Chapter 185:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 185:

Chapter 185

Kim Young-gil, who had taken a sip of his coffee, brought up the main topic again.

“Thank you. I mean, women. Women. You’re young, you can meet a lot of women.”

“No, I don’t. I don’t have any intention of doing that.”

“Really? You look like you’re worried about something. I thought you had a problem with women like Park.”

“Hey, no way.”

“Pffft. Yeah. Your situation is different from Park’s.”

Yoo-hyun chuckled and remembered Jeong Da-hye, whom he had momentarily forgotten.

Jeong Da-hye moved to Hansung Group about eight years from now.

But before that, she had a reason to come to Korea.

At that point in the past, which he had just passed by, Yoo-hyun wanted to see her again.

Since there wasn’t much time left until then, he was rather looking forward to it.

Kim Young-gil still looked doubtful and asked.

“Then what’s bothering you?”


“Something you can’t tell me?”

“No, it’s not that. I was just thinking about what I should do in the future.”

Yoo-hyun’s concern was Shin Kyung-wook, the senior manager.

The current Shin Kyung-wook was very different from what he had expected.

He looked free and happy.

Was it right to burden him again?

Or would it be better to just leave him alone?

These thoughts made Yoo-hyun’s head complicated.

Kim Young-gil shrugged his shoulders and handed him a cup of coffee.

“It happens to everyone. It’s a good place to think. The view is nice too.”

“Yeah, it is.”

“It would be even better if we could have a drink tomorrow instead of the Apple presentation.”

“We have plenty of time.”


The coffee cups clinked instead of alcohol.

The coffee tasted heavenly as they drank it in the luxurious suite room, looking at the night view of San Francisco.

They chatted for a while.

Kim Young-gil suddenly seemed to remember something and asked.

“By the way, who was the person you had lunch with earlier? Jang Hye-min seemed to know him too.”

“Didn’t Jang tell you?”

“Uh. He didn’t say anything first, so I didn’t ask.”

“I see.”

Yoo-hyun nodded and Kim Young-gil leaned forward and whispered.

“But he looks like a Hansung person to me. And someone who’s pretty high up.”


“It’s good that you became friends by chance, but you should be careful. You don’t want to get on his bad side and mess things up.”


Kim Young-gil thought Yoo-hyun was really clueless and pulled his chair closer.

Then he said with a serious expression.

“If you get marked by someone high up, they might contact your company. It happens sometimes.”

“Yes. I’ll keep that in mind.”

He didn’t seem like a bad person.

What would Kim Young-gil’s face look like if he found out who he was?

He was going to keep quiet, but he thought he might make a mistake, so he gave him a hint.

“Actually, sir...”


Kim Young-gil’s eyes widened like lanterns.

The next day.

Shin Kyung-wook, whom he met at the exhibition hall, was the same as yesterday.

He still looked free and had a kind smile on his face.

On the other hand, Kim Young-gil’s expression was grim.

He walked up to him quickly and greeted him formally.

“Hello. I’m Kim Young-gil, the deputy of the LCD division of Hansung Electronics.”

“Hello. I’m Yoo-hyun Han, an employee of the LCD division of Hansung Electronics.”

Yoo-hyun also followed his senior’s lead and greeted him.

Shin Kyung-wook, who was still hiding his identity, looked awkwardly at Jang Hye-min.

“You knew all along, didn’t you?”

“I didn’t tell them.”

“I know.”

Shin Kyung-wook looked regretful and looked at Yoo-hyun.

Yoo-hyun also wanted to be friends with Shin Kyung-wook, but he had something to do today.

He needed to clear the traffic.

Shin Kyung-wook seemed to understand Yoo-hyun’s intention and introduced himself properly.

“You mean LCD, camera, chip, battery?”

Shin Kyung-wook smiled at Yoo-hyun’s question.

“Yes. We have to make them use our stuff. And the display is very important among them.”

“Then why don’t you come to the LCD division, sir?”

“Hehe. Everyone has their own job. I’m fine with supporting from afar.”

Shin Kyung-wook laughed and shook his head.

Seeing that, Yoo-hyun thought to himself.

‘He must have made connections beforehand.’

Yoo-hyun now knew for sure what he didn’t know before.

And he was certain.

Hansung needed Shin Kyung-wook right now.

Not for the company, but for the future of the employees.

He was absolutely necessary.

Yoo-hyun’s thought was reinforced after the presentation.

He saw how well Shin Kyung-wook got along with the Apple staff.

They didn’t know what kind of person Shin Kyung-wook was at the company.

Shin Kyung-wook didn’t bother to show it either, and just acted like a friend.

It didn’t feel like a meeting between companies at all.

The friendly atmosphere continued at the meeting place.

The Apple trio, who had already taken their seats in the empty conference room on the third floor, called Shin Kyung-wook.

Among them, John Norman raised his hand and greeted him.

“Richard, come on in.”

“Did you bring your friends?”

When Russell Johnson asked, Shin Kyung-wook introduced the people who came with him.

“Yeah. Let me introduce them for a moment. This is...”

Following the introduction, Yoo-hyun, Kim Young-gil, and Jang Hye-min greeted them in turn.

They welcomed them very warmly.

“Hello. Nice to meet you.”

“We’re happy to see you. Come on in.”

It was an amazing experience.

Was it easy to get close to the Apple workers without their ranks?

Of course not.

It was obvious that Shin Kyung-wook had made a lot of efforts behind the scenes.

Thanks to that, he built a different relationship than just exchanging business cards.

This strong relationship would be a great boost for the Apple business in the future.

The meeting went smoothly.

It was more like a simple tea time than a meeting between companies.

But the level of conversation was not like that.

John Norman, the designer, added more explanations after the presentation.

“The part we focused on in this design is...”

“If you touch this, the reaction is like this, but rather than that...”

As Shin Kyung-wook added to what he heard, Russell Johnson, the software manager, immediately answered.

“That part can be updated with software...”

“Hardware also has that part...”

David Crew, the hardware manager, joined in.

They talked freely, but each word had a point.

Then, John Norman said with a renewed appetite.

“The panel resolution is the problem.”

“That part is...”

It was the moment when Shin Kyung-wook was about to wink at Yoo-hyun.

As if he had read his mind, Yoo-hyun, who was sitting next to him, whispered.

“Kim Young-gil will be helpful. Leave it to him.”


Shin Kyung-wook, who hid his surprise, pointed to Kim Young-gil and said.

“This guy will solve your problem. He’s in charge of Apple LCD panels.”

“Really? Can you increase the panel resolution by two or three times?”

Kim Young-gil calmly asked back to John Norman’s question, as he had prepared in advance.

“Can the Apple chip handle it?”

John Norman looked at David Crew and answered.

“He would know that part.”

“Well, if the design says so, the hardware has to do it.”

After hearing David Crew’s answer, John Norman immediately threw a curious look at Kim Young-gil.

“Is that possible? I heard the panel is not easy. Does it really work?”

“There are several ways. We also have some things that we are reviewing internally.”


“Yes. It is technically possible. There are some constraints, but we have to adjust them.”

“What matters is that it works. Wow, when can I see it?”

The questions came in fast, but Kim Young-gil answered them skillfully.