Chapter 211:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 211:

Of course, not only the part members who were presenters with Yoo-hyun were awake.

Yoo-hyun spoke to Jung In-wook, the leader of part one.

We need someone to coordinate this part in the middle, but we dont have that in this team.

Ha. Ive seen all kinds of things in my life.

Even though he sneered, Yoo-hyun didnt back down.

He pressed him even harder.

Am I wrong? If there is anything incorrect, please point it out.

Jung In-wook, the leader, couldnt say anything.

He had already turned the team leader into a madman.

Who knows what kind of trouble he would get into if he said anything.

It was a harsh criticism.

Everyone was shocked by the situation they had never experienced before.

Someone should have stopped him by now, but the atmosphere was not like that.

The team leader had already been hit.

And there were people who had been hit one by one.

They had no reason to stop Yoo-hyuns words.

Someone had to throw a dissenting vote, but there was no one who had the guts to do that.

Yoo-hyun didnt slow down his tempo and immediately attacked Yun Gi-chun, the senior of part two, without mercy.

The panel is the same. There are many missing parts in the panel design plan that you mentioned in the report.

What are you talking about?

He fought back, but Yoo-hyun sharply picked out his weakness.

How are you going to do the panel simulation?

Thats already been done several times

No. You havent used OLED TFT once, have you? Its hard to use the Future Research Institute line, and youre going to make it without a proper simulation? Is that possible?

The conference room became quieter and quieter.

Peoples faces were filled with horror.

Yoo-hyuns knowledge covered both circuits and panels.

What the hell is that kid?

How does he know that?

Is he really an employee?

He was rude and arrogant, but he knew too much.

That was not something that could be done by memorizing a few pages of reports.

They all knew that fact too well.

Yoo-hyun, who was speaking fast, took a breath.

Then the peoples faces began to distort one by one.

There was no self-reflection in them.

Rather, they were full of resentment towards Yoo-hyun.

Yoo-hyun didnt think that this would change everything.

This was a kind of declaration of war.

As you can see, there are many problems overall. Am I being too presumptuous?

They must have thought he was crazy.

They might have thought he was too arrogant.

They might have said that he would get scolded if he lived like this in the company.

He didnt care.

He didnt come here to avoid getting scolded.

He showed his will to the silent people and greeted them more loudly.

Thank you for understanding. I will continue to actively express my opinions in the future. I appreciate your cooperation.

The atmosphere in the conference room was quiet as if it had been hit by a bomb.

The team leader got up and left without a word, and the people followed him.


Lee Jin-mok, the chief, pushed Yoo-hyuns shoulder and left.

You must be happy to be so smart?

The people who passed by Yoo-hyun said one thing.

Wow, hes really noisy.

How can he do that?

Even though he had built an image of speaking his mind, the distance between him and his team members grew further.

He couldnt do his job properly no matter how much he criticized them.

But Yoo-hyun believed in one thing.

The people here were not here to play.

They would come to him if it was beneficial.

And sincerity always works.

After the meeting, the office was filled with cold air.

He was bothered by the cold eyes of some team members who had been close to him.

He knew it would be resolved soon, but he was human, so he couldnt help but worry.

He changed his clothes and went outside to shake off his feelings.

The best way to clear his mind was to sweat without thinking.

When he went outside, the sun hadnt set yet.

It was the course he ran in the morning, but it looked different at this time.

There were quite a lot of people, and there were also people riding bicycles.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

Yoo-hyun ran faster than in the morning.

He was keeping up with the bicycle next to him.

It was after he ran for a while.


Yoo-hyun sat on the bench and took a breath. He drank some water.


The cool breeze and the sunset scenery came into his eyes.

It was a beautiful scenery, but that was it.

His lonely feelings didnt subside.


Then, a phone call came.

He had a feeling who it was.

He looked at his phone and it was Park Seung-woo, the assistant manager, as expected.

Yoo-hyun greeted him with a friendly feeling.

Yes, assistant manager.

-I called you because I thought you might be bored.

You called me this morning too.

-Morning and evening are different.

Yoo-hyun laughed at Park Seung-woo, the assistant managers good-natured words.

Anyone would think you have nothing to do.

-Haha. No, thats not it

Come on, thats true.

He was worried, but he pretended to laugh. It was very nice.

He hadnt been apart for long, but he must have missed him.

Yoo-hyun smiled all the time he listened to his words.

He talked for a while and then lowered his voice as if he had a secret to tell.

-Yoo-hyun, actually

What is it?

-No, its nothing.

Come on, tell me.

-Just. Theres something like that. Youll be surprised. Hehe.

He seemed to have something amazing to say, but he shut his mouth and got excited.

Yoo-hyun hid his feelings and acted cocky.

Well, youre obvious, assistant manager. Im not curious.

-No, really. Youll be really shocked.

Yeah, yeah. I got it.

-Wow. You really dont believe me? Tell me?

No, Im fine.

When Yoo-hyun spoke blatantly, Park Seung-woo, the assistant manager, finally got angry.

They exchanged useless questions and answers for a long time.

Anyone would think they had nothing to do, but not Yoo-hyun.

He felt his head clear up.

The next day.

Yoo-hyun arrived at the office and started the day with enthusiasm.

He greeted the people as he did yesterday.

Hello. Good morning.

The answer that came back was not much different from yesterday.

Rather, the situation seemed to have gotten worse.

Some people made bored expressions, and some ignored him.

The aftermath of yesterdays meeting was still there.

Regardless, Yoo-hyun tried to approach them.

What Yoo-hyun wanted was the success of the project.

He used a somewhat rough method for that.

He couldnt stop here.

He needed to melt into their hearts to move them.

How could he overcome this situation and get closer to them?

There were many human ways, but the most certain thing was work.

He had to prove that he was not just a talker, but a doer who benefited them.