Chapter 215:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 215:

Chapter 215

A short while later, Yoo-hyun quickly headed to the bus stop after getting off work.

He got on the city bus just in time.

After a long ride, he arrived at the university where his younger sister attended.

Han Jaehee was living in a studio apartment near the campus.

Ding dong. Ding dong.

He rang the bell and heard some movement after a while.

“Who is it?”

“It’s me, your brother. Open up.”

“Huh. You really came?”

Han Jaehee cracked open the door and gasped in surprise.

“You said you were coming.”

“I didn’t know you would come so soon. What do I do? I didn’t clean up at all.”

“It’s okay...”

Yoo-hyun stepped into the studio and swallowed his words.

It was worse than a pigsty.

“Just wait a minute.”

“Can you help me?”

“No, no. Just sit there.”

She seemed to have some conscience as she moved around busily.

As she crouched down to tidy up the floor, a green bottle rolled behind her.

Rattle rattle rattle.

Yoo-hyun asked with a dumbfounded expression.

“Why do you have so many empty soju bottles in your house?”

“I drank them when I got stuck with my work.”

He somehow accepted her explanation and nodded.

Then he unpacked his bag.

Inside, there was alcohol he bought from the mart next to the terminal.

“I guess I didn’t need to buy this.”

“Huh. Vodka is good.”

Han Jaehee smiled and took the gift from Yoo-hyun.

Yoo-hyun looked around.

There was a computer on the desk, and a tablet next to it.

He could tell how much work she had done by the stains on the tablet pen.

The books next to it were the same.

They were worn out and showed signs of studying hard.

The trash can was filled with dozens of crumpled papers.

But more than that, he noticed the things that were lacking in the house.

Yoo-hyun said.

“You need a lot of things here. I’ll buy you some later.”

“I’m fine. I’m not going to live here for long, anyway.”

“You have to endure until this year. If you don’t graduate, you’ll have to stay another year.”

“Don’t jinx it.”

Han Jaehee snapped at him for worrying about her.

Then she changed her mood.

“Shall we have a drink?”

“What do you want to talk about with your brother? There must be something you want to hear.”

When Yoo-hyun asked her cluelessly, Han Jaehee hit the nail on the head.

She wanted to confirm something right away, so Yoo-hyun agreed readily.

“Yeah. That’s true.”

“Just wait a minute.”

Han Jaehee moved around again.

She put a frying pan on top of a small electric stove that could barely fit one pot.

Then she made something quickly.

“We can’t drink without snacks.”

“That’s so like you.”

Yoo-hyun licked his lips.

Soon, Yoo-hyun faced his sister with a small table between them.

The various things that covered the floor were pushed to the corner of the room.

On the table, there were ice glasses and bottles of alcohol.

The space next to them was filled with cheese sauce and nachos that Han Jaehee made.

She decorated them quite well for an art student.

“It’s pretty cozy, right?”

Han Jaehee was about to reply sharply.

“What the hell, this guy must be drunk again.”

“Wait. Don’t reply.”

Yoo-hyun stopped his sister.


“Just. Let’s see how he reacts.”

It was a moment later.

Beep beep. Beep beep.

As Yoo-hyun expected, the phone kept ringing.

He told her not to answer this time too.

“What do we do?”

“Leave it.”

“But he’ll keep calling.”

“Just leave it. Let’s see how far he goes.”

Beep beep. Beep beep.

He was a jerk who kept calling even when she didn’t reply to his texts.

When she didn’t answer the phone, he kept calling.

With this much passion, and his past history, there was a possibility that he would come to her house.

Yoo-hyun waited with a faint hope, but didn’t show it.

“Let’s drink for now. I don’t want to ruin my mood because of this guy.”

“Don’t mind him. He’ll stop eventually.”

“Yeah. Okay.”

“Don’t worry. What can he do when I’m not interested?”


‘Jaehee, he’s not the one for you.’

Yoo-hyun hid his feelings and offered her a glass.

They had a drink and talked.

“About your graduation...”

“That’s not it...”

But Yoo-hyun kept checking the time.

That’s when it happened.

Bang bang bang bang.

Someone knocked on the door.

“Han Jaehee. Han Jaehee. I know you’re in there.”

It was Yang Woochan’s voice and Han Jaehee was startled.

“He’s really crazy.”

“Don’t get up.”

Han Jaehee hesitated at the cold look in her brother’s eyes that she had never seen before.

Yoo-hyun got up from his seat and walked slowly out.

“Open the door. Why aren’t you answering my calls?”

His voice was loud and drunk in the hallway.

This was clearly trespassing.

If he left it like this, it could lead to a crime.

“Hey, Han Jaehee, you’re mine. I can’t have just one of you...”


As he was spitting out nonsense, Yoo-hyun opened the door.

Then he saw a man with a flushed face.

His thin face with no double eyelids, and the scar marks on his cheeks matched his past memories.



Yoo-hyun grabbed his collar as he tried to open his mouth.

He pulled him so hard that his forehead hit the corner of the metal door.



Yoo-hyun reached out his other hand and stopped his sister who was trying to get up.

“Jaehee, I’ll be back from the police station in a bit. Stay here.”

“Let me go with you.”

“No. Stay here. Don’t open the door for anyone.”

“What if you’re in danger?”

He appreciated her concern, but he didn’t need it.

Yoo-hyun squeezed his collar and said.


“Don’t worry. I’m an expert at catching jerks like him.”