Chapter 245:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 245:

Chapter 245


As Yoo-hyun turned the page, people murmured.

The flaw in the successful report was blatantly exposed.

It was something that would normally be pushed to the back or hidden, so people looked puzzled.

Kim Young-gil, the section chief, opened his mouth with a serious expression that matched the report content.

“As you can see from the content, the biggest obstacle for the current project is the OLED factory.”

This time, even Vice President Im Jun-pyo did not just listen.

He immediately asked a question.

“Why? The yield will surely improve over time.”

“It’s not the yield that’s the problem, it’s the capacity. This is something that can’t be improved by effort.”

“Then what are you going to do?”

As Kim Young-gil made a conclusion, Vice President Im Jun-pyo’s face was filled with anger.

It was because everything until now seemed like a false hope.

He never had the word “impossible” in his dictionary.

Kim Young-gil did not flinch and continued.

“I will explain the solution to solve this.”

As he said that, the page turned at the same time.

As soon as he saw the content on the screen, Vice President Im Jun-pyo’s eyes widened.

“What is this? You want me to invest in a new factory?”

“Yes. If we consider the mass production scheduled for two years later, we have to do it this year.”

“Huh! You’re telling me this now?”

“That’s the only way to match the yield and price.”

“Do you think this is possible!”

At that moment, Vice President Im Jun-pyo shouted angrily.

At the same time, his eyebrows rose sharply.

It was understandable that he was angry because his most sensitive part was touched.

For some reason, Vice President Yeo Tae-sik was silent with his arms crossed.

Vice President Go Jun-ho was just tapping his feet nervously at the sudden change of atmosphere.

Vice President Lee Tae-ryong was looking around cautiously and swallowing his saliva.

In that short moment, everyone had different thoughts.

Yoo-hyun saw all this flow.

This was the optimal timing to decide the outcome.

Thump thump thump thump.

Meanwhile, Kim Young-gil, the section chief, felt his heart pounding like crazy.

It was not just anyone, but a presentation in front of the business director.

But he had completely overturned the situation.

It was all because of a junior who asked for help.

But he didn’t know when to stop.

-As you said, sir, the business director will be angry. But we can’t back down. That’s when we throw our trump card.

He even demanded this next.

His honest feeling?

He wanted to run away.

He wanted to pick up the spilled water even now.

But then.

Yoo-hyun was smiling leisurely.

He even raised his thumb.

As soon as he saw that, Kim Young-gil felt choked up.

That bastard!

He had pride too.

He clenched his fist and faced Vice President Im Jun-pyo’s fierce gaze.

“Yes, sir. I think it’s possible.”

“Do you know how bad the company situation is right now?”

“No. We’re not making it with our money. We’re thinking of getting investment from Apple.”


It was when the business director’s brow narrowed sharply.


Yoo-hyun turned the page and refreshed the mood.

At the same time, Kim Young-gil spoke with a strong voice.

“As you can see from Apple’s past investment record, if this panel succeeds...”

That was the decisive blow.

The business director’s eyes saw nothing else.

He had no reason to care about trivial problems.

Only one thing entered his eyes.

Apple is investing and attracting a new OLED factory?

The meaning of this was clear.

Hansung could build an image of leading the future in an instant.

“Lee, vice president.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Did you hear? Give me some people.”


As Lee Tae-ryong hesitated, Vice President Im Jun-pyo asked again.

“Kim, section chief, what exactly do you need?”

“I’ll let the team leader explain this part.”

Kim Young-gil naturally passed the baton to Kim Ho-geol, the senior engineer.

Kim Ho-geol was more dumbfounded than surprised.

It was because he remembered what Yoo-hyun had said before the meeting.

-Team leader, you might need to ask Circuit Team 3 for something. Think about it in advance.

‘How is this possible?’

This was beyond his level of thinking.

Kim Ho-geol swallowed his saliva and opened his mouth cautiously.

It was his first time speaking properly in front of the business director.

“First of all, to match Apple’s high-speed interface protocol...”

Kim Ho-geol recited the content.

It was obvious that he needed a lot of help.

“Really? Is that it?”

As Vice President Im Jun-pyo nodded, Lee Tae-ryong resisted for a moment.

“Circuit Team 3 is also short of staff right now.”

But this was not the atmosphere where friendship or favor could work.

Vice President Im Jun-pyo pushed him hard.

“Why? You’re just doing what you’ve been doing.”


Lee Tae-ryong tried to answer while managing his expression.

But the more he did, the more tangled his words became.

“What? Speak clearly.”

“Well... Apple is such a demanding customer that we have a lot to do.”

“No. You’re just being lazy.”

“No. How could that be?”

As Vice President Im Jun-pyo made a final decision, Lee Tae-ryong waved his hand.

He knew what would happen if he fell out of his favor.

He needed to keep quiet here for now.

“Then support them.”

“Yes, sir.”

In the end, Vice President Im Jun-pyo’s relentless progress won.

He was the person who made the director of Future Product Research Institute and CTO surrender with one phone call each.

He had no reason not to make a subordinate who played under his feet surrender too.

There was nothing more to see in the presentation since the important things were already decided.

As time passed, Lee Tae-ryong’s face became harder and harder.

His trademark dimples disappeared completely.

On the other hand, Go Jun-ho, the vice president of Team 4, was overjoyed by the unexpected huge achievement.

Kim Young-gil wrapped up his presentation in a very good mood.

“...That’s all for my presentation.”

Clap clap clap clap clap clap.

Vice President Im Jun-pyo clapped even louder this time.

Then the conference room was filled with applause.

It was an unusual applause in a stiff report session.

Of course, it was more because Vice President Im Jun-pyo was very pleased than because the presentation was good.

To prove that, he said with a very satisfied expression.

“Hahaha! Good job, Kim, section chief.”

“No, sir. It’s all thanks to the Advanced Product Team 4.”

“Haha! Don’t be modest. Well. Go, vice president, you did well too.”

As Vice President Im Jun-pyo pointed him out, Go Jun-ho bowed his head.

“It’s more thanks to the team members.”

“Haha. Is that so? The Advanced Product Team did well too.”

“Thank you.”

The people from the Advanced Product Team who attended the meeting bowed their heads.

Yoo-hyun was among them.

As he received the greeting, Vice President Im Jun-pyo gestured to Go Jun-ho.

“This can’t be done with words. Go, vice president.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Don’t just say it. Treat the hard-working people to something delicious.”

“I will, sir.”

Vice President Im Jun-pyo was in a very good mood right now.

He did everything he could with words right away.