Chapter 214:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 214:

Yoo-hyun nodded his head with a smile.

-You dont have to do this. You should focus on other things, Yoo-hyun.

Kim Seon-dong, the team leader, always tried to take over the tasks that were assigned to Yoo-hyun.

He was the type of person who was willing to sacrifice himself for others.

He endured all kinds of unpleasant work without complaining.

He had a lot of ideas and was smart, but he was too busy with trivial tasks that he couldnt concentrate on his own work.

Despite that, he played a crucial role in the development of the ultra-high-resolution panel.

Looking back, he was an amazing person.


Yoo-hyun sat down and touched the soldering iron.

It felt very unfamiliar.

It was even more so because he hadnt used it for a long time.

Then, someone passed behind Yoo-hyun.

He glanced and saw that it was Kim Hogul, the senior engineer.

He seemed to have checked what Yoo-hyun was doing, but he didnt show any reaction.

His expression was as grim as yesterday.

He looked at Yoo-hyun as if he was testing him.

-The product planning guys should do this too. Then they would understand the difficulties of the engineers.

Yoo-hyun recalled what he had said in the past and smiled.

Back then, he wasnt a timid team leader who only cared about others opinions.

Under his professional guidance, Yoo-hyun gained a lot of experience.

It became a great foundation for Yoo-hyuns growth later.

With that memory in mind, Yoo-hyun turned on the soldering iron.

There were countless components on a yellow film that was slightly smaller than his palm.

They were so close together that it required a lot of skill to detach one of them.

Yoo-hyun removed them one by one by applying solder on both sides of the small components.

It had been a long time ago, but his hands still remembered the experience.

And since he had good concentration, it was quick after he got used to it.

This is fun.

After detaching them, he also enjoyed attaching them with solder using tweezers.

It felt natural to repeat the same task over and over again.

It was like disassembling and reassembling a gun in the army.

A while later.

Kim Seon-dong, the team leader, and Maeng Gi-yong, the senior engineer, came back after finishing their conversation.

There was a box containing touch PCBs on Kim Seon-dongs seat.

They were neatly packed as if they were new products.

Maeng Gi-yong was surprised and asked Kim Seon-dong.

What? Youre done already?

Of course not

Maeng Gi-yong looked around and quickly said to Kim Seon-dong.

Check it with the measuring device. Hurry up.

Okay, okay.

Kim Seon-dong brought the measuring device and checked the resistance at the position where it needed to be changed.

He checked several devices, but the values were all the same.

The connections were also neatly everything, Kim Seon-dong said to Maeng Gi-yong.

Senior engineer, I think its all done.

Theres not a single mistake. Wow

Maeng Gi-yong felt a bit awkward.

He had asked the team leader to make Yoo-hyun do some hard work, but he finished it in no time.

Thats how Yoo-hyun accomplished something every day.

Even if it was a small thing, he always left a good impression.

As he did so, the evaluation of others around him gradually changed.

From a shameless guy, a rude guy to a necessary guy.

Thanks to the halo effect that Kim Hyun-min, the director, had given him, his speed accelerated even more.

It was Friday, the first week since Yoo-hyun came to work here.

That morning, Maeng Gi-yong and Lee Jin-mok, the team leaders, were at the smoking area next to the fourth factory building.

They were smoking when Maeng Gi-yong suddenly said:

That guy Yoo-hyun has something special.

Yes, senior engineer. I thought he was just a rude guy, but hes not.

Me too. You know that IC company thing he mentioned?

Yes. At the weekly meeting?

Yeah. He was right about everything. Geez.

Maeng Gi-yong exhaled smoke and chuckled bitterly.

Lee Jin-mok nodded in agreement and asked with a worried expression:

Yoo-hyun asked Kang Jun-ki, who was sighing.

He was having fun with his work and he must have checked it already.

As expected, he got the answer he wanted.

-We still have time, dont we? If we customize it as you said, we have enough room.

Okay. Thats it.

-But why do you need another mockup?

No. Not me. Theres someone called Lee Jin-mok, the team leader.

Yoo-hyun lifted his head and looked at Lee Jin-mok, who was next to Kim Seon-dong, the team leader.

He was organizing data without knowing anything.

Kang Jun-ki asked him:

-Really? When are you going to contact him?

Ill do it later. Anyway, I got it. Let me know if theres any change.

-Okay. Bye.

Yoo-hyun looked at the phone that was hung up.

No one cared about it now, but there would be a time when they needed a mockup for Apples demo.

He had to prepare from now on to make a big impact then.

What would be good to demo the ultra-high-resolution panel?

Realistic images were essential.

But that wasnt enough.

He had to make a UI that felt like a next-generation Apple phone to convince them for sure.

Yoo-hyun knew someone who could help him with this kind of thing.

He picked up his phone and called his sister.

Hey, Jaehui, how are you?

-Whats up, bro? You never call me these days.

Just wondering how your studies are going.

-I almost died because of the midterm exams.

Did you finish them?

-Yeah. I guess so.

He had checked his sisters midterm schedule before calling her.

It was his brotherly heart to give her some consideration before asking for a favor.

Yoo-hyun said with a pleasant voice:

Thats good.

-What? You sound suspicious.


As Yoo-hyun was explaining, he heard a sharp voice from the other side of the phone.

-No way. I dont want to do it.

What? Whats wrong?

-No, nothing.

When Yoo-hyun asked her, Han Jaehui pretended that nothing happened.

But that wasnt true.

He clearly heard a mans voice nagging her.

-Hey, Im on the phone. Stop it. Ugh. Why are you like this? Ugh, really.

Jaehui, whats going on?

-No, its just that a senior keeps talking to me.

Yoo-hyun felt it intuitively.

He had a name in his mind.

Is it Yang Woochan?

-No. Just continue what you were saying.

When Han Jaehui avoided the question, his suspicion turned into certainty.

She was definitely involved with Yang Woochan.

And not in a good way.

Yoo-hyun said with determination:

No. I have to see you in person. Are you okay now?

-Uh, I guess so

Okay. Ill be there today.


Yoo-hyun ignored Han Jaehuis surprise and hung up the phone.


He immediately looked for a bus ticket.

There wasnt much time left until the end of work, so he had to check it now to catch it on time.

As he was searching the internet site, Maeng Gi-yong, the senior engineer, glanced at him as if he was aware of him.

He licked his lips as if he had something to say.

He felt like asking him for a drink.

He could reach out and grab him, but he couldnt do that now.

He had an urgent matter to solve.

In the end, Maeng Gi-yong wandered around and returned to his seat.