Chapter 174:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 174:

Chapter 174

Park Seung-woo, the deputy, leaned his head forward and looked at him. He said to Yoo-hyun,

“It seems like he’s talking about that, right?”

“About what?”

“Oh, come on, you know what I mean. The team leader, the team leader.”

“I don’t know.”

“You’re such a smart guy, you can’t not know. Shall we go?”

“Just a minute. I have to take a call.”

Yoo-hyun showed him his vibrating phone and Park Seung-woo nodded.

“I’ll go down first. What kind of coffee do you want?”

“The expensive one.”

“Haha. Okay. I’ll pick the best one and bring it to you. Who’s paying?”

“Like we promised, I will.”

Yoo-hyun smiled and pressed the answer button.


At the same time, a loud voice came out of the phone.

Park Seung-woo shivered as he remembered drinking with him in Germany and moved his steps.

First floor smoking room.

The most expensive 500 won coffee from the vending machine was in Yoo-hyun’s hand.

The shape of the paper cup was different.

Park Seung-woo smirked and asked,


“Yes. It’s an honor.”

“Huh. I have to drink with Jae-hee again...”

“It seemed like you completely blacked out that time, didn’t you?”

Yoo-hyun snapped back, but Park Seung-woo was shameless.

“Well, sometimes men have to be weak too.”

“Oh, really?”

Yoo-hyun deliberately exaggerated his words, and Park Seung-woo shook his head as if he was incredulous.

“Geez, I raised a tiger cub.”

“Thanks to you. Thank you.”

“Kid, you know that. But why Jae-hee? Do you have something going on with Jang Sun-im?”

“No, it’s not that. I guess I was recommended as a Hansung scholarship student this time.”

Park Seung-woo was surprised by Yoo-hyun’s words.

“Oh, really? Jang Sun-im’s recommendation, right?”


Yoo-hyun nodded and Park Seung-woo was happy as if it was his own business.

“That’s awesome. Did you thank him?”

“I called him right away.”

“But he must have a lot of influence. It’s not even the season for selecting academic scholarship students.”

“That’s true.”


Yoo-hyun chuckled as he thought of Jang Hye-min, the senior.

She was someone who could parachute anyone to any position they wanted, not just scholarship students.

Even when he talked to her a while ago, it was like that.

-There’s an industrial design exhibition in San Francisco at the end of this month. I think it would be nice if you could come with me.

She wanted to take another new employee from a different business unit as her overseas business trip partner.

Just because she thought it would be nice to go together.

Of course, Yoo-hyun refused.

He didn’t need to give a long explanation.

He didn’t need to go.

Then Park Seung-woo blew smoke into the sky.

He smiled and called Yoo-hyun.


“Yes, deputy.”

“You’ve been having a lot of good things lately. Good for you.”

“Yes. It’s great.”

As he said, it was a series of good things.

He knew it couldn’t last forever, but he liked it now.

Especially since Park Seung-woo didn’t have to quit.

Yoo-hyun looked at him blankly and Park Seung-woo got angry.

“Hey, I’m fine.”

“What do you mean?”

“Huh? You looked at me like I can’t get a girlfriend, didn’t you?”

“No, I didn’t. I looked at you because you’re handsome, okay?”

“Ha. That’s my mentee. I’m proud of you.”

Yoo-hyun dodged Park Seung-woo’s approach and got up from his seat.

“Shall we go in then?”

“Yeah. How about a drink after work?”

“No, I can’t. I have to work out today.”

“Hey, don’t do that.”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t.”

Kim Young-gil wrapped his body with both hands and said, and Park Seung-woo shrugged his shoulders.

“Well, this is also nice and charming. Don’t you think, Yoo-hyun?”

“Yes. I like it.”

Yoo-hyun, who was standing on the railing and looking at the distance, smiled and brought the paper cup to his mouth.

Ring. Ring.

Then, a phone call came.

It was an unknown number.

“Excuse me, I’ll take a call.”

“Sure. Take your time.”

Yoo-hyun asked for permission and moved to the side to answer the phone.

The caller was none other than Ahn Se-hoon, the manager of his father’s company.

He had a vague memory of him, so Yoo-hyun greeted him warmly.

“Yes. I remember, uncle. You used to play with me when I was young.”

-Haha. Yeah. Right. I was thinking I should see your face sometime.

“What’s up?”

-Nothing serious. I just called.

“Tell me anything.”

Yoo-hyun asked again at his hesitant voice.

It was likely to be a problem related to his father’s company.

-Well, I was just wondering if you knew anyone at Hansung Construction.

“Hansung Construction? I know someone there.”

-Yeah? Do you know the person in charge of material supply there?

“I can find out if I ask my classmates. Is there a problem?”

-No, it’s not that. It’s just that the person in charge is not answering the phone...

He could roughly figure out the situation from what he heard.

The frustrating situation continued, so he called Yoo-hyun.

Yoo-hyun went by the book.

“Our company is good, right?”

“Of course. It’s just that we don’t have a chance to get in. Our supply price and materials are the best.”

Yoo-hyun was relieved by Ahn Se-hoon’s confident words.

He was bothered by the idea of using connections unconditionally.

“I see.”

-It would be nice if the boss stepped in, but you know his style. He just waits for the contact to happen when the time comes.

“I’ll check it out.”

-No, no. I just wanted to see if you knew anyone. I’ll look into it more and call you back.

“Okay, uncle. Call me anytime.”

Yoo-hyun hung up the phone and sighed as he remembered the conversation with his father a while ago.

-What problem? There’s nothing like that.

His father always said he was fine.

He said everything was going well, there was no problem.

Yoo-hyun believed him.

That belief hadn’t changed.

He just wished he could help in a situation where he could, but he couldn’t.

Then, Park Seung-woo, who was next to him, called Yoo-hyun.

Kim Young-gil also stuck close to him with interest.

“Yoo-hyun, is there something wrong at home?”

“No, it’s not that. Actually...”

He briefly told them the contents of the call since it wasn’t a secret.

Park Seung-woo said with a serious expression.

“Then you should go down and check it out, shouldn’t you?”

“It’s nothing. I’m just looking for the person in charge, what’s the big deal.”

“You never know, go check it out. It’s not a problem even if you’re not here.”

“Park deputy is right. There’s nothing to do at the end of the year anyway.”

Kim Young-gil nodded at Park Seung-woo’s words.

Yoo-hyun felt like he knew the two seniors’ hearts, so he didn’t bother to refuse.

“Okay. Then I’ll take a leave without shame.”

“This guy, he sounds like he’s teasing us? Kim deputy, isn’t that right?”

“Well, he’s polite and nice anyway.”

Kim Young-gil took Yoo-hyun’s side, and Park Seung-woo pouted.

“Deputy, you seem to favor Yoo-hyun subtly.”

“I owe him a lot, you know.”

“Me too, you know?”

The two’s pointless bickering was the background noise as Yoo-hyun drank his coffee while looking at the distant view.

The vending machine coffee didn’t taste sweet today.

A little later.

After leaving Yoo-hyun alone, the two met separately.

Park Seung-woo opened his mouth with a serious expression.

“Deputy, do you know anyone at Hansung Construction?”

“Yeah, I do. So Park deputy, don’t worry.”

“Why? I’ll help you.”

“No. I can handle this. I owe him a lot, so I have to pay him back a little.”

Kim Young-gil owed Yoo-hyun a lot.