Chapter 156:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 156:

Chapter 156

Reporter Oh Eun-bi grabbed her camera and walked away.

The main booth was divided into A, B, and C sections.

A was the exhibition hall of a large-scale home appliance company, B was the electronic product exhibition hall combined with cars, and C was the exhibition hall of parts and small companies.

By the way, the exhibition of Hansung Electronics LCD business unit was held at the private booth on the third floor, not the main booth.

Reporter Oh Eun-bi tilted her head.

‘B section? Is he just going to look around?’

He moved to the B section after leaving the A section.

It seemed irrelevant, so reporter Oh Eun-bi thought it was unexpected.

He stopped at the place where Hyunil Automobile’s new car was exhibited, passing through the central road of the exhibition hall.

There was a small company that opened a booth jointly with Hyunil Automobile.


Reporter Oh Eun-bi knew the company well.

She had interviewed NaviTime’s president Jung Yeon-sik a while ago.

She remembered him as a very progressive and passionate president.

That was when.

“Long time no see. You still look good. Hahaha.”

“Nice to meet you.”

President Jung Yeon-sik hugged him warmly and laughed heartily.

“What the hell?”

Their relationship looked too close to be dismissed as a superior-subordinate relationship.

And that was not all.

He smiled and greeted the people of Hyunil Automobile as if he knew them.

“It feels like I’m doing paparazzi.”

She muttered from a distance.

She could have just approached him and asked what was going on, but she felt like she shouldn’t.

It was her intuition that had been rolling in this field for quite a while.

Yoo-hyun, who had a short conversation, left the B section and moved to the C section.

The first place he visited was the Semi Electronics booth.

He greeted the staff warmly at the place where various MP3s and media devices were exhibited.

He didn’t look like he was usually close.

Then, a man came out of the inner space surrounded by partitions.

He looked like he had a high rank at a glance.

The man who saw Yoo-hyun belatedly ran over and grabbed his hand.Visitt novelbin(.)co/m for the latest updates

“Oh, nice to see you again.”

“Nice to meet you, sir.”


She tilted her head slightly, hiding her body behind the partition.

Aside from that, the camera shutter moved without a break.

“Is he a golden spoon, or what?”

How could he meet the presidents like that unless he had a decent background?

If she thought about it, she could understand why Hyun Ki-joong, the vice president, smiled at him and Kim Sung-deuk, the section chief, praised him.

‘He must be a super golden spoon with a really great background.’

She was making her own guess when Yoo-hyun left the booth and moved again.

The next place he moved to was D&Tech, an LCD equipment specialist.

‘Is he going to meet another president?’

It was a Korean company, so it was possible.

But this time, he just looked around the inside of the exhibition hall.

Then he exchanged a few words with the staff.

He didn’t have the bright expression he showed earlier.

He seemed to deliberately keep his distance.

Then, a man with a Hansung Electronics name tag entered the booth.

The man who met Yoo-hyun’s eyes looked at him with a cold gaze.

Yoo-hyun greeted him politely and took a paper bag with a pamphlet and a business card of the D&Tech staff.

And he moved his seat again.

The next place he visited was JS.

It was a German company that supplied liquid crystal materials for LCDs, a cosmetic raw material processing company.

It was the place where he gave the keynote speech today.

He talked with the JS staff.

He didn’t show any friendship with anyone like he did with NaviTime or Semi Electronics.

But his fluent German was impressive.

“He speaks German well.”

She thought he would finish quickly and leave, but he stayed in this booth for a long time.

He seemed to have a conversation with all the staff in the booth.

She was curious and wanted to join, but she couldn’t because they were talking in German.

‘Huh? Who is that?’

Her heel caught on the floor and twisted her ankle, but she didn’t make a sound.

She turned the corner and finally exhaled the breath she had been holding.


Then she peeked out and saw Yoo-hyun.

He was still talking to Laura Parker.

They even smiled and created a friendly atmosphere.

They didn’t care about the passing people at all.

“What the hell is going on.”

Reporter Oh Eunbi couldn’t understand it at all.

She checked the camera just in case.

Laura Parker’s face was clear on the small LCD screen.

And when she turned her head again, the two people had disappeared.

A little later.

Yoo-hyun approached reporter Oh Eunbi, who was standing with a blank look on her face.


“What? Did you see a ghost?”

“No, no.”

She looked around.

Yoo-hyun spoke as if he read her mind.

“Laura Parker left first.”


“And please don’t use Laura Parker’s photo.”

“What? Oh, yes. Of course, I should.”

She swallowed hard and blurted out polite words without knowing.

She felt like the young man in front of her was a huge mountain.

He was just smiling, but it was an overwhelming feeling.

The big mountain slowly opened his mouth.

“I’ll arrange a separate interview for you.”

“Huh. With, with Laura Parker?”

“She’s a bit busy now, so maybe tomorrow.”

“Wh, who are you really...”

Instead of answering, Yoo-hyun chuckled and took out a sandwich from his paper bag.

“You haven’t eaten, have you?”

It was the arugula sandwich she wanted.

And it was exactly the product of the restaurant she wanted.

Reporter Oh Eunbi took the sandwich that Yoo-hyun handed her with a blank expression.

“When did you...”

“Do you want to eat together?”

He smiled brightly.

Yoo-hyun remembered the past when he ate the sandwich.

It was a year later from now, in 2008, the news that reporter Oh Eunbi wrote.

-Hansung Electronics LCD massive technology leak. China was behind it.

-DN Tech, turned out to be a Trojan horse sent by China. Hansung Electronics got screwed this time.

-JS of Germany, turned out to be a Chinese company. They stole all the core personnel of Hansung Electronics LCD.

-China’s LCD dominance. They will soon overtake Korea.

The title was not accurate, but it was a similar feeling.

He remembered it because it was a news that made the whole country noisy, not just Hansung Electronics.

At that time, he only knew the name of the reporter.

He was not in a position to be acquainted with the reporter.

He met reporter Oh Eunbi much later.

It was when Hansung Display was launched and Yoo-hyun, who belonged to the group strategy room, was at the forefront of restructuring.

-You’re going to spin off Hansung Display like this? You’re already losing to China, aren’t you? Mr. Director, is that really the right thing to do? Answer me.

She boldly shoved the microphone at Yoo-hyun.

Her tone was harsh.

The fierce look of that time overlapped with the face of reporter Oh Eunbi, who secretly picked up the cheese that fell on her lap and ate it.

She glanced at Yoo-hyun and said.

“Haha, it’s a waste.”

“Yes. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

“Of course. I was starving from following you around... I mean, I was hungry since I met you by chance.”

“Here you go.”

Yoo-hyun quietly handed reporter Oh Eunbi a napkin.

She quickly took out a hand mirror and checked her face, then bowed her head and wiped her mouth with the napkin.

“Ahem. They say it’s good to eat heartily.”

“Oh, yes.”

Was she always this bright?

Yoo-hyun looked at reporter Oh Eunbi with curiosity.