Chapter 187:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 187:

Chapter 187

He thought he had a lot of experience, but he had never been so shocked before.

But he couldn’t dismiss it as nonsense.

The young employee in front of him looked very serious.

And it was true.

As if he could see through his inner thoughts, Yoo-hyun strongly advised him.

“Sir, if you approach this with a half-hearted attitude, you won’t be able to improve anything. You need to be ruthless.”


“I’ll help you. If you take my words to heart, I’ll do whatever I can to help you succeed.”

Shin Kyung Wook, the executive director, closed his mouth for a moment after emptying his glass.

For an instant, his eyes flashed with many worries.

Shin Kyung Wook raised his head and looked at Yoo-hyun, who didn’t avoid his gaze.

“What do you want from doing this? Money?”


“Then what?”

It was a question that pierced through Yoo-hyun’s identity.

What did he want to gain from doing this?

Money was definitely not it.

He wanted to change, and he wanted to be different.

But he couldn’t say that here and now.

“Let’s talk about that when you come to Korea, sir.”

“Huh, well...”

As Shin Kyung Wook grabbed his empty glass, Yoo-hyun poured him more liquor.


His hand holding the glass was trembling.

The silence continued for a while.

Shin Kyung Wook drank the liquor as if he was possessed.

Yoo-hyun silently filled his glass.

The music, the chatter from the nearby tables filled the gap between the two.

After a while, he opened his mouth that had been tightly closed.

“Yoo-hyun, you’re special. More than anyone I’ve ever met.”

“Thank you.”

“But I feel like you’re living too tightly. Like you have an obsession.”


“Am I wrong?”

“No. You’re right.”

It was true that he had squeezed himself with the obsession to change.

As soon as Yoo-hyun admitted it, Shin Kyung Wook smiled faintly and continued.

“Can I give you some advice as a senior who’s a bit older?”

“Yes, of course.”

“I understand what you’re thinking, but don’t be too attached to it. Sometimes you have to let things flow as they are.”

-Don’t be too attached. Sometimes it’s something that can be solved by letting time pass.

The advice he had given in the past flashed through his mind.

It was a different situation, a different encounter, but his words still had depth.

Yoo-hyun nodded sincerely.

“Yes, I understand.”

“I hope you’re faithful to reality. To your precious colleagues, family, and personal life.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“And then, when you have the opportunity, do your best.”

It was a golden advice for Yoo-hyun, who might have been impatient for a moment.

He always taught Yoo-hyun the wisdom of life in this way.

He had run ahead without accepting it, because of Yoo-hyun’s greed.

How frustrated he must have been watching from the side.

Now he wanted to follow his words sincerely.

“I’ll definitely do that.”

At Yoo-hyun’s answer, Shin Kyung Wook smiled and said.

“And your advice is...”


“Don’t forget it. But understand that it’s not easy.”

“Yes, I understand.”

That was enough.

Yoo-hyun knew that Shin Kyung Wook would make the right decision.

Whatever decision he made, Yoo-hyun’s task was clear.

He had to change things one by one, being faithful to reality, as he advised.

And when he came back.

He just had to help him with all his might.

“Shall we toast?”



The glasses collided.

At the same time, the two smiled at each other.

“I just got here a little while ago.”

-Are you okay in the afternoon?

Yoo-hyun answered without much thought at Jung Da Bin’s words.

“I have to go if I promised. I’m fine.”

-Hoho. Yes. See you soon. You’ll be surprised.

He wasn’t very curious about Jung Da Bin, who made a fuss during the new employee training.

Still, Yoo-hyun took it moderately.

“What is it?”

-You don’t sound curious.

“No, I’m curious.”

-Liar. Anyway, be ready to be surprised.

“Okay. See you later.”

The appointment with Jung Da Bin was this afternoon.

He was going to go home tomorrow, so he had some time.

Yoo-hyun got up after a short nap, dressed neatly, and went out.

He arrived at Myeongdong by subway.

Maybe it was because of the end of the year, but the streets still had the remnants of Christmas.

Was it because of that?

The memories came back vividly around this time.

He had done a lot with Jung Da Hye here.

He could glimpse the memories with her at the restaurant, coffee shop, general store, and street vendors.

They were memories that he had forgotten because he thought they were too obvious.

He realized how precious those moments were.

What if he met Jung Da Hye now?

She wasn’t supposed to come to Korea yet, but he suddenly thought that.

Yoo-hyun chuckled and walked.

Meanwhile, Jung Da Bin was sitting at the window on the second floor of the coffee shop.

“How did that happen...”

Her cousin, Jung Da Hye, who was sitting across from her, snapped at Jung Da Bin’s story.

“Hey, you don’t mean to make me meet someone named Han Yoo-hyun, do you?”

“That’s part of it.”

“I’m busy. I barely made time to come today.”

“I know, you’re busy. But you made time anyway.”

Jung Da Hye sighed at Jung Da Bin’s words.

“I don’t even know who that person is.”

“Just look at his face. You’ll definitely remember him.”

Jung Da Hye shook her head, but Jung Da Bin was sure.

If Yoo-hyun was looking for him, the two must have a bond.

They just didn’t know each other.

That was why Jung Da Bin decided to be the mediator of this fateful encounter.

Her cousin, who didn’t know her profound intentions, said something that scratched her insides.

“Why do I have to look at his face?”

“Just. Do it for me. Please?”



Jung Da Hye sighed as if she gave up.

“Hey, I really don’t have time, so you know that.”

“I know. Let’s just have a cup of tea. He should be here by now...”

Jung Da Bin stretched out her words and looked out the window.

Yoo-hyun showed up just then.

Jung Da Bin quickly pointed to the man outside the window with her index finger.

“There he is. The guy in the khaki coat. Don’t you remember?”

“I don’t know.”

“Really? You don’t know? Why?”

“How would I know if I’ve never seen him. And he’s not my style.”

“Hey, do you know how cool that guy is...”

Jung Da Bin was about to get angry when she saw Jung Da Hye spit out words indifferently.

Jung Da Hye, who was looking at Jung Da Bin quietly, reluctantly said.

“It’s only 30 minutes. I’m doing this for your sake.”

“Okay. You’re my pretty cousin. Thank you.”

Jung Da Bin sweated and tried to smile.

The coffee shop that Yoo-hyun entered was two stories high.

The counter was on the first floor, and the seats were on the second floor.

The atmosphere was not bad.

The dark wood atmosphere, the faint coffee aroma, and the jazz music that came in suited Yoo-hyun’s taste.

Yoo-hyun climbed up the narrow stairs.

There were cool paintings on the wall.

They felt like genuine, not imitations.

It seemed that the owner of the coffee shop was interested in art.

-I used to like drawing when I was young. Well, I forgot later.

He remembered what Jung Da Hye had said in the past.