Chapter 398:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 398:

Choi Min-hee, the team leader who was watching him with a pleased smile, offered him a drink.

It was a drink for the leader who had been struggling alone to fend off the enemies.

Team leader, have a drink.



As she happily took the glass, Choi Min-hee checked her phone that was ringing on the table.

Her expression hardened for a moment, but she soon relaxed and poured him a drink.

I learned a lot from you, Han Daeri.

Why are you changing the mood again?

They say a good leader should learn from their subordinates.

Choi Min-hee smiled and held out her glass.

If that was the case, she had been a good leader for a long time.

She was already doing her job well enough to be a good leader.

But Yoo-hyun didnt want her to be just a good leader on paper.

Rather than learning from your subordinates, being with them is a better way to be a good leader.

As he clinked his glass with hers, she looked puzzled.

With them? Were already together.

You can share some of the burden on your shoulders with your team members.

What are you talking about? Im already getting enough help.

As Choi Min-hee waved her hand, Yoo-hyun said bluntly.

Dont do that and just tell me.

Tell you what?

You got a message from another team leader, right? Are they calling for an emergency meeting?

How did you know?

As Choi Min-hee was surprised, Yoo-hyun added.

See? Youre trying to carry the load by yourself again.

Its my job.

If you keep doing that, your team members will feel more distant from you. They know youre having a hard time, but who would dare to complain?

Yoo-hyuns words hit the core of the problem that the team was facing.

The team leader was suffering alone, so the team members felt pressured too.

The sense of obligation to do well led to a more tense atmosphere.

Kwon Se-jung Daeri was exactly that case.

As people leaned in to hear what he was talking about, Choi Min-hee cleared her throat and straightened up.

She glanced at Yoo-hyun and opened her mouth as if she had made up her mind.

Ahem, ahem. Actually, I have some bad news.

What? What kind of news?

Then she showed them the text message on her phone, starting from Kwon Se-jung Daeri.

The TV team leader wants to have a general meeting. The agenda is about the results of todays working-level meeting.


It was obvious that it would be like a war, so everyone was shocked.

Choi Min-hee poked Yoo-hyuns side as if to say it was his fault.

Dont worry. The team leaders might be very tough, but Han Daeri will take care of it.

Yes. Ill use you as a shield if necessary.

As Yoo-hyun volunteered lightly, Choi Min-hee also stood up to him.

Well, I dont know if I can do it with me. I might get scolded too.

Dont worry. Things will work out as they should in the end.

Are you confident?

Who am I with?

At Yoo-hyuns witty answer, Choi Min-hee finally burst into laughter.

Hahaha. Okay. You win, you win.

Ill take that as a compliment. Come on, lets drink happily.

As Yoo-hyun smiled and raised his glass, Choi Min-hee lightly responded and clinked hers with his.

Well, lets forget about tomorrows work for now and cheers.

The somewhat frozen atmosphere soon melted and everyone enjoyed the moment.

It was on their way out after the dinner.

Kwon Se-jung Daeri who was standing in front of the bus stop called Yoo-hyun.

Its cool outside. How about we sit down for a bit?

Meanwhile, Choi Min-hee team leader was discussing this issue with Kim Hyun-min Sil-jang.

Kim Hyun-min Sil-jang stuck out his tongue when he heard the story of yesterdays working-level meeting.

As expected, our Han Daeri is different. How can he make a bang as soon as he comes?

So what? He didnt do anything wrong.

Really? Why are you covering for him, Choi team leader? If this team leader turns against us completely, our TF is over too.

Kim Hyun-min Sil-jang and Choi Min-hee team leader didnt push it because they didnt know it until now.

They couldnt persuade the TV and IT team leaders, so it was over.

No matter how good the integrated plan was, it was impossible to move the other groups.

Despite that, Choi Min-hee team leader answered with a sullen face.

Let him be, whatever.

Huh? What do you mean by that?

Choi Min-hee team leader told him what Han Daeri had said.

What did he say?

He said things will work out as they should. So Im just going to leave it to him and think easy.

Youre lucky, lucky. I should have gone there yesterday too.

Kim Hyun-min Sil-jang expressed his regret, and Choi Min-hee team leader clapped her hands as if she had remembered something.

Oh right, what did the group leader say yesterday? Did he say anything else?

I dont know. How would I know what hes thinking?

Kim Hyun-min Sil-jang shook his head as he recalled last nights memory.

At that time, on the 20th floor outdoor terrace.

Yoo-hyun stood in front of the railing with a takeout coffee he bought from the coffee shop on the first floor.

As he took a sip of the cool coffee, he heard Yeotae-sik Jeonmus voice on his phone.

-I told Kim Sil-jang that it would work out for him anyway, so please try a little harder.

That must be very frustrating to hear.

-Haha. I want to tell him everything honestly, but I cant help it right now. Theres not much time left for the planned date.

Thats true. But the TF members must have been very frustrated and tired. Its amazing that theyve endured it so far.

They endured it not only that, but they were also moving forward.

Yoo-hyun was able to sort out the situation without any trouble thanks to him.

Yeotae-sik Jeonmu also agreed with that part.

-Thats right. Even if its an unavoidable situation, the parties positions must be different. I have to take care of them as much as theyve worked hard."

That would be appreciated.

-Yeah. I should do that. But how are things going over there? The other group team leaders resistance must be not easy.

Yoo-hyun confidently answered Yeotae-sik Jeonmus question.

Its not a level to worry about.


It seems to be settled smoothly. The team members have prepared very well.

It was a content that would have shocked Kim Hyun-min Sil-jang and the other team members if they had heard it.

-Haha. I trust you. Okay. Please work hard a little more.

Dont worry too much and take it easy, group leader. Enjoy your leisure time too.

-Lets see each other when things are over.

Yes. Lets do that.

Would Yeotae-sik Jeonmu be able to rest easy when things were over?

He would have a hard time if he kept working like this.

Yoo-hyun thought he should go fishing with him sometime and put his straw in his mouth.


This is really cool.

The iced americano felt very cool and nice in his throat.

Yoo-hyun smiled and turned around.

It was time to start wrapping things up.

One week left until the general meeting.

As an important decision was announced, all three teams, TV, IT, and mobile, devoted themselves to preparing for the meeting.

The TV team was on fire, having stayed up all night since yesterday.

The IT team also worked hard at the same level.

The mobile team had to not only block the attacks of the two teams at the general meeting, but also increase the feasibility of the project.

To do this, Choi Min-hee team leader focused on getting feedback from customers with part 2.

On one side, Kim Young-gil Gwajang negotiated with Apple about the retina display announcement.

The ones who prepared for the meeting were Yoo-hyun and the remaining part 1 members.

It was a situation that could be overwhelming, considering the size of the storm that was coming.