway and over the edge of the pit until it finally came to rest beside Jion. Once the bricks were laid and we were some distance away, Id feed mana into it and the spark would flare into an impossibly hot fire, burning through the air in the room faster than the small gap theyd leave in the wall could replace it.

Suffocation wasnt a pleasant end. But it was in an entirely different realm from slowly succumbing to a gut wound. And the alternative was the only solace I could offer him.

True change would come eventually, with sweeping reforms, governing laws. Until my father abdicated, I needed to do what I could, when I could.

King Gil and his honor guard lingered as the inquisitors were turned on each other.

We departed in low spirits. Sera had the worst of it, lingering so far behind wed slowed to a snails pace.

Alten glanced back at her, then leaned in to whisper. I understand omitting the sewers. But why not mention the theories?

For him to know that, he must have eavesdropped on both my exchange with Sera before my father had arrived, and the tense argument between the three of us once he had. I squinted at him. Your ears are remarkably good.

Dont flatter.

I looked forward, frowning. The truth was, Id withheld as much as I feasibly could with the goal of staggering the information and bringing the king in later. I was now doubly glad of that, and had since rethought the original strategy, for multiple reasons.

At first? Paranoia. But theres two things that give me pause.

One being how quick he was to kill the guy who probably had the most information? Alten asked quietly.

Thats the first. Tt wasnt entirely out of character. Gil had killed men for less. Much less. But this seemed uncommonly impulsive even for him.

And the second? Alten asked.

I frowned. If the sewer lead is correct, and it is a case of monsters dragging people into drains, theres a huge hole. One that prompts another series of questions I have yet to parse. Best to restrict the flow of information until we understand it better.

What sort of hole?

Youre sure the cell was secure? I double-checked.

When Alten confirmed it was, I shook my head. Then we have a problem. Because the dungeon doesnt have sewer access. Gil was always emphatic about prioritizing the dungeons security over practically everything else. One way in and out with multiple checkpoints. No secondary exits, no large, convenient-to-escape-through pipes.

Meaning whatever took him was probably human. Or at the very least appeared human.

And somehow walked straight out of the damn dungeon with the shaman in tow.