Chapter 292:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 292:

I’m a licensed teacher now.???? Thanks to galaxytl, translator community and readers for your support.???? You helped me pass my exam with confidence. As a token of gratitude, I’ll give 5 chapters each for my novels today. Enjoy????!

Chapter 292

It was because of Ha Jun-seok’s interview that he blabbered about Yoo-hyun’s triple kick in the air.

People were astonished to hear that he knocked out three people at once.

Kim Yeon-guk, a reporter, kindly adapted that into an article.

“That’s not what happened...”

Before Yoo-hyun could calm down Park Seung-woo, his assistant, Lee Chan-ho waved his hand.

“Oh, the hero who defeated the thugs has arrived.”

“Senior, don’t say that.”

“Hey, don’t be shy. It’s a cool thing.”


After Lee Chan-ho, Kim Eun-young from the first part arrived and gave Yoo-hyun a thumbs up as soon as she saw him.

“Yoo-hyun, you’re really awesome.”

The others also joined in.

“That was really amazing, right?”

“You said you went to a martial arts dojo, and it shows.”

Yoo-hyun, who had been refuting each one of them, seemed to give up and nodded his head.

“Yes, yes.”

He only wanted to go up to the third floor where the wedding was being held.


Soon, the team members gathered in the lobby on the first floor of the wedding hall.

They didn’t think about going up to the hall and bloomed their stories.

Yoo-hyun was very happy, but he was also shy.

“That’s how it happened...”

He had no choice but to respond to their interest.

That’s when it happened.

He saw a couple walking from afar.

The heads of the people who were listening to Yoo-hyun turned at once.


“Mr. Kim.”

Kim Young-gil, who approached in front of the surprised people, waved his hand with a sheepish smile.

“Hello. Haha.”

A beautiful blonde woman was holding his arm.

“Hello. I’m Erin.”

The people smiled at her awkward Korean accent and somewhat stiff greeting.

“I’ve heard a lot about you. Welcome.”

“Wow, you’re really beautiful.”

“Mr. Kim, I’m so jealous of you.”

Everyone was laughing and talking in a curious atmosphere.

There was a man standing blankly among them.

It was Park Seung-woo, the assistant.

Yoo-hyun poked his ribs and said.

“Spring will come for you soon too.”

“No. I’m fine.”

He said he was fine, but his eyes kept going to Kim Young-gil.

There was envy in his eyes.

After another long time of blooming stories around Kim Young-gil, they finally went up to the wedding hall.

The hall was already full of people.

Hwang Dong-sik, the groom who was greeting the guests, welcomed Yoo-hyun.

He had a round face and curly hair that made him stand out. He was usually hunched over, but now he stood straight with a tuxedo on.

He looked quite dignified because of that.

“Yoo-hyun, thank you for coming.”


After greeting him and giving him a congratulatory money, Yoo-hyun entered the hall with Park Seung-woo.

Large and round tables were placed everywhere as guest seats.

He saw a familiar face at one of them.

Yoo-hyun immediately approached and greeted him.

“Manager Choi, hello.”

“Oh my, Yoo-hyun, it’s been a long time.”

Choi Min-hee, the manager who welcomed him, introduced her young daughter who was holding her arm.

“Yoo-hyun, this is my daughter Ye-jin.”

“She looks like you and she’s so cute.”

“Hoho. I’m glad she didn’t take after her father.”

Her husband next to her turned his head and pretended not to hear.

They didn’t seem to have a bad relationship by looking at the distance and posture between the chairs.

Yoo-hyun lowered his posture and greeted the child warmly.

“Hello, Ye-jin.”

When Yoo-hyun greeted her, Choi Min-hee’s daughter grabbed his hand and smiled brightly.

She seemed to be in elementary school now and spoke well.

“Hello, brother.”

Choi Min-hee smiled brightly.

“Oh? She holds your hand. She never went near Mr. Park earlier.”

“No way. Hello, little lady.”

Kim Hye Sung shook his head and Kim Hyun Min’s team leader followed him and said.

“Yoo-hyun, it’s okay. Just leave him alone.”

Yoo-hyun ignored Kim Hyun Min’s team leader’s dissuasion and looked at the boy.

He was big, but his eyes were weak.

He looked like he was scared of something.

He didn’t seem to hate his dad from coming this far.

Yoo-hyun handed him a meal ticket and said.

“Then I’ll go out with your dad and brother, so you can eat by yourself.”

“Why me?”

“This meal ticket is worth 50,000 won. It’s a waste if you don’t use it.”


“Don’t worry. I won’t come in.”

Yoo-hyun patted Kim Hye Sung’s head and got up.

Kim Hyun Min’s team leader sighed.

A moment later.

Yoo-hyun had a one-on-one conversation with Kim Hyun Min’s team leader outside the wedding hall.

A fairly cool breeze blew.

Kim Hyun Min’s team leader, who had quit smoking recently, lit a cigarette again.

He looked at the air and blew out smoke and muttered.

“It’s not easy to raise a son.”

“How is Hye Sung doing at school?”

“He’s just, a bit like that. Why?”

He had met Kim Hye Sung for a short time, but he faced him directly.

It wasn’t hard to guess the situation roughly.

There was a high possibility that there was a school problem behind the bad relationship with his dad.

“He didn’t look very happy.”

Yoo-hyun hinted at it and Kim Hyun Min’s team leader blew out more smoke.


He hesitated for a while and then opened his mouth.

“Yoo-hyun, are you really good at martial arts?”

It was a question that he would never answer properly under normal circumstances.

He shook his head when people asked him because of the article.

But this time it was different.

He expressed his feelings and answered Yoo-hyun.

“Yes. I’m confident.”

“Haha. It’s surprising that you say that. I thought you would avoid it again.”

Kim Hyun Min’s team leader shrugged his shoulders and Yoo-hyun opened his mouth toward him.

“It seems like you need some help, sir.”

“As expected.”

“Don’t worry about it. Just tell me. I’ll help you if I can.”


Yoo-hyun listened carefully to Kim Hyun Min’s team leader’s explanation.

As expected, it was school violence.

It was okay until middle school, but it got worse after entering high school, he said.

Kim Hyun Min’s team leader said with a mixed expression of regret and anger.

“I told the teacher, but it didn’t work, so I went there myself.”

“And then?”

“These kids are scary these days. They don’t listen to reason.”

“That’s right. It’s on the news a lot.”

Kim Hyun Min’s team leader blew out more smoke.

“Yeah. I feel like Hye Sung is being bullied more because of me.”

This part seemed to have caused a rift in the trust relationship with Kim Hye Sung.

The situation was not favorable.

Kim Hyun Min’s team leader spoke before Yoo-hyun did.

“I see. I understand what you mean. I’ll meet them once.”

“Are you sure?”

“Don’t worry. I’m good at this. You saw the article, right?”

Yoo-hyun mentioned the article and Kim Hyun Min’s team leader laughed as if he couldn’t believe it.

“Hahaha. You’re such a jerk.”

He finally looked like Kim Hyun Min’s team leader.

Yoo-hyun said to him in a friendly manner.

“You helped me when I came down to the Ulsan factory. Think of it as paying you back.”

“If that’s the case, I owe you a lot more.”

“Let’s eat first. I’m hungry.”

Yoo-hyun got up from his seat and Kim Hyun Min’s team leader asked.

“But do you think Hye Sung ate?”

“He probably did. He seems to know how to save money like his dad.”

At Yoo-hyun’s joking remark, Kim Hyun Min’s team leader shook his head as if he couldn’t believe it.

But soon after, he had to correct his attitude.

He saw Kim Hye Sung piling up food and eating in the restaurant window.

Kim Hyun Min’s team leader spat out a laugh and said.

“That kid, why did he get annoyed when he was going to eat like that?”

You can never know the heart of a teenage son, even if you know the depth of water.