Chapter 244:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 244:

Chapter 244

It was when they received the report that the car of the business director and the group leader had entered Ulsan.

Junho Ko, the executive director, came down at the right time, and Tae-ryon Lee, the third-in-charge executive director, was with him.

Tae-ryon Lee, who was standing at the lobby entrance, acted as if this place was his own domain.

He greeted this person and that person, and then he extended his hand to Yoo-hyun with a chuckle.

“Oh, you’re the friend who came on dispatch. Nice to meet you.”

“Yes. Nice to meet you too.”

As Yoo-hyun shook his hand, his eyes narrowed into crescents.

At the same time, a dimple appeared on his mouth.

He looked exactly as Yoo-hyun remembered him from the past.

Tae-ryon Lee spat out some clichéd words with a friendly face.

“Enjoy your work here. If you need any help, feel free to come to me.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

Yoo-hyun also responded appropriately, hiding his true feelings.

He had a feeling that he would meet him again soon, just as he said.

Of course, it wouldn’t be for a good reason.

A moment later, two black luxury cars parked in the lobby.

As soon as the car doors opened, the people who were waiting greeted them loudly.


“Haha! Why are you all out here? Come on in.”

Then, a handsome man who got out of the front car waved his hand.

He had distinctive eyebrows that curved up at the ends and a hearty laugh. He was Im Jun-pyo, the business director and vice president.

At that time, a man who got out of the back car approached him and said.

“How can we not come out when the vice president is here?”

“I think it’s not because of me, but because of Ms. Yeo.”

“If I came alone, you probably wouldn’t have noticed.”

“Haha. This guy, what a joke.”

Yeo Tae-sik, the mobile group leader and executive director, naturally assisted Im Jun-pyo.

He had his hair neatly combed to the side, and he wore thin silver glasses that suited his gentle appearance.

Yoo-hyun watched the two people he had a past connection with among the crowd.

It was when he was lost in his thoughts for a moment.

Junho Ko, the executive director, went down the stairs and assisted them.

“Thank you for coming all this way.”

“What do you mean? You guys are the ones who worked hard. Haha.”

“That’s right. Mr. Ko had a lot of trouble preparing for this.”

Im Jun-pyo, the vice president, smiled and encouraged him, and Yeo Tae-sik, the executive director, puffed up his chest.

Junho Ko humbly deflected the praise.

“No, it wasn’t me. It was the staff who worked hard.”

“Haha! Well, let’s take a look first.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll show you.”

Junho Ko led the way, and the business director and the group leader followed him.

The people who were watching were surprised by their friendly atmosphere from the start.

The business director, who was rumored to be hot-tempered, didn’t get angry, and the group leader, who was called cold-blooded, didn’t criticize them.

The two of them smiled at their mouths as if they were on a picnic.

The bright mood continued in front of the conference room.

Im Jun-pyo, the vice president, touched the demo module on the table and asked.

“Is this the panel made by the OLED factory?”

“Yes, sir.”

The answer came from Junho Ko himself.

Yeo Tae-sik, the executive director, just watched from the side with his arms crossed.

Im Jun-pyo, the vice president, nodded his head after carefully comparing the existing iPhone panel and the demo module.

“The bezel is a bit of a problem, but it’s definitely higher resolution.”

“Yes, sir. It’s four times higher than the existing iPhone.”

Im Jun-pyo, the vice president, looked at Yeo Tae-sik, the executive director, after a moment of thought.

“Hmm, this is pretty good, just like Mr. Yeo said.”

“Yes, sir. It’s not an easy technology.”

Yeo Tae-sik, the executive director, answered with a calm expression.

Im Jun-pyo, the vice president, who had a satisfied look on his face, asked various questions.

“Is this resolution possible with conventional OLEDs...”

“Yes. You’re right. And to add to that...”

Most of the answers were given by Junho Ko, the executive director, and Kim Ho-geol, the chief engineer, and Maeng Gi-yong, the senior engineer, also chimed in.

They didn’t try to find any flaws or attack them.

Rather, Im Jun-pyo, the vice president, praised the test panel that was still fresh.

“Before we get to the main point, I’d like to explain the hybrid technology of OLED and LCD. This is a technology that uses a substrate...”

He used the word hybrid, not just LCD with OLED substrate.

This was enough to give an impression of a superior and innovative technology than OLED.

As if reacting to that word, the business director leaned forward.

Kim Young-gil, the section chief, cut out all the unnecessary details and only spoke of the essence.

“We named the next-generation panel that incorporates this innovative technology as SHR (Super High Resolution) panel. And...”

He didn’t use the word LCD until the end and created a new name for the panel.

Hybrid, SHR, these two words stuck in the business director’s mind.

They were exactly what he wanted to hear, and a smile already formed on his lips.

On the following page, there was a chart comparing OLED and SHR.

It was no longer a fight between OLED and LCD.

It was a fight between the future and the future.

It was also a fight between Ilseong and Hanseong.

And Kim Young-gil, the section chief, was telling them that Hanseong would be the winner of that fight.

“OLED cannot catch up with the resolution of SHR panel, no matter what technology it uses. SHR panel has the advantage in both productivity and technology...”

Clap clap clap clap clap.

“Very good.”

Im Jun-pyo, the vice president, applauded before Kim Young-gil, the section chief, could finish his sentence.

He had only shown two pages.

He hadn’t even presented the many technical details he had prepared.

Except for a few who had anticipated this situation, everyone had a stunned expression.

Then, Tae-ryon Lee, the third-in-charge executive director, intervened.

“Sir, I think this idea is perfect too.”

“Haha! Right. We should go ahead with this.”

“Yes. If we use the name Apple, the media will surely hype it up for us.”

“True. I don’t like Apple much, but they do have a high reputation.”

Im Jun-pyo, the vice president, nodded his head with a smile at Tae-ryon Lee’s flattering words.

Im Jun-pyo and Tae-ryon Lee had been through thick and thin together in the home appliance business division.

That’s why they talked naturally in the middle of the presentation, even with Yeo Tae-sik, the executive director, in between them.

Yeo Tae-sik, the executive director, just listened quietly, without showing what he was thinking.

Then, Tae-ryon Lee revealed his hidden agenda.

“Sir, I think it wouldn’t be bad if we take charge of this panel.”

“True, the third-in-charge is an expert on Apple, so there would be synergy.”

“Yes. So, what I’m saying is...”

Tae-ryon Lee, the executive director, was crossing the line.

While Junho Ko, the executive director, was fidgeting with his feet, Yeo Tae-sik, the executive director, opened his mouth.

“Sir, I think there’s more to the presentation, and it would be better to listen to it.”

“Haha! Right. Yes. Let’s listen first and then talk.”

Im Jun-pyo, the vice president, gestured and Tae-ryon Lee, the executive director, reluctantly backed off.

Junho Ko, the executive director, finally breathed a sigh of relief, but he couldn’t hide his anxiety.

He clenched his teeth and looked at him.

‘This bastard!’

Then, Tae-ryon Lee, the executive director, smirked provocatively.

Junho Ko, the executive director, was not so weak as to lose his temper here.

He managed to keep his expression calm, but he was hurt.

The problem was not now, but the fact that Tae-ryon Lee would surely reveal his dark intentions later.

It was hard to guarantee the progress of the project like this.

Maybe he would lose not only the project, but also the person.

Regardless of Junho Ko’s worries, Kim Young-gil, the section chief, continued his presentation.

“Yes. Then I’ll continue with the presentation. As I mentioned earlier...”

To Yoo-hyun, the project approval was already a foregone conclusion.


Because the business director had seen exactly what he wanted.

He didn’t care about the real success of this project right now.

He just needed a tool to escape from his current predicament.

That meant, even if the project passed as it was, it would be hard to get any real support.

Maybe even the third-in-charge would interfere.

Yoo-hyun didn’t settle for such a mediocre success.

He wanted to get a solid support that would guarantee the project’s success.

How could he do that?

It wasn’t enough to just make a report that suited the other’s taste.

He had to touch the hidden desire in the other’s mind.

And now.

Yoo-hyun was ready to approach his desired success.