Chapter 210: Fracture XVII

Name:RE: Monarch Author:
Chapter 210: Fracture XVII

We escaped the castle with little issue. I got the sense that there were probably more Blackshields waiting for us before they were pulled away from potential ambush points to help excise the king from his snare. Aetherya bought far more time than Id expected, which gave us breathing room to stop by the armory and equip Sera. She left the armory dressed as one of my fathers honor guards and shopped around until we found a gondola willing to venture to topside.

I took one more look around for unwanted attention before I joined them, taking a seat in the center and peeking through the curtains.

See anyone? Maya asked.

No. Doesnt mean they werent out there. I squinted at a woman who seemed entirely too preoccupied with checking the quality of a produce stands potatoes. If the King tapped Thaddeus for this, better to assume they saw us.

This still seems unhinged. Maya shook her head. To risk open conflict within his own capitol.

Sera and I shared a glance.

While I agree that its not normal, its hardly the first time. Sera shifted uncomfortably.

In a way, its almost like he encourages it. I mused. Hes brought multiple noble houses harboring treasonous intent to their knees in Whitefall. When that undertaking takes a violent turnwhich it often doeshe goes out of his way to see that violence done publicly in the middle of the day.

For all to see. He handles peasant rebellions and uprisings in the same manner. Sera agreed.

Maya steepled her fingers. So a show of power. Or reinforcement of authority. Still, that doesnt entirely make sense in the context. Outcome notwithstanding, when the details of this leaka king and prince at odds regarding the fate of a princessit will paint the very picture of a house divided. The opposite of what he should want.

The words lingered in my mind, even as the carriage driver knocked on the back panel signaling our arrival, and we emerged at the destination. A mix of around thirty regiment soldiers mingled around the square that housed the mission. I spotted Kilvius holding up a wall across the street, searching the faces and evaluating. When his eyes landed on me I nodded, only for him to scowl as Maya stepped out of the carriage behind me. Almost immediately, Kilvius turned and walked away. At the same time, Sevran flagged me down.

Maya put a hand on my arm and whispered. Go. Ill get Kilvius.

Are you sure? I asked. She was being decisive in the moment, but the anxiety of an unplanned reunion was written all over her features.

Least I can do. She didnt sound confident, but a sudden warmth and scrape of teeth against my earlobe stunned me long enough for her to slip away.

Behind me, Sera chortled like a lecherous old man.

Shut up. I muttered.

Come now. Seras eyes twinkled. A lover that can tear you apart, and piece you back together after the fact? Anyone would be jealous.

Slowly, I let out a breath I hadnt realized Id been holding.

Sevran smiled. Go, then. I suspect youll find many willing among the reserve and the remnant of Aetheryas banner.

For a moment Sera looked as if someone had slapped her in the face. Im sorry?

Gather the cornerstones of your Banner, Lieutenant. He looked her up and down in obvious approval. Youd be wasted as anything else.

Sera choked. Thank you, sir. Then turned on her heel and jogged towards the pack of soldiers, scattered around the road. Sevran watched her go, warmth seeping from him like a fire pit quenched in the dead of winter. Before the healer got to her, how bad was it?

I grimaced. It seemed he avoided methods likely to result in permanent injury or scarification, but from what she said he administered the interrogation himself. And he was insistent in his inquiry.

You yourself have been tortured, yes?


I have not, though Ive fought beside and commanded men who were not as lucky. Sevran watched passively, as Sera struck up a conversation with a group of three soldiers in the distance. Do you recall the symptoms that followed your ordeal?


Bouts of sleeplessness. Fear. An emptiness. I swallowed. A constant echo of what happened to me, repeating forever in my minds eye.

Sevran nodded. Trauma has a way of unmaking a person. Altering allegiances, unseating priorities. It is distressing by nature. But once you move past the hurdle of the initial shock, it presents a period of malleability uncommon in life. A period within which one is most capable of change.

Slowly, I realized he wasnt just talking about Sera.

I swallowed. And what would you advise?

Sevran gave me a half-shrug. Treat her with care, meeting any mistakes she might make with grace, all while keeping in mind she will be far more vulnerable in the aftermath, more likely to take any condemnation to heart. Give her time to fill the hollowness, not with your counsel or mine, but with her own. She will only be stronger for it.

I gave him my thanks and stepped away, finding a quiet corner to summon my familiar. Once Id given Vogrin a sample of my blood, he disappeared, slipping into a shadow and moving south, intending to search Topside in a grid-like pattern that would eventually collide with Mari and Zins path, forming something of a net. It wasnt perfect. If wed had time and mana to create the style of golems he suggested using to track down Thoths blood relatives, that would have been far more effective, but sending Vogrin himself was the best alternative that didnt involve me draining my mana to almost nothing before the coming conflict.

A few minutes later, Maya emerged with Kilvius in tow. Their arms were intertwined. Kilvius was even smiling, leaning over to say something to her in his classic fatherly manner. Until he saw me looking and stepped away from her.

Kilvius crossed his arms. So. Care to tell me why youve parked an armed regiment on the doorstep of my clandestine organization?