Chapter 190:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 190:

Chapter 190

It was an analysis report on the correlation between experience and confidence.

According to the report, the beginners who had just started out were the most confident.

As they became experts, their confidence tended to drop.

It meant that their perspective changed with their experience.

To Yoo-hyun, Park Seung Woo was a typical overconfident beginner.

Park Seung Woo noticed his look and said a word.

“What? You have a strange look in your eyes? Don’t you trust me?”

“I do. I trust you, but...”

“Then just trust me once. You’ll see soon.”

“Yes. I understand.”

Yoo-hyun swallowed his words as he looked at Park Seung Woo’s eyes.

His strength was his open ears.

But his sudden success seemed to have dulled his strength.

Was it because of Yoo-hyun’s worried look?

Park Seung Woo, who had been thinking for a moment, revealed his true feelings.

“I know you helped me a lot. That’s why I want to show you.”

“What do you want to show me?”

“That your senior is not an easy person.”

“Of course. He’s not.”

Yoo-hyun nodded and Park Seung Woo chuckled.

“I’m your mentor, right?”

“Yes, you are. You’re my one and only mentor.”

Yoo-hyun answered right away to Park Seung Woo’s question.

He said he received help from him, but he received more from him.

He learned from him how to deal with people and what attitude to have in life.

He was a true mentor of life.

That’s why he had to listen to him at this point.

“Kid. So watch your mentor.”

“Yes, I will.”

“I’ll show you a stunning result.”

“I’ll keep my eyes wide open and watch.”

Park Seung Woo shrugged his shoulders and drank his coffee confidently.

“Ah, hot.”

“Here’s a tissue.”

“...Thank you.”

Yoo-hyun thought as he wiped his mouth with a tissue.

It would be a lie if he said he wasn’t anxious.

But this was also a growing pain that his beloved senior had to go through.

Roll on.

Yoo-hyun smiled to himself.

There were people who were living in reality even in the excited atmosphere.

No, rather, they became much more rational than before.

It was Choi Min Hee, the section chief.

She knew the situation of the department.

She also knew what to do in the future.

That was why she clashed with Kim Hyun Min, the team leader, on every occasion.

“Team leader, why are you doing this to our department?”

“What now?”

“We can’t set goals like this. Aren’t you favoring the 1st and 2nd departments too much?”

“Hey, Choi, the main volume is done by the 1st and 2nd departments, right? The 3rd department has to find its own work.”

“Are you going to take responsibility if we can’t achieve the performance?”

She raised her voice to Kim Hyun Min, the team leader, in front of everyone.

The people from the 1st and 2nd departments flinched.

Kim Hyun Min, the team leader, who was closer to Choi Min Hee than anyone else, didn’t back down either.

“What? You’re getting cocky after becoming a department leader?”

“Team leader, that’s not what I mean.”

“Don’t nag here and find a project for the 3rd department. I’ll evaluate you by your performance.”

“Please support us with people. Don’t you see we don’t have enough people?”

Was it because of the tense atmosphere?

Choi Kyung Hyun, the deputy head of the 2nd department, stepped in.

“Team leader, calm down. Choi is still young.”

“Sigh. Okay. Choi, thank you.”

“No, thank you, team leader.”

Choi Min Hee, who heard their conversation, bit her lower lip hard.

She looked angry.

“I got it. I’ll find it.”

“Hey, hey.”

Choi Min Hee didn’t just ask questions, but also listened to Yoo-hyun’s opinions and thought about them.

It wasn’t easy to ask for opinions from the bottom members with the leader’s card.

But Choi Min Hee didn’t hesitate.

She seemed to work harder because she became a department leader through a difficult process.

He appreciated her heart and responded actively.

“That’s because...”

“Really? Isn’t that wrong?”

“That’s all I know.”

Of course, he kept a proper line.

It was meaningless to tell everything.

It was her job to extract the core from the words and find the way.

She might have a hard time now, but she also had to train to find the answer.

Choi Min Hee nodded after thinking for a moment.

“Okay. I got that too. Thank you.”

“What did I do for you?”

“You’re overflowing. Oh, and I’ll play the villain again.”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

Choi Min Hee smiled with her eyes as Yoo-hyun shrugged his shoulders.

The meeting went as Yoo-hyun expected.

Choi Min Hee fixed the scattered department atmosphere with a stiff voice.

“It won’t be easy to achieve our department’s performance this year. We have to work hard.”

“Yes, we will.”

“We’ll do our best.”

The people showed a positive attitude and Choi Min Hee’s demands became easier.

“Okay, let’s hear what you thought of the project for this year. Kim, you first.”

“Yes. The item I thought of is...”

“Okay. Let’s make some more supplementary materials for that. Got it?”


She picked up the parts that Kim Hyun Min, the team leader, had missed when he was the department leader.

It wouldn’t be easy, but it would definitely help the department members.

That was why Choi Min Hee pushed herself to be the villain.

Park Seung Woo’s personality became more clear when he spoke.

“I’m going to make a panel for China...”

“Park, stop. So you’re going to do this as a project?”

“I’m reviewing it.”

“No. Don’t do it. This is not it.”

She cut off Park Seung Woo’s absurd suggestion.

“Why? There’s enough potential. China has a huge population...”

“Did you decide on the customer? No, you didn’t. There are too many variables. You’ll do a lot of work and only lose your strength.”

“I can do it. I’ll make it.”

“Park, did you get this from the marketing team?”

And she pointed out the core of the problem.

Park Seung Woo nodded awkwardly.

“Yes, I did.”

“Then don’t do it. It’s not because of them, but because you’ll work hard and only give them the results.”

“I’ll prepare more.”

It was a bit harsh, but it was a reasonable logic.

But Park Seung Woo didn’t back down.

Choi Min Hee wouldn’t give up either.

“Try something else. You have a lot to do.”

“No. I’ll try more.”

“Why can’t you do that...”

“How to make it possible...”

The two’s spear and shield clashed endlessly.

The meeting room was heated up by the unprecedented intensity.

Finally, Choi Min Hee stepped back.

“Okay. Then check if that’s right.”

“Thank you.”

The long argument ended with a truce.

Park Seung Woo bit his lower lip and bowed his head.

His eyes were full of will.

Yoo-hyun didn’t think it was stubbornness.

Park Seung Woo believed that he could actually do it.

He had to experience it to know.

That was Yoo-hyun’s conclusion.

This process was repeated for several days.

The department members made, broke, and fixed the data, and gradually produced plausible results.

Choi Min Hee caught them so meticulously that the department members had to work hard.

That’s how the projects with the color of the 3rd department started to come out one by one.