Chapter 293:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 293:

I’m a licensed teacher now.???? Thanks to galaxytl, translator community and readers for your support.???? You helped me pass my exam with confidence. As a token of gratitude, I’ll give 5 chapters each for my novels today. Enjoy????!

Chapter 293

They say you should strike while the iron is hot.

Yoo-hyun met with Team Leader Kim Hyunmin the next day, Sunday afternoon.

The place was near Kim Hyunmin’s house, in an area full of academies.

Yoo-hyun took a seat in a coffee shop that had a view of the academy building outside the window.

He asked Kim Hyunmin, who was sitting across from him.

“Do kids go to academies even on Sundays?”

“They’re high school students, after all.”

“It’s funny that those bastards go to study on Sundays.”

“Haha. I know. But they’re good at studying too.”


Yoo-hyun asked as if surprised, and Kim Hyunmin told him more.

“To be more specific...”

It was something he had already heard yesterday, but the reality was even worse.

The other party was a group of kids from well-off families.

They were bullies, but they also did well in their studies, so the teachers didn’t touch them.

They were clever at handling their extortion and violence.

They ostracized anyone who didn’t listen to them by leading other kids.

Kim Hyunmin said angrily.

“They teased him for not having a mom. That’s why Hyesung stood up to them.”

“He was brave.”

“But things got worse. He was isolated, beaten up. I was furious just listening to it.”

“So you went to see them yourself?”

Kim Hyunmin nodded at Yoo-hyun’s question.

“Yeah. How could I stand it?”

“Right. You can’t let it go.”

Yoo-hyun nodded vigorously.

What if he had experienced the same thing?

He would have turned the school upside down to fix it.

“But the thing is, there’s no way. To be honest, I don’t know if it’ll work out today either.”

“Don’t worry. Words can work wonders if you do it right.”

“You don’t know them, Yoo-hyun. They’re so wicked.”

“Are they really?”

Yoo-hyun smiled quietly and drank his coffee.

Kim Hyunmin still looked anxious.Diiscover new stories at

They talked about this and that until the academy classes were over.

The kids came out of the academy building.

It wasn’t hard to find Kim Hyesung among the crowd of kids.

He was clearly visible through the cafe window as he walked by.

But he wasn’t alone.

Three kids were poking his ribs from the side.

Kim Hyesung walked with his head down, and the three kids giggled.

They couldn’t hear their voices, but they seemed to know what was going on.

“Those bastards.”

Kim Hyunmin got up angrily, but Yoo-hyun stopped him.

“Team Leader, wait a minute.”

“Why? We have to catch them now.”

“That won’t work. Just wait a little bit.”

Kim Hyunmin was a hot-tempered person, but he agreed with Yoo-hyun this time.

Even if they yelled and stopped them now, the same thing would happen again.

It was better to pull out the root at once.

Yoo-hyun approached the window and looked closely at their faces.

The bastards dragged Kim Hyesung’s arm and went into a side alley.

It was exactly what he wanted, so Yoo-hyun said.

“Team Leader, stay here. I’ll take care of it.”

“You’re not going with me?”

“No, Hyesung will send you here.”

After leaving those words, Yoo-hyun moved quickly.

But Kim Hyunmin couldn’t stand it and followed him.

Yoo-hyun headed for the alley next to the cafe building.

There was a dead end deep in the narrow alley.

It was a space that couldn’t be seen from outside the alley at all.

The bastards were gathered there in a typical bully spot.

“Hey, Kim Hyesung, are you blind? This is how you die.”


They were doing exactly what bullies do in there.

Yoo-hyun quietly approached them and heard their voices.

He stepped forward and turned around.

He saw them standing in a bad posture in the dead end.

“Having fun?”

Yoo-hyun snorted, and one of them who was smoking and messing around said.

“Mister, there’s no way here, so go back.”

“I’m not a mister.”

“Puhahaha. The old man is talking nonsense. Then what are you? Should I call you brother?”

“No? I’m the Grim Reaper who came to catch you guys.”

Thud thud thud.

Yoo-hyun loosened his body and said.

“That’s good.”

Yoo-hyun smiled and Kim Hyunmin asked as if he didn’t understand.

“What kind of magic did you use?”

“Everything can be solved by talking.”

“Haha. Does that make sense?”

“You saw it yourself.”


Kim Hyunmin blinked his eyes at Yoo-hyun’s confident words.

Strictly speaking, it wasn’t wrong.

Then he chuckled to himself and laughed.

“Anyway, you’re amazing.”

“Thank you for the compliment. It feels like I’ve worked for a long time.”

“Oh. I should pay you extra for working on weekends.”

“Don’t worry. I’m a high-end talent, you know?”

“Kid. Don’t worry. I’ll buy you drinks for days and nights.”

“Okay. I’ll take it with interest.”

“What? You’ve become more greedy since you went to Ulsan?”

“I learned from you, Team Leader.”


The friendly voices of the two scattered in the air.

They exchanged a few more words when it happened.

A familiar voice came from behind.

They turned their heads and saw the 3rd part members, including Deputy Manager Choi Minhee.

Deputy Manager Choi Minhee said sharply.

“What are you doing here since morning, Team Leader?”

“It’s okay. What’s wrong with that? It happens sometimes.”

“The person in charge is looking for you.”

Deputy Manager Choi Minhee backed off, but Kim Hyunmin was unmoved.

“It’s okay. He’ll come up if it’s urgent.”


“What are you doing? Aren’t you here for a reunion? Sit down.”

Kim Hyunmin asked and Deputy Manager Choi Minhee looked dumbfounded.

Park Seungwoo followed and said.

“That’s nice. Let’s have an old 3rd part meeting outside for a change.”

Lee Chanho, who had plastic bags in both hands, also joined in.

“I knew this would happen, so I bought a lot of snacks.”

Kim Younggil was the same.

“I brought some paper scraps just in case. Let’s put them down and sit on them.”

It was done in an instant.

They laid snacks and drinks on the bench, and some sat on the paper on the ground.

It looked like they had come for a picnic outside.

Yoo-hyun poured drinks into paper cups and handed them over.

“Thank you for welcoming me back from my business trip. Let’s toast to that.”

People murmured at Yoo-hyun’s serious expression.

“Crazy guy.”

Park Seungwoo said bluntly, and Kim Younggil shook his head.

“Haha. You only learned weird things in Ulsan.”

Anyway, Yoo-hyun shouted.

“To the Product Planning Team 3rd Part!”

“To that!”

Of course, the part members also shouted along.

It was an unexpected scene on Monday morning.

Yoo-hyun returned to his office seat and packed his things.

Laptop, stationery, toiletries, etc.

He was going to stay upstairs for a while, so he had quite a lot to prepare.

When Yoo-hyun finished preparing, Deputy Manager Choi Minhee came over and asked.

“Are you going up to the 15th floor?”

“Yes. I think I’ll be working there from now on.”

“I’m sure there are a lot of people who will miss you, Yoo-hyun.”

“I’ll say hello to them later.”

Yoo-hyun smiled and Deputy Manager Choi Minhee sneakily handed him something.

It was the award plaque for winning the Innovation Planning Contest.

“I thought you didn’t see this.”

“It’s awesome, Deputy Manager. Congratulations.”

“There will be a photo shoot for the newsletter next month.”

“Me too?”

Yoo-hyun was surprised, but Deputy Manager Choi Minhee rolled her eyes.

“Of course. Do you want to skip it?”

“Well, I don’t like selling my face.”

Yoo-hyun shrugged, and Deputy Manager Choi Minhee teased him.

“Sorry, but you can’t do a flying kick in the photo shoot.”

“Sigh. Okay. I lose.”

Yoo-hyun, who never backed down, raised both hands this time.

Deputy Manager Choi Minhee smiled like a winner and patted Yoo-hyun’s shoulder.

“Hoho. That’s right. Prepare well.”

“Yes. Then I’ll go up.”

Yoo-hyun packed his things and turned around after saying goodbye.