Chapter 211: Fracture XVIII

Name:RE: Monarch Author:
Chapter 211: Fracture XVIII

It occurred to me later that I should have felt more, forcing Kilviuss hand like this. Some sense of responsibility, or at the very least, guilt. As it was, I felt nothing at all.

Before Thoth drove the dagger home and I meddled with my own soul, the guilt was always there. A primary force comprised exclusively of my own failings, driving me forever forward. I saw it in the faces that haunted my dreams, felt it in the passage of every waking minute that went by without progress or improvement. Only now, it was gone.

Only the frost of numbness remained.

Ill let the two of you talk, Maya said, taking her leave down the cobbled steps. Her strained smile said it all. Whatever theyd discussed behind closed doors had mended some of the damage. But not all.

Well? Kilvius asked.

This is hardly an inquest. Were just talking. I looked up, to where members of my regiment were still knocking on doors, undoubtedly asking after an unnamed noble matching Annettes description. Its the second time theyve been out here, looking for a woman. Given the sheer volume of gossip that circulates these parts, theyve already drawn very different conclusions.

Those with a keen ear likely have no idea what to think at all. Given the most recent events.

My reaction was instantaneous. My fists clenched at my side, and the mountainous air was suddenly in far shorter supply.

Kilvius drew the right conclusions quickly. It was something Id always liked about him during our time in the Enclave, only now, the same trait was working against me. Several tactics I could use to move this conversation in a more cooperative direction popped into my mind unbidden, and I reviewed them, keeping my face neutral.

When Kilvius spoke again, his voice was barely audible over the din of the busy street. I dont know who she was. Or what she meant to you. But from all accounts, she was one of a kind.

And you know this how?

Kilvius grunted, rubbing at the shadow of stubble on his jaw. I take an interest when any of my assetsfriendly or otherwisedo anything out of turn. Such as taking a cohort of armed men to a cemetery and unearthing the dead.


The word hung in my mind, catching at the spokes, eroding focus. I needed to stop him before the distraction worsened.

And has your interest been sated?

Enough to conclude it is not my business. Kilvius studied his pointed nails, rubbing at the quick. What remains is little more than idle curiosity. A question. One that my network and associates are incapable of answering.


My wifethe one you took from metold me something, once. It seemed like nothing at the time, an idle observation in the night with little meaning behind it. His heart remains in Whitefall.

Despite the sheer pain of what he was poking at, I couldnt help but laugh. Thats not like Nethtari at all.

There was a flash of a smile across Kilviuss features before it was gone. What you saw during your time with us was just how she was with the children. A cold pragmatist unamused by whims of fancy and pointless theoreticals. Probably to counter my whimsical and carefree influence. But in private, she did fancy, and she did dream.

I thought back. There were moments of vulnerability where you could see it. Especially when she was drinking.

In time she dreamed of a day when a certain ward became family. For all the good that did her. Kilvius ground a heel into a small mound of impacted snow, clearing it from his doorstep. While I appreciate the opportunity to speak to my daughter again in a non-hostile environment, our time together grows short. Once whatever shit-heap youve brought down on my head is resolved, and the rash of abductions beyond that, I expect you and I will not meet again. Persephone will handle any official business. My role here requires discretion, and you garner too much attention to associate with even in secret.

So you will help me.

Only if you sate my curiosity. Kilvius leaned against the wall, shivering slightly as he contacted the cold surface. The girl. Who was she to you?

There was a time I might have described Lillian and our relationship in such vivid, ponderous detail that anyone who asked would likely regret it. That time was long past.

A lesson.

The Magnates Quarter. A relatively small section of the city for all the wealth it comprised. It was architecturally beautiful, almost on par with the palace itself, and immensely secure. For good reason, as almost every Noble House in a position of power and favor had holdings there.

Not playing fair, father. But thats nothing new.

Slowly, I pieced something together.

For now, you have an advantage. Kilvius observed. But positioning towards the Magnates Quarter will lose that advantage immediately.

I smiled, despite myself. Cant move on the magnates quarter in force anyway. As soon as they see palace soldiers moving en masse, every Noble House will be up in arms. Clever, father. But not perfect. I need a target to hit in Topside. Something valuable to House Westmore, but isolated enough that it wont cause a massive stir.

A false target. And I know just the one. But why?


Vogrin appeared beside Kilvius, mouth pursed in a snarl. Are you certain you and your sister share the same blood?

Lord below, Kilvius breathed, jolting at the sudden appearance.

Yes. I confirmed.

Then I do not know what conclusions to draw. Vogrin ranted. It is a distinctive scent, one I would not miss, that carries a subtle stench of the divine.

You gave a demon your blood. Kilvius observed dryly.

They already have a hold on my soul, I dont think blood is going to suddenly give them an edge. I looked to Vogrin. But stench of the divine? Thats news to me.

My demon groaned. Dont get full of yourself. It is not uncommon for royal families to have some degree of divine meddling. Typically, too many generations up their family tree to make a difference. The gods are nothing if not amorous. But it is more rank and ergo more distinguishing than I am accustomed to. I would notice if I crossed her trail. And yet, nothing.

You cant have searched all of Topside yet. Kilvius said skeptically.

Enough that I should have smelled something!

I waved a hand. Relax, youre not here for that.

Vogrins eyebrows shot upward and his tone turned sarcastic. Oh! Have we simply moved on in my absence?

There were a lot of factors in play. I needed to be careful with how I approached this. The legion made several mistakes in the early days of our pact, and to their credit, they had recognized those mistakes, and extended several courtesies to me to compensate. Offering Vogrin as a summon and use of the artifact Id traded them chief among them.

Despite that, there was a sense that our standing as of late was approaching equal, and that they had repaid their debt in full. I wanted something from them. But I wanted it in a way that would widen that gap, rather than close it.

Did I miss something? What is going on? Why is he smiling like that? Vogrin asked Kilvius.

Kilvius shook his head. From experience, you may want to stop floating before you fall down.

Vogrin. I said carefully. How would you like to tally a favor with your boss? One hell find particularly delightful.

Almost immediately, Kilvius paled. No.

Vogrin was silent for a long moment. By boss, youre referring to

Who else?