Chapter 157:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 157:

Chapter 157

She was very aggressive in his memory, and never backed down once she bit into something.

With her tenacious spirit, she had climbed up to the position of editor-in-chief at our newspaper.

He had never seen her look so meek before.

After finishing her sandwich, reporter Oh Eun-bi even cleaned up his plate with her own hands.

She asked him as she packed her stuff.

“Where are you going now?”

“The Ilsung Electronics booth.”

“Oh? I’m going there too. Because of the visit from vice president Shin Myung-ho?”

“Is that so?”

“Hey, your acting is really awkward. You know everything and pretend to be clueless. Well, it’s not bad. I like men with secrets.”

What was she talking about?

Yoo-hyun stood up from his seat and answered firmly.

“I have a girlfriend.”

“So what? A goalkeeper doesn’t stop a goal?”

She followed him and shrugged her shoulders.

“I don’t date older women.”

“Don’t you know that age gap is the trend?”

“There should be some gap, at least.”

“Huh? Do you know how old I am?”

He dodged the question.


“Oh. Really? How did you know?”


How did she shave off five years?

He had a lot to say, but he didn’t bother to open his mouth.

Sometimes, a white lie was necessary.


The Ilsung Electronics booth was bigger and more crowded than the Hanseong Electronics one.

It felt like they had put a lot of effort into the exhibition.

“They’re coming.”

“Yes. I know.”

Reporter Oh Eun-bi, who had been taking pictures of the Ilsung Electronics booth, whispered to him as she approached his side.

He had already sensed it and moved his feet.

The staff members with walkie-talkies moved quickly.

They asked for the visitors’ understanding and cleared some space.

They surrounded the area with cutting tape with the Ilsung Electronics logo.

Then, a stage was set up in front of the multi-screen made of LCD TVs.

The place where Yoo-hyun stood was right in front of the cutting tape.

He could see the stage clearly without any obstruction.

Reporter Oh Eun-bi exclaimed.

“Wow, Yoo-hyun, you have a good eye. You got a great spot.”

“Aren’t you going to the press seats?”

“Why would I go there? I need to get some pictures from different angles.”

She didn’t go to the press seats that were arranged on both sides of the stage.

She didn’t seem to have any intention of going there in the first place.

It was what he had expected, so he didn’t try to stop her.

That was when.

Someone walked from behind.

Click. Click.

At the same time, the cameras of the domestic media started to make shutter sounds.

The first to appear was president Jo Min-tae of Ilsung Electronics.

The two heads of Ilsung Electronics’ main business units, wireless and video, followed him.

Reporter Oh Eun-bi said to Yoo-hyun.

“President Jo Min-tae, the big shot who raised Ilsung Electronics. A legend of a salaryman, I guess.”

“You seem to know him well.”

“He’s famous, you know. I’ve interviewed him a few times. The same goes for the two behind him. Well, they don’t get along well these days.”


“As you know, Ilsung and we are not on good terms. Oh? Here they come.”

She suddenly lifted her camera.

He turned his head and saw the staff in suits making way.

They all looked like they were going to war.

He definitely felt that the person who came later was more important than the one who came earlier.

The three who came first bowed their heads to the man who arrived late.

The man accepted their greetings as a matter of course and shook hands with them one by one.

“It’s going to be noisy at this exhibition. You know what? When Hansung and Ilsung fight with their products, the media fight with their pens. But the power of those pens is amazing.”

“You’re amazing. So, Reporter Oh, are you on Hansung’s side?”

“I’m rooting for Hansung in my heart.”

“It’s hard to say thank you as a mere employee.”

Yoo-hyun, who answered with a polite remark, knew.

Reporter Oh Eun-bi’s words were pure nonsense.

He knew well that it was a connection between newspapers.

Yoo-hyun chuckled, and Reporter Oh Eun-bi, who felt awkward, patted his shoulder.

“But why are you really here? I thought you might have a meeting with the executives, but that’s not it either.”

“It’s not time for that yet, is it?”

“Then why are you here?”

“I just came to check something.”

Yoo Hyun looked at Director Jung Woo Hyuk again.

He was the person who had led the investigation of the incident that had exploded in 2008.

-The Ministry of Industry had been monitoring the leakage of talent from Hanseong Electronics since last year. They also captured the suspicious behavior of JS at the European exhibition and delivered their opinion to Hanseong Electronics.

His appearance on the 9 o’clock news flashed in Yoo Hyun’s memory.

-Despite that, Hanseong Electronics was late in responding. The national core project was stolen by China, and it was none other than Hanseong Electronics’ complacency.

He criticized Hanseong Electronics on the broadcast.

The news had a huge impact.

All the executives who were even slightly related to the incident stripped off their clothes.

It was a natural measure.

Yoo Hyun’s team, where he had been dispatched, suffered direct damage, but he didn’t blame them.


They should have gotten rid of the people properly.

Director Lee Kyung Hoon, who had caused the trouble, and some of the key players survived, and only the mediocre ones were cut off.

The sparks flew to the people who worked hard.

He didn’t know it then, but he knew it now.

Yoo Hyun wanted to fix this.

If possible, he wanted to cut out the rotten parts cleanly before the situation got worse.

That’s why he needed Director Jung Woo Hyuk.

What about him?

Yoo-hyun had been sharpening his knife at Hansung Electronics, so he had to move whenever a case broke out.

He couldn’t ignore the bait that Yoo-hyun would throw at him, because he would stop at nothing to become a minister.

Then what kind of bait should he throw at Director Jung Woo-hyuk?

He still needed a little device to blow up this cold case.

Yoo-hyun simulated various scenarios in his head.

That’s when reporter Oh Eun-bi, who was packing her luggage, asked him.

“What are you thinking so hard about?”


Yoo-hyun looked at her.

Reporter Oh Eun-bi.

She looked like a pushover, but she was someone he could trust when it came to passion for work.

She wasn’t originally one of his options.

He deliberately won her favor because he needed her help.

Maybe thanks to her, he could handle the job more easily.

‘If only that were possible, that would be perfect.’

Yoo-hyun’s eyes slowly curved into a crescent.

At a late hour after the sun had set.

Yoo-hyun dragged his tired body back to his hotel room.

There were so many things he had to worry about to prepare properly.

“It’s not easy.”

He let out a small sigh, unpacked his luggage in the room, and sat down on the bed.

The red lamp on the landline phone next to the bed blinked.

It indicated that there was an unconfirmed voice message.

Yoo-hyun picked up the receiver and checked the message.


-Yoo-hyun, I’ll buy something delicious, so don’t be sad that we’re not here. Okay? If you’re bored, play with Young-gil. He’s whining that he has a cold.

The first voice he heard was that of Deputy Kim Hyun-min.

He had already confirmed it by text message, but he seemed to have left a voice message because he was worried.

“Have fun, then.”

Except for Yoo-hyun and Deputy Kim Young-gil, the other part members were on a sightseeing trip around the area.

Maybe they were near Potsdam Square at this time of day?

They all liked shopping, after all.

-Oppa. Isn’t that too much? I never thought I’d end up working here. Really, ugh...

The next message was his younger sister Han Jae-hee’s complaint.