Chapter 249:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 249:

Chapter 249

Kim Ho-geol, the senior engineer and team leader of Circuit 2 Team, tried to lighten the mood with a joke.

“Welcome, Team Leader Ham. You must be tired from the long journey. Haha.”

“Kim, you look happy today. What’s the occasion?”

The reply came from Ham Jong-gil, the senior engineer and team leader of Circuit 3 Team. His voice was low and harsh, matching his fierce appearance.

His skin was dark and his features were sharp, like a veteran soldier.

He exuded a strong pressure with just one word.

He was also Kim Ho-geol’s senior in the company, so Kim Ho-geol naturally backed off.

“Team Leader Ham, you misunderstand me. I was just...”

“Misunderstand my ass. You’re acting so smug.”

Kim Ho-geol waved his hands in denial, but Ham Jong-gil scanned him with a sharp gaze.

The atmosphere was cold as ice, until Yoo-hyun spoke up.

“Team Leader Ham, we’re ready to start. Shall we proceed?”

“Who the hell are you?”

Ham Jong-gil snapped at him, and Yoo-hyun calmly got up from his seat.

“Oh, I forgot to introduce myself.”


The sudden situation made the people from Circuit 3 Team blink their eyes.

On the other hand, the people from Preceding Product Team swallowed their saliva nervously.

They had no idea what Yoo-hyun was going to do next.

By now, they should have gotten used to his antics, but to them, Yoo-hyun was still a ticking bomb.

Yoo-hyun greeted them with a gentle smile.

“I’m Han Yoo-hyun, an employee dispatched from Preceding Product Team. Nice to meet you.”

“Do you think this is a joke? This is a serious meeting.”

“No, it’s not. If I did something wrong, please let me know.”


Yoo-hyun answered firmly, and Ham Jong-gil let out a sarcastic laugh.

He had nothing more to say to him. He just found this situation ridiculous.

Before he could open his mouth again, Yoo-hyun continued the meeting.

“Then let’s get started. This meeting is to explore the areas of cooperation between Preceding Product Team and Circuit 3 Team...”

Yoo-hyun briefly introduced the purpose of the meeting, then showed a list of collaboration items on the screen.

The circuit part was presented by Maeng Gi-yong, a senior engineer from Preceding Product Team.

“First of all, we need to adjust the ultra-high-speed interface between AP and IC to match the protocol for Apple phones...”

He was explaining the prepared materials diligently, when Cho Kang-tae, the leader of Part 1 of Circuit 3 Team, interrupted him with a sneer.

“Haha! You’re going to take that to Apple?”

“Yes. We think that Apple will prefer the MIPI (Mobile Industry Processor Interface) protocol that Nokia uses for their next-generation interface.”

Maeng Gi-yong answered him, and Cho Kang-tae pressed him harder.

He tried to use his long experience with Apple to intimidate Maeng Gi-yong.

“Why? Apple is not even a member of MIPI alliance.”

“That’s because MIPI has more potential for expansion than MDDI (Mobile Display Digital Interface) that Motorola adopted.”

“What are you talking about? What kind of criteria are you using for that? Is this what Jeong In-wook thinks?”

Cho Kang-tae suddenly turned his attention to Jeong In-wook, who was in charge of Circuit 2 Part 2.

He completely ignored Maeng Gi-yong as if he was beneath him.

Jeong In-wook had worked under Cho Kang-tae before, and he lowered his head.

“Yes. That’s right.”

“I knew it. You’re still doing sloppy work.”


Cho Kang-tae’s insult made some people snicker.

They were all people who had worked with Jeong In-wook before.

Yang Team Leader watched the fight between the teams silently.

This aggressive meeting culture was still prevalent here.

But there was something strange about Jeong In-wook’s expression. He didn’t look hurt by his pride, but rather wary of Yoo-hyun’s reaction.

“Hey, Jeong In-wook, where are you looking when I’m talking to you?”

“Oh, sorry.”

“What are you going to do about this?”

Meanwhile, Yoo-hyun was dumbfounded.

Every time Cho Kang-tae spoke, Jeong In-wook glanced at him nervously.

The others did the same.

They looked like they were worried about when Yoo-hyun would explode.

He sighed and summarized the meeting content.

“So, Team Leader Cho, do you know what protocol Apple will use?”

“What? Who are you to butt in?”

“I’m trying to organize the minutes. This part is important for Circuit 3 Team’s opinion, so I need your help.”

“...Let me hear more first.”

“Okay. I understand.”

The unexpected politeness from Yoo-hyun made the people from Preceding Product Team puzzled.

Especially Min Su-jin, a senior engineer who had experienced the last meeting with Circuit 4 Team, widened her eyes.

She asked Yoo-hyun quietly next to her.

Especially Chief Ham Jong Gil, who turned pale.


“Chief Ham, you have such a nice way of talking.”

It was Go Jun Ho, the executive director who used to be his director.

His trademark thick eyebrows were raised high on his forehead.

It was obvious how angry he was.


“I know what you think.”

“N-no, sir.”

“Misunderstanding? You’re kidding me.”

But all he got back was Go Jun Ho’s icy words.

Yoo-hyun spat out a chuckle as he watched him.

‘I guess Chief Ham learned from someone.’

Anyway, the important thing was that this was the beginning of a reversal.

Go Jun Ho, who sat in the central seat, looked at the minutes on the screen and spat out sarcasm.

“What? You want the Preceding Product Team to report and hand over their data?”


“Who told you to do that!”

Go Jun Ho shouted angrily, making Chief Ham Jong Gil close his mouth.

He then turned his gaze to Manager Jo Kang Tae next to him.

As if trying to pass on the blame to his manager, Chief Ham Jong Gil’s attitude made Jo Kang Tae open his mouth with difficulty.

“I’m sorry, Director.”

“Manager Jo, you haven’t changed at all. You’re still trying to do things half-heartedly.”

“...I’m sorry.”

Go Jun Ho repeated the same words that Jo Kang Tae had said to Manager Jung In Wook earlier.

Maybe that’s why Jung In Wook had to suppress his laughter in this serious situation.

Yoo-hyun shook his head as he watched him.

Go Jun Ho’s criticism continued.

He added more scolding to every single minute that Yoo-hyun had written.

“What were you thinking when you came to this meeting, Chief Ham?”

“I’m sorry.”

“Sorry? Ha, really. Are you ignoring me because I’m not your director anymore?”

“N-no, sir. How could I do that?”

“Then? What is this?”

“I’m sorry.”

Chief Ham Jong Gil, who knew Go Jun Ho’s personality better than anyone, kept his head down.

But Go Jun Ho didn’t care. He tackled everything from one to ten.

He was determined to destroy Circuit Team 3 completely.

And then he corrected the minutes that Yoo-hyun had written.

“Mr. Han Yoo-hyun.”

“Yes, Director.”

“Change all the assignees there to Circuit Team 3.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Yoo-hyun pressed the keyboard at lightning speed.

There wasn’t much to type anyway.

He just dragged the area with the mouse and used the replace function.

The minutes were full of Circuit Team 3’s names.

Chief Ham Jong Gil, who was surprised, said.

“Director, our director won’t let this go.”

“What if he doesn’t?”


“Why? Do you think I’m a joke?”

“That’s not it...”

Go Jun Ho looked at Chief Ham Jong Gil, who trailed off, and said harshly.

“Shut your mouth. This minute will go straight to the business director.”

“What? Then...”

Chief Ham Jong Gil’s eyes widened in disbelief.

He was sure that his nose would be pierced if the business director saw this.

The 3rd director wouldn’t be able to stop it then.

Go Jun Ho ignored Chief Ham Jong Gil’s gaze and called Kim Ho Gul.

“Chief Kim.”

“Yes, Director.”

“How many empty seats do you have in your team?”

“We have four right now.”

“I’ll talk to the 4th team leader, so make eight seats with their empty ones.”

“I understand. Can I ask why?”

“Why? It’s for Circuit Team 3. The helpers, they’re going to work there from now on.”

Go Jun Ho answered firmly to Kim Ho Gul’s question.