Chapter 191:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 191:

Chapter 191

There was one person who stood out among them.

“Wow, Mr. Kim, you’ve already made this?”

“Yes. I requested some more data from the pre-production team and came up with a direction.”

“You did a neat job. The direction is good too. But you want to put this in the next Apple phone?”

“Yes. I received an email a while ago, and they are also considering the ultra-high-resolution panel as a candidate.”

Mr. Kim Young-gil’s words made Ms. Choi Min-hee’s expression serious.

“It’s just one of the candidates. It’s not even confirmed.”

“Yes, that’s true. But I think there’s a high possibility.”

“Apple is not easy to deal with...”

In the past, Mr. Kim Young-gil was a stubborn person.

He had depth, but he was too meticulous, so it took him ages to make a report.

But now he had added speed to his depth.

It was the influence of his San Francisco business trip.

He had already seen the distant goal, so he could run with confidence.

He also had a design perspective, which helped him write the report.

Ms. Choi Min-hee, who was pondering for a moment, asked him.

“What’s the possibility?”

“Technically, it’s possible. I’m thinking of checking with the Future Product Research Center if we can use the OLED line.”

“That part, you have to do it with the development team.”

“Yes. I’m planning to go on a business trip once. Can I take Yoo-hyun with me then?”


Ms. Choi Min-hee looked at him, and Yoo-hyun nodded.

Then he revealed his intention.

“Yes. I was very interested in the ultra-high-resolution panel. I’m curious.”

“Hmm, okay. Actually, I was wondering who to assign to this side project, but Yoo-hyun will do.”

“Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me. It’s an experimental project, after all.”

“No, I really want to try it.”

It was not just an experimental project.

It was the most important project to catch Apple and correct the wrong past.

Yoo-hyun showed his strong will, and Ms. Choi Min-hee laughed, surprised.

“Thank you for saying that much.”

“I’ll do my best.”

“Okay. Work hard.”

The main person of this project was of course Mr. Kim Young-gil.

But this time, Yoo-hyun also wanted to actively participate.

It was not an easy project.

He nodded his head with his heart.

“Yes, I understand.”

Mr. Kim Young-gil’s success was a great stimulus for Mr. Park Seung-woo.

It was because he had the wrong direction, but Mr. Park Seung-woo had prepared very hard.

He collected a lot of data besides the ones sent by the marketing team to meet the needs of the Chinese customers.

He looked through the research information room data, and analyzed the status of other companies’ entry into China in detail.

He contacted the development team to check the feasibility, and showed his passion for going on a business trip.

He was definitely improved from the past Mr. Park Seung-woo.

But he had no experience to understand and cope with the Chinese market perfectly.

He asked for help from Mr. Sung Woong-jin, the deputy manager of the marketing team, but he subtly backed off.

“Mr. Park, don’t be weak. You just have to do as well as the color phone.”

“Yes. But the evidence is too weak.”

“Hey, customers don’t know what they want.”

“...That’s true.”

“Okay. I’ll support you a lot.”

He said that, but he didn’t do much.

Mr. Park Seung-woo had to struggle alone.

He worked all night and collected data and made evidence.

He did market research and found differentiation points.

He worked really hard.

Yoo-hyun, who was looking for a gap, secretly handed him his favorite honey tea.

“Mr. Park, please have this.”

“Huh? Thank you.”

“Take a break.”

Mr. Park Seung-woo shook his head at Yoo-hyun’s words.

“No. I have to hurry. I’m short on time.”

“Can I help you with anything?”

“No. Don’t worry. Who am I?”

“My mentor.”

“Kid. I’ll drink well.”

Even then, this project was not made through such a normal process.

Apple demanded strongly, and it was made belatedly when the fire fell on the back of the foot.

It was too optimistic to think that it would be like that again, as there were too many variables now.

It had to be changed.

Mr. Kim Young-gil flinched, and Yoo-hyun opened his mouth.

“Director, I heard that the resolution is the differentiation point that LCD can offer over OLED.”

“Why are you bringing that up now?”

“It’s not decided yet, but there’s Ilseong’s OLED on the iPhone 4 list.”

The word Ilseong, mixed in Yoo-hyun’s words, stimulated Mr. Jo Chan-young.

He asked with a changed expression.

“What? Ilseong OLED?”

“Yes. Mr. Kim said he heard it from the Apple practitioners.”

“Mr. Kim, is that true?”

Mr. Jo Chan-young’s glare made Mr. Kim Young-gil nod his head, glancing at Yoo-hyun.

“Yes, that’s true.”

“Why didn’t you report it?”

“I was cautious because it was not an official information. I’m sorry.”

“Huh. No way. We can’t lose to Ilseong.”

Ilseong was a magic word.

Even if they failed, they had to be conscious of Ilseong’s position.

In the end, Mr. Jo Chan-young also became cautious because of the word Ilseong.

“Okay. Let’s review this more.”

“Yes, I understand.”

“Of course, realistically, make a proper differentiation point.”


It was not decided yet, but at least it seemed possible to make it a project.

Yoo-hyun was satisfied with this level.

The project report continued.

He looked at the next project title on the screen and asked.

“What’s that?”

“It’s Mr. Park Seung-woo’s proposal.”

“Show me.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Yoo-hyun answered his words and pressed the laptop button.

Mr. Park Seung-woo’s project proposal came up on the screen.

Mr. Jo Chan-young scanned the contents quickly with his big eyes.

His expression hardened.

“This project is...”

It was when Mr. Park Seung-woo said just one word.

Mr. Jo Chan-young’s roar fell.

“Hey. Mr. Park. Are you doing the China thing now?”

“I think the Chinese market will be more important in the future...”

“Sigh. Ms. Choi, what happened?”

He turned his arrow to Ms. Choi Min-hee, not Mr. Park Seung-woo.

Ms. Choi Min-hee answered with a serious expression.

“Although there is uncertainty, I thought it would be okay if it succeeded because the market size is large.”

“Do you call that a word now? Ultra-low-cost? It doesn’t match the company’s policy direction at all.”

“I don’t think the attempt itself is bad.”

“What? Are you so free now? Why can’t you filter it as a part leader?”

“I’m sorry.”

It had to break anyway.

It was because Mr. Jo Chan-young was determined.

He also shot an arrow at Mr. Kim Hyun-min, the team leader.

“Mr. Kim, can’t you filter this in the middle of the product planning team?”

“I’m sorry.”

“No, no, that’s not good. You have to listen to what’s feasible. If there’s a problem, you’re responsible, right?”

“I’ll rewrite and upload it.”


Ms. Choi Min-hee and Mr. Kim Hyun-min did not blame Mr. Park Seung-woo.

They just got scolded.

The more they did, the more Mr. Park Seung-woo’s heart burned.

In the end, Mr. Park Seung-woo couldn’t say a word until the meeting was over.

After the meeting, Mr. Park Seung-woo apologized to Ms. Choi Min-hee.

“I’m sorry. I made a useless proposal.”

“No. Mr. Park, you worked hard.”

But she just nodded her head as if nothing happened.

She had expected it.

Her reaction made Mr. Park Seung-woo shrink more.

His back looked unusually narrow.