Chapter 186:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 186:

Chapter 186

He mixed in some words that aroused curiosity without revealing the internal situation.

“You might be able to see it by the end of this year. If you request it, I’ll review it.”

“Okay. I’ll send an official email through the upper line.”

“Thank you.”

Yoo-hyun was satisfied with this level of conversation.

It was a big deal for Kim Young Gil, the assistant manager, to hear the story of the Apple staff for the first time.

He knew that fact and became more active.

“So, the panel is...”

“The more important thing is...”

He didn’t just let the questions slide, but added more depth.

The Apple staff couldn’t help but react well.

“Wow, that’s amazing. Richard brought a very necessary person.”

“Hahaha. I didn’t know it would be like this.”

“Really? It seems like you tried to suit our taste.”

“Well, I’m grateful if you think so.”

Shin Kyung Wook, the executive director, shrugged his shoulders and looked at Yoo-hyun.

Kim Young Gil was the one who spoke, but he knew that Yoo-hyun was the one who gave the signs in between.

There was curiosity in his eyes.

Yoo-hyun hid his inner thoughts and gave a faint smile.

That evening.

Shin Kyung Wook bought dinner, so they had a meal at a rather luxurious restaurant.

Kim Young Gil, who felt lighter, bowed to Shin Kyung Wook.

“Thank you so much today.”

“I’m the one who should thank you. How was it?”

“It was very helpful. Especially meeting the young friends of Apple, I opened my mind.”

“Can I ask you what it was?”

Kim Young Gil’s eyes shone at Shin Kyung Wook’s question.

“I used to do only what Apple told me to do, but now I think I know what I have to do.”


“I’m developing a super-resolution development panel right now.”

“Really? It was real.”

“Yes. It was such a difficult project that I didn’t know what to do, but when I saw the presentation today, I realized that it was something I had to do.”

It was a very neat answer.

Shin Kyung Wook also liked it and gave a faint smile.

Yoo-hyun quietly gave him a thumbs up.

That was enough.

Everything was about motivation.

Kim Young Gil was breaking the shell.

His realization now would save him a lot of time in the future.

Shin Kyung Wook said to Yoo-hyun.

“You left a good colleague.”

“Yes. He’s a senior I respect.”

“I see... Do you want to have a drink with me?”

“Of course. I’ve been waiting for you to say that.”

Shin Kyung Wook smiled at Yoo-hyun’s good-natured answer.

When he started a new life, he dreamed of many scenes.

One of the scenes he wanted the most was this moment.

A one-on-one with Shin Kyung Wook.

A drink with him.

A dream that could never be realized in the past was unfolding in front of Yoo-hyun’s eyes.

The sky lounge of a famous hotel.

The night view of San Francisco was spread out through the window.

Yoo-hyun faced Shin Kyung Wook.

Shin Kyung Wook handed him the menu on the table and asked.

“What do you want to drink?”

“How about Chopin vodka?”

“You seem to read my mind. Do you like Chopin?”

Shin Kyung Wook’s eyes widened as if he was surprised, and Yoo-hyun smiled inwardly and answered.

“Yes. The bottle is cool, and the taste is good. I also like Chopin’s music.”


“What about you, sir?”

“I’m the same.”

He still had the same taste as before.

Although he couldn’t be his drinking partner for a long time, he could do it now.

Yoo-hyun took the drink from the waiter and poured it into Shin Kyung Wook’s glass.


Next, he pushed a plate of cheese that he liked in front of him.

Shin Kyung Wook smiled and filled Yoo-hyun’s glass with alcohol.

“Have a drink, too.”

“Thank you.”

He decided to be more bold after confirming Shin Kyung Wook’s will.

He asked Shin Kyung Wook, who had just emptied a glass of alcohol.

“Sir, what do you think of me?”

“Hmm, should I be honest?”


“You’re sharp enough to be scary at that age. You’re young, but you have guts, and you’re smart. You have depth in your words, and you have a good attitude.”

“Thank you.”

Shin Kyung Wook’s face became mischievous at Yoo-hyun’s words.

“Should I do more?”

“No. That’s enough. Then can you listen to my story seriously?”

Yoo-hyun pulled his chair closer, looking at Shin Kyung Wook, who smiled playfully.

Shin Kyung Wook also sat up straight as the atmosphere changed.

“What is it? Tell me.”

“I hope you keep this a secret.”

“Hmm, that sounds scary.”

“You might think it’s absurd, but I hope you listen.”

Yoo-hyun leaned forward and looked at Shin Kyung Wook with a serious look.

Shin Kyung Wook, who had been silent for a long time, opened his mouth.

“Tell me.”

“Sir, I hope you lead the company.”

“Haha. Is that it?”

“Yes. Of course, there are some prerequisites.”

Shin Kyung Wook’s eyes sparkled at Yoo-hyun’s words.


“The change in the mobile era is really fast. It’s much faster than you think.”

Of course, Yoo-hyun knew.

Shin Kyung Wook had insight.

He had a wider view than anyone.

But that wasn’t enough.

He had to have a more desperate mind to lead the change.


“It’s over if you make a mistake. Apple will succeed, but Hansung might fall into the abyss instead.”

“The abyss...”

“Yes. There are only a few years left.”

Shin Kyung Wook shook his head at Yoo-hyun’s words.

“That can’t be.”

“You might not believe it, but it’s true. That is, you have to save Hansung at the same time.”


Shin Kyung Wook’s face turned worried.

This was what Yoo-hyun wanted.

Someone had to take the lead to fix the tragedy that would happen in the future.

A new employee like Yoo-hyun couldn’t do it.

He needed a leader with strong power and righteous will.

He could trust and entrust Shin Kyung Wook.

Yoo-hyun spoke strongly to Shin Kyung Wook, who had a suspicious expression.

“There are prerequisites for that.”

“What is it?”

“From now on, smartphones will be the core. You have to somehow improve Hansung Electronics’ constitution to prepare for this.”

“How do you mean?”

Shin Kyung Wook listened calmly to the absurd words of a new employee.

It wasn’t just because he was a nice person.

Yoo-hyun had left a strong impact on him in a short period of time.

Yoo-hyun knew that well and used it actively.

“You have to spin off the LCD division and other parts divisions from Electronics. And.”


“You have to acquire Shinwa Semiconductor.”

The first of the massive layoffs was the problem of the dependent LCD division.

The bigger cause was that Hansung Electronics lagged behind in the smartphone competition.

There was a failure to acquire a semiconductor company.

It was a project that Shin Kyung Wook had pushed hard in the past, and Yoo-hyun was on the other side at the time.

The acquisition failed, and Shin Kyung Wook was in a pinch.

When Yoo-hyun dug into his inner thoughts, Shin Kyung Wook’s eyes widened.

“Huh. Is there more?”

“Yes. The most important thing is left.”

“There’s something more important?”

“Yes. This process will never succeed easily. You can guess, but you will face a lot of opposition.”

Yoo-hyun’s words surprised Shin Kyung Wook.

“Are you talking about the internal politics?”

“Yes. I’m also talking about your third brother.”

“This is...”

Shin Kyung Wook had a fierce expression.