Chapter 217:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 217:

Chapter 217

After Yoo-hyun left, Jinmok Lee, the team leader, looked at his back and said with a worried tone.

“Senior, how can you let him go alone?”

Next to him was Kiyong Maeng, the senior engineer.

“What can we do? He said he would do it for us.”

“But that guy, he’s really smart.”


“He just gets things done even if you just mention them briefly.”

Jinmok Lee chuckled at his words and spat out a low voice.

“Still, this job is going to be hard.”

“Yes. If he doesn’t know what he’s doing, he’ll have to stay up all night.”

“I know. I don’t even know when we have to write the report...”

Kiyong Maeng clicked his tongue and Jinmok Lee agreed vehemently.

“I feel like I’m being overworked when I look at it.”

“I know, right?”

The two were full of worries.

Yoo-hyun’s destination was the module building connected to the office building.

He took the elevator to the third floor, crossed the sky bridge and went to the third floor of the module building.

It was only one building away, but the people’s outfits were different.

Most of the people here were wearing navy blue collar T-shirts.

There was a Hansung LCD logo on the chest of the T-shirts.

Yoo-hyun looked at them and recalled his memories of working on modules in the past.

-Why is our schedule always delayed? We made a reservation.

-There’s something called priority, priority. Sigh. This is why engineers don’t communicate well.

Every time he worked on modules, the schedule was always delayed.

Sometimes it was because of the previous work, and sometimes it was because of the late-coming modules that pushed him back.

The module work in the fourth factory was done by hand.

He understood that there was no exact schedule for that.

But the problem was that the priority was too biased.

It was because everyone had their own interests, and the person who had the power here was the work leader.

In the end, convincing him was the key, but Yoo-hyun realized that too late.

But not now.

Yoo-hyun had already thought of a way to persuade him in a short time.

‘If I do that...’

He had already finished investigating him.

He was confident that he could make a different result from the past.

It was when Yoo-hyun entered the module workshop with a folding cart.

A bright space contrasted with the dark hallway came into his sight.

There were employees who were working busily and raising their voices.

“Hey. Hurry up and take it out. The schedule behind is delayed.”

“Yes. I got it.”

Yoo-hyun looked for the work leader first as he entered.

He couldn’t find him for a while even though he had seen his photo on the site.

Then he asked a female employee in front of him.

“Hello. I’m Yoo-hyun Han from the Preceding Product Team 4.”

“Yes. What can I do for you?”

“Do you know where the work leader is?”

“Oh... Huh? Yoo-hyun Han?”

The female employee who answered his question suddenly looked surprised.

“Yes, that’s me.”

“Sis. Sis.”

As Yoo-hyun nodded, she quickly looked for someone she called sis.

A moment later,

A female employee wearing an ID card with Jo Yujung written on it came over quickly.

She looked at Yoo-hyun’s face and asked,

“Are you Yoo-hyun Han from Product Planning Team?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Wow. I thought it might be you when I saw your name, but it’s really you?”

She exclaimed as she saw him and other female employees jumped around.

“Wow. He’s handsome.”

“He’s much better than in the photo.”


Yoo-hyun looked bewildered by their sudden reaction.

They seemed to know him somehow.

Jo Yujung smiled and said,

“I’ve heard a lot about you. Heyran, bring me the chart.”

“Yes, sis.”

Yoo-hyun asked cautiously,

“What have you heard about me?”



“Yes. That’s what they said. Just a moment.”

She couldn’t believe what she heard.

She had a close relationship with Jomiran Jo from Marketing Team.

“The meeting with the client was...”

“Yeah. Let’s do that.”

The team leader didn’t just postpone everything.

He tried to make some decisions.

It was definitely a positive change.

When Yoo-hyun returned to his seat after the report, Maeng Gi-yong approached him and asked.

“Do you want to have a cup of tea?”

“Yes, sure.”

Yoo-hyun readily agreed.

He liked the senior who opened his heart and came closer.

There was a rooftop on the fourth floor of the Ulsan factory.

It was a place where you could walk up and there were a few benches and a small garden in the corner.

Vroom vroom vroom vroom.

The loud sound of the exhaust fan and the constant smoke from the factory contrasted with the scenery.

It wasn’t quiet, but it was peaceful because there weren’t many people looking for it.

Yoo-hyun and Maeng Gi-yong sat on an empty bench together.

Maeng Gi-yong fiddled with his paper cup and said.

“You should have had a decent coffee from the cafeteria.”

“No, I like vending machine coffee.”

“Really? That’s surprising.”

“In what way?”

“Well... just...”

When Yoo-hyun asked, he trailed off and drank his coffee.

Yoo-hyun followed him and looked at the distant landscape.

Unlike Hansung Tower, he could only see mountains.


The silence lasted for a while.

It was awkward, but Yoo-hyun waited patiently.

He didn’t want to rush in and shake him up.

Maybe he hadn’t opened up his heart yet as a human being. Maeng Gi-yong brought up work again.

It was exactly how Yoo-hyun remembered him from the past.

“But how are you going to do the report tomorrow? Are you okay?”

“Yes. I’ve already finished writing it.”

“Wow. That’s amazing. When did you do it?”

“I did it quickly thanks to your data.”

He answered with a smile at the surprised question.

Maeng Gi-yong widened his eyes as if he couldn’t believe it.

“Really? Mine?”

“I also combined data from other people. So I finished it quickly.”

“That’s really surprising.”


“I didn’t know you were open to other people’s opinions.”

Maeng Gi-yong muttered to himself as if he was talking to himself.

Yoo-hyun looked at him and said matter-of-factly.

“I can’t do everything by myself.”


He could draw the big picture by himself.

But it was impossible for him to find out everything in depth.

He was able to save time because he had already organized data as a basis.

And the rest was up to each person.

Maeng Gi-yong swallowed his pride and asked.

“Actually, I had some trouble with the IC part...”

“That part...”

Yoo-hyun answered quickly and Maeng Gi-yong asked with a surprised expression.

“You really care a lot about this, don’t you?”

“Yes. I really want to do this project.”


Maeng Gi-yong stared at Yoo-hyun for a long time and scratched the back of his head.

He didn’t say anything, but his face was full of embarrassment.

-I have a lot of shortcomings too. I’m trying not to fall behind.

Yoo-hyun remembered Maeng Gi-yong from the past in his appearance.

He was one of the most open-minded engineers.

He admitted his weaknesses and worked hard accordingly.

He had both skills and tolerance, so he was able to lead Kim Seon-dong, the team leader, and make the project a success.

He learned a lot from him.

After that, he exchanged a few words with Maeng Gi-yong, but they were all about work.

They weren’t close enough to get personal yet.

But it was important to break the ice like this.

His eyes became more friendly than before.

Yoo-hyun got up from his seat and greeted him first and reached out his hand.

“Thank you for your cooperation, Maeng senior.”

“Yeah. Me too.”


Yoo-hyun held Maeng Gi-yong’s hand for the first time that day.