Chapter 212: Fracture XIX

Name:RE: Monarch Author:
Chapter 212: Fracture XIX

The abandoned house Kilvius selected for the meeting put us deeper in Topside, farther from my fathers reach. Yet the interior still felt cramped. Kilvius himself as well as a handful of others waited in the adjacent room, while me and Maya sat on one side of the table.

Some of the discomfort I was feeling was from the cramped space. Most of it was directly sourced from the being sitting across from us.

Alongside Vogrin, Ozra, the Archfiend of the Asmodials was within arms reach. In human form, he appeared as a grizzled middle-aged man, his muscled frame giving the impression of a well-kempt craftsman or retired soldier. His long dark hair was tied back in a ponytail, and in an odd reflection of the fateful day we struck our pact, his dark eyes were transfixed on the memory orb in his hands.

I should be angry with you, for bothering me with this. He said, continuing to focus on the sphere as he rotated it in his hands.

Perhaps. I agreed.

Other Arch-Fiends would consider this so far below them that it would be perfectly acceptable to slaughter you on the spot for even proposing it.

There was a reactive clink of metal as every other person in the room tensed at the explicit threat, while I forced myself to remain relax and unbothered.

They might.

Typically, I would not so much as entertain the idea. I am of course a being of great import.

You certainly are.

The hells are rather dull as of late. They attack us, we win. We counterattack, they stalemate. Everyone licks their wounds and bides their time, separating to various corners while whatever boorish spawn develops to create the next generation, waiting to fight over the same territory, over and over. Ozra rubbed his face, then looked over to Vogrin suspiciously. Did you tell him I was bored?

No, your eminence. Vogrin lied.

The answer should be no. Ozra frowned in consternation, as if surprised at himself. Yet I have not visited the human cities in over a thousand years. Triple that, by invitation. And perhaps I am in need of a change of scenery at the very least. However. His tone dropped, and an air of danger enshrouded the room. This role youve chosen for me

I braced myself, praying Vogrin wasnt off the mark and I hadnt miscalculated.

It is delectable. Ozra finished, as he rubbed at his shoulders and shivered in glee. Delightful. Dare I say, even a little diabolical. Not since my youth have I had the pleasure of toying with a king. And this king? He caressed the orb with his thumb. Oh, what fun well have.

When it sunk in, what I was about to unleash on my father, there was a degree of guilt. But when I reminded myself what hed done to Sera, and the sheer terror that had to be coursing through Annette at this very moment, that guilt magically went away.

Im glad you like it.

Do not misunderstand. I am not some simpleton for you to manipulate. Ozra suddenly glared at me, hands gripping the table between us, changing tact too quickly for me to keep up. I am aware that you are only resorting to this as a method of leveraging the artifact you traded, an artifact that may I remind you, belongs to us.

Theres truth to that.

Stressful as it was, facing down an arch-fiend, it helped that Id done it before. There was a certain rhythm to negotiating with Ozra. Aggression was counter-productive. He was simply too ancient to be leveraged or bullied. What worked best was more akin to a slow seduction, letting him work out the benefits of an offer before an even bigger reveal. Not unlike the way the demons themselves operated. After all, evil attracts evil.

The first time was free. If I asked to use the scepter again, it would cost me. That much is undeniable. I steepled my fingers and smiled, leaning forward. But theres far more to it than that.

Oh? Ozra matched me, leaning forward. His manner bordered on mocking but it was clear his heart wasnt in it. He wanted to hear what I had to say.

I could do it myself. That was always an option. Im not a terrible actorin fact, I think Im rather skilled.

Passable. Ozra commented. When I raised an eyebrow, he continued. Better than average in terms of commitment, but there are several biological tells you are unlikely to overcome in a mortal lifespan.

The perfect setup. I jumped on it without hesitation, ratcheting up a sense of manic glee I didnt feel. Exactly. If I did it myself, it might throw him off. Perhaps even unsettle him. But the King is a resilient man.

And how much sweeter would it be to shake such a man to his core. Ozra finished.

It only makes sense to turn to the most magnificent liar I know.

Ozra worked his jaw and leaned backward as the chair creaked beneath him. He looked away and smiled. Had you asked for his defeat, or some other overwhelming form of assistance, I would have denied you. But this is far more interesting. He looked up, mentally tallying. Instead, you have given me a chance to see a capitol city again as a guest, meddle in the affairs of kings, and inflict an unspeakable cruelty on a fascinating target. It is a precious gift, and Im tired of pretending its not. He stared me straight in the face. I will not forget it. Now name your terms.

At least, until he didnt.

For the moment, Ozra seemed unbothered. Lets make a wager.


He made a frustrated huff. A non-binding wager with no actionable outcome.

Maya hesitated for a second too long. Im listening.

Ozra rattled off the wager, as if hed planned it from the start. The hellhound arch-fiend is distastefully enamored with me. Bordering on obsessed, really. His voice took on a mocking, bestial overtone. Show me what youve learned over the last century, Ozra. How long before our legions clash in glorious battle, you shadow-addled coward. He shook his fist derisively, voice returning to normal. And on, and on, and on. Irritating enough that Ive acquiesced on multiple occasions, but crushing him seems to only encourage the behavior. Point being, our paths in the hells often cross. It would take little more than a few choice words to draw his attention to a clearly undervalued asset.

That seems unbelievably benevolent. Maya hedged.

Perhaps. But assuming my evaluation is correct? Ozra continued, low voice rumbling. Even if Phaedron rolls over and plays dead in renegotiations, offering you every resource at the Hellhound legions disposal, eventually, you will find them wanting.

And if I do? Maya asked, the question barely more than a whisper.

All I ask is to be considered. Ozra placed the pen down and steepled his fingers. Should you wish to change your allegiance, the Asmodial Legion is prepared to buy out your contract, providing you with the same benefits the Hellhounds did and more.

Including a powerful generational summon? Maya challenged.

Ozras eyebrow twitched, but he nodded. Of course.

To be clear. All youre asking is that I consider the Asmodial Legion as a first choice, if Im looking to cut existing ties?

Simple as that. Ozra shrugged. We both know there is only one legion that can offer what you truly seek. What you desire most. And should you seek to attain it, you need only ask.

Im not there yet. Maya snapped.

But one day soon, you will be. The statement had an air of finality to it, as something unspoken passed between them.

Whatever the truth of the subtext was, the offer was a double-edged sword. A prohibitively dangerous one at that. There were a litany of infernal ballads and dramatic renditions of legends that explored in harrowing, painstaking detail, exactly how badly life went for mortals who had the misfortune of drawing the attention of an arch-fiend. The tragic heroes center stage in these tales tended to be brash and foolhardy, but even those who werent made some key mistake that cost their souls in the end. And if I knew that from my brief time immersed in infernal culture, Maya did too. She was just winding him up, playing along until he signed. After all, shed seen what I traded. What saving the Enclave cost me. There was no way she was considering this seriously.


I accept. Maya said. Shed shifted slightly, and the fire-pit cast a shadow over her face.

Unable to hold it in any longer, I stood. Maya

She held out a hand. Later, Cairn.

Ozra grinned devilishly, withdrew a stack of papers from beneath the table and slid them over to Maya. Very well. I suspect youll be hearing from Phaedron soon, shortly after my return from this much needed vacation.

Immediately Mayas expression grew unreadable. We agreed the wager was non-binding.

You were about to ask for the guarantee in writing, were you not?

Yes. Maya hesitated, looking it over.

Ozra leafed to the end of her contract and signed it, then stood from the table, stretching out his arms Well, this has been fun. Really ought to do this more. My devout are more than competent, but delegating everything is so boorish. He looked at me and grinned. For that matter, I need to get changed. If I get too lost in the weeds and miss the main event, Id never forgive myself.

The King is more clever than he appears. I warned. All it will take is a single misstep, and he will know the truth of it.

Then I will strive for the straight and narrow path. Ozra winked. So. Which of your companions will be joining me, for this doomed mission?