Chapter 173:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 173:

Chapter 173

Kim Hyun-min, the deputy manager, gave Han Yoo-hyun a thumbs up as he returned.

“Good job.”

Yoo-hyun seemed to have adapted to this atmosphere, as he didn’t mind it at all.

He even reached out his hand first.


They high-fived, and Kim Sung-deok, the manager, chuckled again.

He had been laughing all day.

There was a time when Yoo-hyun thought he could see through everyone.

He was arrogant enough to think he knew everything that was going on in the company.

He didn’t know then.

How arrogant that thought was.

Yoo-hyun didn’t even know the heart of one person, let alone his own.

He didn’t know that fact even when he regretted it after reaching the top.

After he came back.

After he changed his direction and lowered his posture.

He was slowly learning about people.

The happiness he felt when he was with them, the joy they shared, the tired emotions they spilled over a drink.

The person who taught him that was in front of him.

Yoo-hyun looked at him.

-Please say a few words.

The MC asked for a speech from the award recipient, Park Seung-woo, the assistant manager.

He opened his mouth with the microphone handed by the usher.

People laughed loudly just by hearing his voice.

-Ah, ah.


“The flower speaks.”



The noise that erupted everywhere subsided for a moment.

What expression did Park Seung-woo have?

Yoo-hyun leaned forward, but all he saw was a flower.

It was a huge bouquet of flowers that covered even his large figure.

The flower spoke.

-I never thought I would receive such a wonderful award. I actually wondered if I deserved to stand here. I only had to eat deliciously at the table set by the part members who worked with me.

Choi Min-hee, the manager, bit her tongue at the unusual remark from the start.

Kim Hyun-min, the deputy manager, muttered.

“Isn’t that a copy of Hwang Jeon-min’s speech? It’s so cliché.”

“Right? He said it was a secret and prepared something like that. But he’s not wrong. Park eats well.”


Yoo-hyun looked at the flower, ignoring Kim Sung-deok, the manager’s laughter.

He felt like he could see Park Seung-woo’s expression behind it.

Then the flower called Yoo-hyun’s name.

-First of all, I sincerely thank my junior Han Yoo-hyun, who gave me the courage to start this idea, and supported me with brilliant ideas when I was shaken.

And the flower was lifted high.

Park Seung-woo was so big that he looked like a giant flower.

The hall burst into laughter, but Yoo-hyun couldn’t.

It was because of the trembling voice of the flower.

The flower hesitated for a moment and opened his mouth softly.

His voice echoed through the microphone in the auditorium.

-Yoo-hyun, getting you as a mentee was a miracle for me. Really... thank you so much.

And the flower’s heart pierced Yoo-hyun’s chest.

What was this feeling?

He thought of his young son performing at a school festival, but it wasn’t that.

Before he knew it, his son was old enough to receive an award.

His son was receiving an award from the principal.

It felt like the father’s heart watching his son.

His chest was soft.

He felt like his eyes would turn red any moment, so Yoo-hyun bowed his head.

-And also...

It was when the flower was about to say his next speech in a trembling voice.

The MC cut in.

-Ah, I’m sorry. It’s a really great speech, but we have to stop here due to time constraints.


The hall laughed again, and Kim Hyun-min, the deputy manager, was furious.

“Why. Isn’t it me next? Why are you stopping here?”

“Don’t even dream.”

Choi Min-hee, the manager, said coldly, and Kim Hyun-min, the deputy manager, denied reality.

“No. Call Park over here. I have to check with Park.”


Kim Sung-deok, the manager, was about to lose his breath.

Yoo-hyun didn’t hear the sound.

Park Seung-woo’s voice kept ringing in Yoo-hyun’s ears.

His heart slowly seeped into the depths of his chest.

“I want to give you more, but I have things to spend on. I’m sorry.”

“Assistant manager.”

“Forget about refusing. I’m your mentor.”


“If you don’t take it, I won’t sleep from today.”

Park Seung-woo’s words stabbed his heart.

Ten million won.

It was a lot of money for a salaryman.

But he gave it to him?

He felt the meaning of it.

He didn’t need money.

He could make as much as he wanted if he decided to.

But this wasn’t money.

It was his heart.

Yoo-hyun smiled and took the envelope.

“I’ll buy coffee for a month.”

“Of course.”

Park Seung-woo laughed cheerfully.

A few days later.

LCD mobile product planning team office.

A successful house can do anything.

In that sense, the third part was definitely a successful house.

Jo Chan-young, the director, who swept the entire product planning team without a word and went to the third part, proved it.

He said to Choi Min-hee, the manager.

“Manager Choi, you passed the panel event for NaviTime, right?”

“Yes. Thanks to the development team’s hard work.”

“You worked hard in the middle.”

Choi Min-hee, the manager in charge of the navigation panel development, successfully finished it.

There was still a final event left, but the result was optimistic.

Jo Chan-young, the director, who moved his steps, patted Kim Young-gil, the assistant manager, on the shoulder.

“Assistant manager Kim, the Apple Phone 2 panel seems to have been well resolved.”

“Yes. It’s going smoothly. I was just making a report...”

“Hey, what report. I know everything, what. Yeah, just do that.”

“Thank you, director.”

Kim Young-gil, the assistant manager, who had been struggling with the Apple Phone 2 panel problem, solved it well.

Apple showed positive reactions all the time.

Mark Horison even praised Kim Young-gil’s presentation.

Jo Chan-young, the director, grabbed Park Seung-woo, the assistant manager’s hand tightly.

“Assistant manager Park, you got an extra reward, and you have a lot of luck.”

“Haha. It’s all thanks to you, director.”

“Yeah. We did it together. There will be more good news soon.”

“Yes? What is it?”

“This guy is so impatient. Well, that’s why he jumped out of Zero Base with that passion. Anyway, I’ll tell you later.”

“Thank you.”

Park Seung-woo had nothing to say.

He swept the mobile phone division contest and the LCD division quarterly meeting with excellent employee award and excellent development award.

The team also became an excellent team.

It was literally a burst of luck.

Jo Chan-young, the director, turned his eyes and looked at Yoo-hyun.

His face was full of kind smiles.

“Is Yoo-hyun done with OJT?”

“Until the end of this month.”

“Hehe. Yeah. You’re doing very well. Keep up the good work.”

“Thank you.”

It was a short greeting, but Yoo-hyun also received Jo Chan-young’s trust.

He seemed to be sparing his words in front of other high-ranking team members.

Yoo-hyun wanted that too, so he expressed his gratitude without hesitation.

Jo Chan-young, the director, who turned his body, also took care of Lee Chan-ho.

“Lee, you just have to do this. Oh, are you making a list of plans for next year?”

“Yes. I’m collecting ideas from the development teams as you instructed and categorizing them by category. I’ll report to you soon.”

“As expected. I knew you would do well. Thank you.”

“Yes. Thank you.”

“Hehe. Good, good.”

Lee Chan-ho also received Jo Chan-young’s compliment.

He gave him direct orders, even though he always did trivial things.

He picked Lee Chan-ho out of the others and deliberately pointed him out.

He didn’t care about Lee Chan-ho before, but now he took care of him first.

Lee Chan-ho was excited to work.

Then Kim Hyun-min, the deputy manager, came in from afar.

Jo Chan-young, the director, approached him with a smile.

“Oh, deputy manager Kim.”

“Director, hello.”

“Hehe. This guy, I saw him earlier and he’s greeting me again. Forget it, you just come with me.”

“Yes, director.”

Jo Chan-young, the director, took Kim Hyun-min, the deputy manager, and moved to the office.