Chapter 36:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 36:

Chapter 36

While Yoo-hyun was lost in thought, Lee Chan Ho, a staff member, asked him with a serious expression.

“Hey, did you meet Go Jae Yoon, the assistant manager?”


“You’ll probably see him soon. Be careful. He’s a total psycho.”

Go Jae Yoon, the assistant manager.

How could he not know him?

He was the decisive reason why Lee Chan Ho quit his job.

He had been hit by a bottle thrown by him at a drinking party.

It had been 20 years, but it was such a shocking incident that it remained vividly in Yoo-hyun’s memory.

He was that much of a psycho.

And he was also someone who deserved to be taught a lesson.

Yoo-hyun was willing to help his allies without asking for anything in return, but he was determined to cut off those who were completely rotten.

That was something he was good at.

“Thank you for your advice.”

“What are you talking about? Anyway, let’s do our best.”


Yoo-hyun smiled lightly.

The first day of work was bound to be hectic.

It was stressful enough to go back to school after a vacation, let alone to go to work.

But Yoo-hyun was different.

He was not like other new employees who had no time to spare because they had to watch their seniors’ reactions, nor was he nervous.

He just felt frustrated for a different reason.

“Why do they have so many useless programs?”

As he followed the guide and installed the programs on his laptop, Yoo-hyun bit his lower lip slightly.

It took more than an hour to uninstall the unnecessary programs.

If there was an error during the installation, he had to repeat this process again.

They claimed that they were security programs or something, but they only changed them after they were hacked.

From Yoo-hyun’s perspective, who had experienced the system 20 years later, these outdated programs were just creating more work.

But he couldn’t change them all either.

“What can I do? I have to adapt to this era.”

Yoo-hyun finally got access to the company’s internet after getting a new internet IP and applying for site permissions.

There wasn’t much he could do even after connecting to the company’s internet network.

He could only send and receive emails?

Of course, he could search for Hanseong Group’s employees through the intranet.

He had already searched for the people he wanted to find during the new employee training period.

But Yoo-hyun entered a name in the search box again, just in case.CHeCk for new stories on no/v/el/bin(.)c0m

-Jung Da Hye

It was a name that didn’t exist now.

Yoo-hyun snorted.

As Yoo-hyun was browsing the internet, he received an email from Park Seung Woo, the deputy manager.

He felt sorry for not being able to take care of him properly and sent him a file.

“These are the projects that our team is working on. Just look at them for now.”

“Yes. I understand.”

Park Seung Woo was not in a position to worry about anyone else, but he was still kind-hearted.

“It’s not always this busy. It’s just that this is an important matter.”

“Thank you.”

“Thank you for what? You probably won’t understand even if you look at it. Just think of it as something that exists.”

When he opened the file, he saw the projects that the team was working on.

He could see at a glance what kind of projects each part was working on.

You won’t understand even if you look at it?

It’s so well organized?

The technical terms and abbreviations used only by Hanseong Electronics LCD division were not a problem at all.

He could unravel the cause and effect of the tangled contents just by looking at the keywords.

His 20 years of experience shone for a moment.

He could easily grasp this level of report just by skimming it.

Part 1 was in charge of supplying panels to global top mobile phone manufacturers in North America and Europe such as Nokia and Motorola.

There were dozens of models coming out every year, so there were also a lot of types of panels to handle.

A large part of the actual sales came from here, but the panels supplied by Hanseong were behind other competitors and ranked fourth.

The biggest problem was that there was no breakthrough to win the competition.

Part 2 handled mobile phone companies in East Asia.

The main company was obviously Hansung Electronics Mobile Division.

But as Hansung Mobile declined, related sales also plummeted.

They were trying various things, but they were not working well.

The last part 3.

Part 3 dealt with products other than mobile phones, such as MP3, PMP, navigation, PDA, etc.

Choi Min Hee, the section chief, was in charge of PMP and navigation, Kim Young Gil, the deputy manager, was in charge of MP3, and Park Seung Woo, the deputy manager, was in charge of PDA.

There were very limited actions that a new employee could do in this situation.

But there was still a way to deal with a psycho here.

If he surrendered poorly, he would only get swept away by the coming storm more severely.

The more he had to do this, the more boldly he had to enter the center of the storm.

‘Three, two, one.’

The timing of Deputy Manager Go Jae Yoon’s explosion and the timing of the man who turned his head as he walked by matched perfectly.

This was his chance!

Yoo-hyun’s eyes flashed and he acted right away.

He bent his waist at 90 degrees without hesitation.

“I’m sorry!”

His loud voice echoed throughout the space.

It was natural that people’s attention was drawn by his sudden action.


Deputy Manager Go Jae Yoon’s face turned blank for a moment.

Yoo-hyun peeked at the hallway and bent his waist again.

“I’m really sorry!”

He didn’t need to explain anything beforehand.

It was enough to gather attention by apologizing as if he had committed a grave sin.

What could Deputy Manager Go Jae Yoon say?

He kept apologizing for his mistake?

Only, Yoo-hyun’s apology was a bit too much.

This alone would be enough to avoid Deputy Manager Go Jae Yoon’s anger.

But Yoo-hyun didn’t intend to end it there.

Then, Director Jo Chan Young, who was passing by the hallway, came closer as if he was curious about what was going on.

“What’s going on here?”

“Oh, nothing, sir.”

The deputy manager who was so aggressive before had no choice but to back down in front of his superior.

He was weak in front of the strong but strong in front of the weak.

But Yoo-hyun didn’t hesitate here either.

He answered Director Jo’s question with an innocent expression of a new employee who knew nothing.

“I looked at senior’s data. I made a big mistake. I’m sorry.”

Director Jo’s gaze followed Yoo-hyun and went to the monitor.

There was a summary of the team project on it.

He called Team Leader Oh Jae Hwan in a stiff voice.

“Oh Team Leader.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Don’t you share even this basic data in your team?”


It was too late for Deputy Manager Go Jae Yoon to step forward and fix things up.

If he made excuses here, he would get scolded even more.

Team Leader Oh Jae Hwan stopped Deputy Manager Go Jae Yoon and answered him.

“I’m sorry, sir.”

“Tsk tsk, no wonder your team is like this.”

Director Jo’s sarcasm made Team Leader Oh Jae Hwan’s face turn red and blue.

He got scolded for the report in the morning, and now he got scolded for something trivial in the afternoon.

He must have been dying inside.

Director Jo left and the place was like the calm before the storm.

Yoo-hyun, who had bowed his head with his hands clasped in front of him, smiled secretly.

He didn’t need to see it to imagine the next situation.

As expected.

Team Leader Oh Jae Hwan’s angry voice was cold.

“Deputy Manager Go, follow me. I can’t let this go this time.”

“Team Leader, it’s not like that...”

“Don’t make excuses and follow me!”

Even Team Leader Oh Jae Hwan, who was usually generous to Deputy Manager Go Jae Yoon, had completely turned his back on him.

He was a team leader who never yelled at anyone for non-work-related reasons, so the team members were also tense.

Deputy Manager Go Jae Yoon looked at Yoo-hyun with a furious face as if he was going crazy.

Yoo-hyun kept his head down in silence.

He couldn’t say anything to him anyway, so he just snickered.

He must have been burning inside.

But what could he do?

Have a nice trip.

He wanted to say that, but he couldn’t. It was a pity.

Deputy Park Seung Woo blinked his surprised eyes as he watched Yoo-hyun.

He didn’t think that Yoo-hyun had intended it, of course.

So what?

It was good that things worked out well.