Chapter 218:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 218:

Chapter 218

The next day, in the morning.

Yoo-hyun sent the checklist that Jung In Wook, the head of the department, had requested to the team leader and the part leaders.

It also included Maeng Ki Yong and Yoon Ki Choon, who were the main writers of the report.

Soon after, Kim Ho Geol, the senior manager, came to see Yoo-hyun.

He looked at him with a stern expression and said,

“The report is quite extensive. How do you expect me to prepare for it if you send it to me now?”

“I received the request yesterday, and I had to work on the module as well. That’s why it took me some time.”

“Still, this is too hard to present. You might mess it up.”

He probably wanted to scold Yoo-hyun, but the real reason was his fear of Go Joon Ho, the executive director.

He was afraid of presenting to him.

Yoo-hyun volunteered himself.

“Then, can I do the presentation?”


“Yes. You can see for yourself that there is nothing wrong with the content.”

“That’s true.”

Kim Ho Geol nodded in agreement, and Yoo-hyun took another step forward.

Here, the word ‘executive director’ was like magic.

“The executive director also told me to try presenting once.”

“Really? He did?”

“Yes. Please let me know if there is anything lacking.”

Kim Ho Geol hesitated for a moment and then spoke.

“Alright. But make sure you prepare well. If you mess it up, it will affect me too.”

“Of course. Oh, and I will add more information to the report if needed.”

“Okay. Fine.”

“Thank you.”

Yoo-hyun bowed and returned to his seat.

It was 30 minutes before the presentation.

Yoo-hyun sent an email to the people with the report that had ‘revised’ at the end of the file name.

Then he called Joo Yoon Ha, the executive director’s secretary, and asked about the situation in his office.

“Yoon Ha, I’m going to go ahead and set up...”

-Yes. You can come. The executive director will be a bit late.

“Thank you.”

Yoo-hyun confirmed that the executive director’s office was empty and went ahead to set up.

10 minutes before the presentation time.

The people from the team related to the report sat down.

The team leader, part leaders, Maeng Ki Yong and Yoon Ki Choon were the main characters.

And right on time, Go Joon Ho, the executive director, entered.

The people who stood up greeted him at once.

“Hello, executive director.”

“Haha, yes. Long time no see. How have you been?”

Go Joon Ho passed by them and reached out his hand to Yoo-hyun.

Yoo-hyun shook his hand and smiled.

“Yes, executive director. You look good.”

“Hahaha. This guy, he knows how to talk.”

The executive director’s office was a place of horror for the team leader and below.

They never came out of here without getting scolded.

But Go Joon Ho was smiling and laughing?

That was impossible.

The team members blinked their eyes at this unfamiliar sight.

Regardless, Go Joon Ho sat down and gave Yoo-hyun a warm look.

“So, are you learning a lot from the team?”

“Yes. Thanks to the team leader’s careful guidance, I’m learning a lot.”

“Haha. Kim team leader has an unexpected side.”

Go Joon Ho laughed, and Kim Ho Geol lowered his head.

“No, executive director.”

“No. Usually, dispatched employees are neglected, but it seems that your team is not like that. That’s good.”


Kim Ho Geol answered while watching Go Joon Ho’s mood.

Did the product planning team leader who came down last time say something nice?

He expected Go Joon Ho to get angry right away, but he was surprisingly friendly.

He couldn’t figure out why.

On the other hand, Yoo-hyun read his intentions from his eyes.

Knowing his meticulous personality, he must have done some background research.

For some reason, it seemed that the result was better than expected.

His eyes were full of trust.

Yoo-hyun said even though he was just an employee.

“Haha. Well then, shall we start?”

Go Joon Ho spoke in sync with Yoo-hyun’s timing.

“No. It’s pretty meticulous. You considered IC schedule, panel production schedule, everything. You even included revisions.”

Go Joon Ho scanned the content quickly with his eyes.

Even for him, who was meticulous, it was very well organized.

He finally praised Kim Ho Geol.

“Mr. Kim, it’s your turn.”

“Th-thank you.”

Director Go Jun-ho smiled, but Senior Kim Ho-geol couldn’t.

Their schedule was too tight, especially for the panel part.

They would have to work all night to meet the deadline.

As if reading his mind, Yoo-hyun pointed out.

“Sir, the panel schedule is a bit tight.”

“I know. But we have no other choice.”

“Yes. But I’m worried about the team’s workload.”

‘Drop dead.’

Despite his inner thoughts, Yoo-hyun looked concerned.

Then Director Go Jun-ho shook his head and winked at Manager Hong Hyuk-su.

“Hey, you’re underestimating the panel too much. Aren’t you, Manager Hong?”

“Huh? No, no. It’s fine. We have Senior Yun Gi-chun.”

Feeling embarrassed, Manager Hong Hyuk-su quickly passed the buck to Senior Yun Gi-chun.

He knew he couldn’t handle that crazy schedule.

Then Director Go Jun-ho smiled and turned to Senior Yun Gi-chun.

“Heh. That’s right. You’re in charge, right?”

“...Yes, sir.”

Senior Yun Gi-chun reluctantly answered, and Director Go Jun-ho raised his voice.

“I think this is the right way. If we don’t do this, I can’t guarantee this project.”


“Good. Let’s give it our best shot. The product seems to be working well.”


As Director Go Jun-ho continued, Senior Yun Gi-chun felt like dying.

On the other hand, Director Go Jun-ho was very happy.

He didn’t mind if his subordinates suffered.

He expressed his feelings openly.

“Mr. Kim, I was going to wait a bit more, but this is enough preparation. Let’s do it.”

“Yes, sir.”

“You know how important this project is, right?”

“Yes, I do.”

He had completely changed from the person who wanted to cancel the project a while ago.

Senior Kim Ho-geol was confused, but he nodded anyway.

Director Go Jun-ho smiled at Yoo-hyun.

“Good. Let’s do well. And help out a lot, Yoo-hyun.”

“What can I do to help?”

“No, no. You’re good at organizing the data so neatly. That’s rare among engineers.”

“You’re too kind. I’ll do my best.”

Yoo-hyun humbly replied, and he laughed.

“Hahaha. Good. You’re not an employee for nothing. Be bold and do whatever you want.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll be more proactive as you said.”

“That’s right, that’s right. That’s what you should do. Hahaha.”

“Thank you.”

Yoo-hyun bowed his head.

The meeting that seemed to be doomed ended in a very good atmosphere.

But the people’s faces didn’t show it.

‘We’re doomed.’

A shadow fell over everyone’s hearts.

It was after Yoo-hyun returned to his seat.

A loud noise erupted in the quiet pre-production team room.

The owner was 2nd part leader Manager Hong Hyuk-su.

He had always pretended to be kind, but he snapped at his right-hand man Senior Yun Gi-chun.

“Hey. What were you doing without checking your schedule?”

“I’m s-sorry.”

“Sigh. How are you going to handle this? You know how picky Director Go is. He wants everything done now.”

“Well, about that...”

“Just figure it out yourself. You’re responsible for it.”


Manager Hong Hyuk-su yelled, and Senior Yun Gi-chun hung his head low.

It was an unprecedented scene.

In the tense atmosphere, Senior Maeng Gi-yong spoke up.

“Yoo-hyun, you did well... but isn’t it too harsh?”

“The overall guidelines are set, so the details are like that.”

The schedule was tight indeed.

But that was also because of the outdated work style.