Chapter 37:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 37:

Chapter 37

After receiving a proper warning, Manager Go Jae-yoon did not say anything to Yoo-hyun.

He seemed to be banned from approaching him, so he vented his anger on the people around him.

“You know what...”

“Hey, Go Jae-yoon!”

Team Leader Oh Jae-hwan reacted sharply.

“Ah, no. I just...”

“Just be quiet, okay?”

The performance evaluation was not far away.

He would have to keep his mouth shut for a while.

If he picked a fight again?

He would make sure he couldn’t touch him.

-Finally, it’s time to go home.♩ ♪ ♬

The song announcing the end of work rang out.

At the same time, Deputy Park Seung-woo’s voice was heard.

“Let’s go.”


“You’ll see when we get there.”

Deputy Park Seung-woo took Yoo-hyun out with a cheerful face.

The place they went to was a rice soup restaurant in the alley behind the company.

Deputy Park Seung-woo grumbled all the way.

“You said you’d buy me something, but rice soup? Rice soup?”

“They say it’s really good here.”

“Kid. How did you hear that rumor?”

Yoo-hyun smiled and shrugged his shoulders instead of answering.

He didn’t come to the rice soup restaurant just because of Deputy Park Seung-woo’s wallet situation.

This place also had a special meaning for Yoo-hyun.

The rice soup he ate when he was hungry after working all night was so delicious.

It was not only the taste, but also the warmth that spread throughout the restaurant.

Especially, the rice soup lady who greeted him with a bright smile every time he came was still a warm memory in Yoo-hyun’s heart.


The rice soup lady put down the bottle of alcohol and smiled brightly at Yoo-hyun.

“Oh my, you have such a handsome young man here?”


He could see the deep wrinkles and dimples around her eyes.

She had a round and friendly face that made her look younger than her 50s. Her smile suited her very well.

She looked exactly like Yoo-hyun remembered.

He bowed his head with a feeling of gratitude, but Deputy Park Seung-woo sitting across from him looked unhappy.

“Auntie, shouldn’t you take care of me first? I’m your regular customer.”

“Ay, Park Manager, forget it.”

“I’m still a deputy, you know.”

“It would be nice if you got promoted outside too, right? Hoho. Anyway, what’s your name, handsome young man?”

The auntie sat down next to Deputy Park Seung-woo and looked at Yoo-hyun with her chin resting on her hand.

She looked at him with a friendly gaze as if she recognized him.

“Han Yoo-hyun.”

“Yoo-hyun. Nice name. I’ll remember it for sure, so you have to come often. Got it?”

“Yes. If you give me some service.”

“Hohoho, okay okay. I’ll give you some service pork as well.”

Deputy Park Seung-woo looked bewildered by the auntie’s generous gesture.

He had been coming here for years, but this was the first time she offered him service pork.

He couldn’t help but complain.

“Auntie, why do you only like this guy?”

Yoo-hyun was curious about that too.

She had always been nice to Yoo-hyun since he first came here.

Yoo-hyun wasn’t a charming person back then, nor was he good at expressing his gratitude.

But why did she treat him so well?

From the first moment she saw him.

The answer was simple.

“He’s handsome.”

Deputy Park Seung-woo asked with a wronged expression.

“Then what about me?”

“You’re a bandit.”


Yoo-hyun spat out the water he was drinking.

Deputy Park Seung-woo glared at him, but what could he do? It was funny.

The auntie saw his reaction and said one thing.

“Did I hurt your feelings? Have a drink.”

“Really? Don’t girls like males more?”

“That’s Manager Park daughter.”

“I’m a deputy, you know. And I’m single.”

The auntie ignored him and continued.

“I’ve tried to find some female teachers around here, but they have to be trustworthy. One time, a really weird person came and she had a hard time. Do you know anyone good?”

“I have a female junior.”

The auntie brightened up at Yoo-hyun’s answer.

“Really? I can pay well if the person is good. Much more than other places.”

“Auntie, don’t you ask me?”

Deputy Park Seung-woo’s words made the auntie frown.

“Manager Park is an old man. I need a young female teacher.”

“I have a female junior who goes to college too!”

“There’s a saying that birds of a feather flock together.”

“Ah, come on. Auntie, I’m a good guy.”

While they were bickering, Yoo-hyun thought of his junior’s face.

It was Jo Eun-ah, who worked as a library assistant with him.

-I quit my job as a library assistant too. I’m going to study at an academy in Seoul and prepare for employment.

That’s what she said when she called him last time.

She said she wanted a short-term part-time job because the academy fee was expensive.

He thought she might be okay with this condition.

The academy was right across the street.

And Jo Eun-ah’s friendly personality seemed to suit the auntie well.

He made up his mind and said.

“I’ll check with her first.”


“Yes. She’s a good junior. But I have to ask her situation too, so I’ll let you know later.”

“Hohoho, thank you even for saying that. I’ll give you some more drinks as service.”

“No, it’s okay. I’ll take it when it’s confirmed.”

Yoo-hyun refused, but the auntie insisted.

“No. I just want to give it to you because I’m happy. Manager Park, just eat quickly.”

“I’m a deputy, you know...”

Deputy Park Seung-woo gave up and looked at Yoo-hyun in the eyes.

He had fair skin and was tall.

He was handsome indeed.

But more than that, he liked his smart and upright attitude.

‘He really got a good junior.’

It wasn’t an easy thing to get in his social life.

He had an eye for people too.

He felt closer to Yoo-hyun and the conversation became more enjoyable.

They emptied the bottle of soju quickly with the hot soup and pork as snacks.

As the alcohol went down, they talked more.

Deputy Park Seung-woo shared his experience of the company with Yoo-hyun.

“You see, the company is like...”

“I see. Thank you.”

He didn’t get much help from what he already knew, but Yoo-hyun listened with pleasure.

He didn’t intend to match him on purpose.

He liked his passion and honesty that showed in his words.

He wasn’t a useless and lazy person like Yoo-hyun had misunderstood when he was a new employee.

He realized it late, but he was a warm and cool senior.

Much more than Shin Chan-yong, who wore a disgusting mask.

He was grateful that he was his mentor.

Deputy Park Seung-woo, whose face was red, asked Yoo-hyun.

“What kind of company life do you want?”

It was a sentimental question that suited Deputy Park Seung-woo.

He felt like he went back to the time when he was a clueless new employee 20 years ago.

What did he say back then?

He said he wanted to succeed, to become a president.

Deputy Park Seung-woo laughed heartily.

“No way, man. You have to say you want to succeed. You can’t succeed without ambition.”

It felt like he omitted the words ‘like me...’ after that.

Deputy Park Seung-woo wasn’t without ambition.

He had a lot of hidden efforts behind his nice personality.

He definitely had skills.

But he couldn’t shine because he didn’t get a proper opportunity.

And that was related to his mind of trying to do whatever he was given without refusing.

In the end, the company used and discarded Deputy Park Seung-woo, who was kind and couldn’t say no.

He looked pathetic when he was young, but not now.