Chapter 248:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 248:

Chapter 248

Vice President Go Jun-ho raised his voice once again.

“What do you mean by that?”


Yoo-hyun looked at Vice President Go Jun-ho without answering.

He was trying to put psychological pressure on him to get a big deal.

The moment Vice President Go Jun-ho’s Adam’s apple moved, Yoo-hyun spoke.

“I asked you a favor last time...”

Vice President Go Jun-ho, who couldn’t stand it anymore, also opened his mouth.

“What kind of relationship do you have with the group leader...”

Their words overlapped at the same time.



Different words than they expected popped up in their heads.

Yoo-hyun finally understood Vice President Go Jun-ho’s change of attitude completely.

It seemed that Vice President Yeo Tae-sik had already told him everything.

Vice President Go Jun-ho said awkwardly.

“Oh, favor. Right, you said you would grant me a favor if I exceeded your expectations, right?”

“Yes. That’s right. And you said I exceeded your expectations earlier.”

“Haha! I should grant it then. What is it?”

“Since you asked, I’ll tell you right away.”

“Tell me.”

Yoo-hyun had no reason to hesitate now that Vice President Yeo Tae-sik had stepped in.

Yoo-hyun took the initiative.

“My favor is...”

Vice President Go Jun-ho was shocked by Yoo-hyun’s words.

“What? There will be a lot of resistance from the third division.”

“It’s something only you can do, sir.”

Vice President Go Jun-ho looked incredulous at Yoo-hyun’s words.

It was normal to ask for rewards or personnel favors in this situation.

But Yoo-hyun’s favor completely surpassed his expectations.

This was not the vision of an employee.

‘He must be involved with someone very high up.’

Vice President Go Jun-ho confirmed his hypothesis once again.

“I see. I’ll help you with that part, of course.”

“Thank you.”

“There’s nothing to thank me for. This is all for our company, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it is.”


Yoo-hyun smiled as he watched Vice President Go Jun-ho laugh loudly.

He had achieved great results in a short period of time, but his team was busier than ever.

They didn’t even have time to have a dinner party even though they received bonuses.

It wasn’t just because they had a lot of work to do.

There were several reasons, and one of them was the meetings that were held every time they left work.

Today was no different.

Senior Go Seong-cheol, who was giving a presentation in the small conference room, paused.

“What we need for our panel is...”

It was because of the music that signaled the end of work.

-Let’s make regular work hours a habit ♩ ♪ ♬

At this point, they should have stopped, but the people who attended the meeting urged Senior Go Seong-cheol to continue.

“Just filter out what you hear and keep going.”

“Yes, sir. Then I’ll continue. To make a high-resolution panel...”

It was understandable, because the people who attended the meeting were from the Future Product Research Institute.

They had come all the way from Yongin, so if they didn’t finish the meeting today, they would have to spend another night here.

It wasn’t just the Future Product Research Institute.

The teams under CTO in Gimpo also came down frequently.

Soon they would have to deal with the third division staff as well.

They had to prepare for that too.

It was a great thing that their position had changed completely because of the strong push from the business director.

But that also meant that they had a lot more to do in the short term at the Advanced Product Team.

There was another reason why they postponed their dinner party.

At the weekly report meeting, Chief Kim Ho-geol said to his team members.

“You know there’s a group soccer tournament coming up soon, right?”


The team members sighed at the same time.

They knew exactly what he was going to say next.

Chief Kim Ho-geol said firmly as if he expected it.

“I know it’s hard, but we don’t have enough people, so we all have to participate.”

Then Ju In-mok raised his hand and said.

“Can’t we skip this time for real?”

“It’s a good story, right?”

“It is. Your friend is the one who jumped into the overturned car and saved the child, right?”

“Yes. He’s kind of reckless.”

“Hoho! He’s righteous. Look here. He also fixed the car for free.”

“He doesn’t seem to care about making money.”

Yoo-hyun said sourly and Reporter Oh Eun-bi winked at him.

“Yoo-hyun, are you embarrassed to talk about your friend?”

“No way. Why would I be?”

“Come on, you are. You must really like your friend.”

“Hmm, well, I do.”

Yoo-hyun’s appearance was unexpected and Reporter Oh Eun-bi smiled.

“It’s better to see this than being too perfect.”

“What do you mean by that?”

Yoo-hyun asked incredulously.

Reporter Oh Eun-bi quickly changed the subject again.

“Well, let’s get to the point. I came all this way because of what you told me.”

“You came because of the follow-up report on the last article.”

“Hey, it’s killing two birds with one stone.”

“Thank you.”

“I wanted to hear your thanks. That’s why I said that.”

Yoo-hyun shook his head at her cheekiness.

But she wasn’t an unpleasant style.

He also had something he promised her, so he straightened up his posture right away.

Reporter Oh Eun-bi also turned on her recorder and took out her notebook.

Yoo-hyun explained Hansung’s technology that he had revealed to the media recently.

“Hybrid OLED technology is...”

“That’s complicated.”

“But you should know it. It will be in the media more often now.”

“You must have something up your sleeve if you say that.”

Reporter Oh Eun-bi had a good sense of things.

Yoo-hyun pointed out what would happen next.

“Yes. There will be an article coming out from Japan soon.”

“Japan? Wow! Are they trying to do something sneaky again?”

“Maybe they are.”

“Then we can’t let them!”

She clenched her pen as she flared up.

She still hated Japan as much as ever.

This aggressiveness would be a great help in the upcoming media war.

“So study up. You need to know the content well to write a rebuttal article.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll study hard.”

“You’re reliable.”

“Just leave it to me.”

Reporter Oh Eun-bi said confidently.

Yoo-hyun smiled as he saw her eyes burning with passion.

While the world outside was moving greatly, the office inside was also undergoing a big change.

The meeting with some of the Circuit 3 Team members from the third division was also part of that change.

Senior Maeng Gi-yong, who entered the medium conference room, grumbled to Yoo-hyun.

“Ugh, I’m nervous.”


“The team leader of the 3rd team is very strong. You can think of him as worse than the 4th team leader.”


“Yeah. The people under him are no joke either. The ones in charge of Apple are all strong.”

“I see.”

Yoo-hyun responded with a perfunctory answer and touched his laptop.

He didn’t feel a bit of nervousness about the meeting.

Seeing him, Senior Maeng Gi-yong muttered.

“Well, you’re Yoo-hyun...”



When Yoo-hyun asked, Senior Maeng Gi-yong shook his head.

There was another worry on his face.

A few moments later, people entered the conference room.

On one side, the team leader of the Circuit 3 Team and the part leaders and key staff members sat down.

As Senior Maeng Gi-yong said, they all emitted a fierce aura.

They didn’t look like they came to listen to the explanation, but to tear them apart.

On the opposite side, the team leader and part leaders of the Advanced Product Team and senior-level staff members participated.

They all looked awkward.

They knew very well that this meeting was not started by the 3rd team.

They had to attend because of the business director’s coercion.

They couldn’t be in a good mood.