Chapter 212:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 212:

With that in mind, Yoo-hyun began to move.

He had the details of his team members tasks in his head.

Knowing that, he knew what he needed and what he had to do next.

That was why he went to the team lab to check where the measuring equipment was.

There are two wave meters, three photometers, and

That was not all.

He checked the teams various equipment and parts, such as where the soldering iron was, how many power supply units there were, and what kind of cables there were.

He also checked the module box and the panel storage.

And he went to the material warehouse in the hallway.

It was closed, but he looked inside through the glass door to get a rough idea of the situation.

The next place he went was the module factory.

He checked the location and looked at the work schedule to see what kind of module work was being done in his area.

Yoo-hyun did not stop there. He looked for Joo Yoonha, the secretary in charge.

He wanted to look deeper into the whole work of the department, not just the work of the pre-product team.

He asked her, who was sitting at her desk.

Yoonha, can I check the KPI (Key Performance Indicator) of the department?

Sure. Do you want me to send it to you?

Yes. And can you also send me the other teams ones?

Okay. But thats strange.


Well. The team leaders dont care much about anything other than their own teams.Diiscover new stories at

Joo Yoonha said with a puzzled expression, revealing the problem that the department was facing.

The teams in the department were all playing separately.

The newly arrived executive director, Go Jun-ho, did not even grasp this.

It was a part that needed to be sorted out at least to fix the work of the pre-product team.

Yoo-hyun casually gave his opinion.

It seemed like there was no communication between the teams.

Is that so?

Yes. Im sure the director must have a headache.

Well, I guess so, seeing how he breaks down every day.

Yoo-hyun asked her one more thing, smiling at her friendly smile.

Oh, and theres a monthly dispatch report, right? When do I have to share it?

Joo Yoonha answered kindly as always.

The date doesnt matter much. I think the director is too busy to care about that.

Then Ill send it to you later when I write it.

Okay. I understand. But youre very diligent, Yoo-hyun.

Haha. I have to learn because I dont know.

Yoo-hyun answered with a good-natured tone, and she brought up the question she was curious about.

Hey, youre doing well.

No, Im still a chick.

It seems like the director is taking good care of you, Yoo-hyun.


Yes. He talked about you several times after the interview yesterday.

Im glad. Thank you for letting me know.

Yoo-hyun smiled happily, feeling that things were going as he planned.

People want to know more when they are interested.

Go Jun-ho, the executive director, must have checked Yoo-hyuns personnel record separately.

First place in the new employee training, color phone award, group research and development award, etc.

Although he was an employee, this record was enough to gain Go Jun-hos trust.

Yoo-hyun returned to his seat after greeting Joo Yoonha.

The team atmosphere was not good.

He heard the murmurs of the people who were conscious of him.

They were all from the second part.

Hes here, hes here.

Hes going to get crushed today.

They say he has to learn the hard way.

They always said things like that behind his back.

But he could hear them.

He was thinking that when he sat down. Yoon Gi-chun, the senior, came over and nagged him.

This person always came over and poked him.

Youre acting all smart, but you look like youre going to get smashed today.


Yoo-hyun asked, and he said with a haughty voice.

What do you mean why? Ask your team leader. He came down here because he messed up managing his subordinates.

My team leader?

Yeah. Are you scared now?

No. Im so happy.

Yoo-hyun finally realized what Park Seung-woo, the assistant manager, meant by the secret he told him last night.

It meant that Kim Hyun-min, the director, had secretly come down.

Yes. Ill be careful from now on.

Yoo-hyun nodded calmly at Kim Hyun-mins words that hit the mark.

But Kim Ho-geol wasnt.

Ro, rotten?

He stuttered.

Then Kim Hyun-min slipped out like a snake.

Ah, I was just giving an example. If you listen to this guy, there are a lot of things wrong with the team, but that cant be true, right?

Kim Ho-geol blinked and thought as he was.

Kim Hyun-min whipped Yoo-hyun and raised his voice.

Anyway, I have to tell executive director Go about your behavior, Yoo-hyun. And everything that happened today.

I understand, team leader.

Yes? The director?

Yoo-hyun answered calmly, while Kim Ho-geol asked in surprise.

Kim Hyun-min said casually.

He asked me to meet him anyway.

So, are you going to him right away?

No. I have to go to our team members seats first. Even if they are my children, I have to see how they live, dont I?

Well, thats true.

Yoo-hyun held back his laughter as he saw Kim Ho-geol flustered.

He expected it, but he was too skillful.

As if he sensed Yoo-hyuns feelings, Kim Hyun-min pulled his chair forward.


Then he looked at Kim Ho-geol sharply and said something meaningful.

I heard that there are cases where they push away the people who came on dispatch.

Are there places like that?

Haha. Thats what they say. Anyway, Ill check that part and go to executive director Go.

He seems to be very interested in the dispatched employee, too.

Kim Hyun-min hit the decisive blow.

Kim Ho-geol, who would wake up even in his sleep if it was executive director Go, got up first.

Then Ill go ahead and prepare.

Okay. Ill follow you right away.

No. Come after five minutes. I have something to tell the team.

Okay. Ill talk to the rude team member for a while.

Please do.

Kim Ho-geol moved as soon as Kim Hyun-mins words fell.

His steps looked unusually fast.

After Kim Ho-geol left.

Kim Hyun-min chuckled and said to Yoo-hyun.

Hes so naive.

Yes. Hes nice. And smart.

What, but why did you do that?

Kim Hyun-min asked incredulously, and Yoo-hyun answered without hesitation.

They could say anything to each other.

I have to change what I want to change.

Man, but you dont make a scene on the first day, do you?

You said you would take responsibility even if I did whatever I wanted.

Hey, thats Haha. Yeah, I did. Then its fine.

Kim Hyun-min laughed to himself.

Yoo-hyun, who was watching him, guessed his thoughts.

Are you not going to ask me more?

You said you wanted to change it, didnt you?

Not that.

Fine. Dont I know you? You wouldnt have done it with bad intentions.

Kim Hyun-min looked at Yoo-hyun with confidence.

He was grateful for that, even if it was nothing.

His feelings were naturally expressed.

Thank you for trusting me.

Fine, and you know what Im going to do when I go there, right?

Kim Hyun-min had something else in mind.

Yoo-hyun recalled the scene of the meeting room where he made a scene.

He always did something unexpected when there was a conflict with another team.

He was looking forward to it, so Yoo-hyun nodded.


Of course. You. Just match the timing.

Yes. Thats my specialty.


Kim Hyun-min smiled as Yoo-hyun grumbled.