Chapter 399:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 399:

Thud, thud.

Yoo-hyun walked leisurely while talking on the phone, despite the chaotic situation around him.

Huh? Jae Hee, you havent forgotten how to speak Korean, have you? If its uncomfortable, we can use English.

-Do you want to die? Why are you saying that when you call me after so long?

He heard his sisters rough voice from the other side of the phone.

Are you being too rude because youre in America? You wont be able to adapt when you come back to Korea.

-Enough, why did you call me? Im busy here. Even Jang Team Leader was asking about you.

Oh, its nothing. I just heard that you have to do a practical design project for your assignment.

-Are you kidding me? Dont tell me youre trying to make me do your work again.

Was it because she was studying in America?

Jae Hees intuition had improved.

Yoo-hyun stopped in front of the small conference room on the 13th floor and blurted out the main point.

I thought it would be hard for you to choose a project, so I decided to help you out.


Ill contact you through Jang Team Leader later. Just keep that in mind. Its nothing big, just a simple logo or something.

-Oppa, I have to do well here if I want to get out of this place. I cant do a sloppy project.

Jae Hees voice sounded desperate as she talked about her work.

No, its definitely not a sloppy project.

Yoo-hyun reassured his sister with a confident voice.

Dont worry. Just trust me. Take care, and lets have a drink later.

-Oppa. Hey, Han Yoo-hyun.


Yoo-hyun hung up the phone like his sister used to do in the past.

He smiled and peeked inside the conference room through the gap in the door.

It wasnt even an hour since he had asked them to gather, but he could already see the heads of Kwon Se-jung and Jang Jun Sik.

You two are really diligent.

The moment Yoo-hyun opened the door, his eyes widened.

What is all this? Did you open a snack bar here?

The table was full of all kinds of refreshments.

There were also various types of juice.

I thought we would need something like this to prepare for the whole meeting.

Kwon Se-jungs lips trembled slightly as he answered.

Jang Jun Sik, who was arranging the snacks, spoke cheerfully.

Kwon Team Leader paid for it.

A thought flashed through Yoo-hyuns mind and he asked.

Jun Sik, did you buy all this?

Yes. Kwon Team Leader told me to buy one of each kind.

As expected.

When Yoo-hyun glanced at him, Kwon Se-jung nodded slowly and muttered.

I thought you would only buy enough for us.Rread latest chapters at

He still didnt know Jang Jun Sik well enough.

Yoo-hyun took out his card from his wallet and handed it over.

Can you go back and cancel it and swipe it with the corporate card? I have some money from Kim Section Chief.

No, no. Ill pay for this. We can just share it with everyone later at the meeting. Hahaha.

Kwon Se-jung laughed awkwardly and sat down in his seat.

Yoo-hyun sat down across from him and asked.

By the way, what made you prepare all these snacks?

I thought it wasnt the answer to just work hard after seeing what you did yesterday.

Kwon Se-jung rolled his eyes and added his own reason.

A cup of coffee and a snack can make the stiff meeting atmosphere more relaxed.

It was a necessary change for Kwon Se-jung, so Yoo-hyun nodded his head.

Thats a good realization. Then Ill enjoy it.

He then picked up a fish-shaped cake snack that was placed on the table in front of him.

It looked expensive from the packaging, and there werent many inside the box.

But when he chewed on it, it was soft and tasty.


Jang Jun Sik came over and poured him some grape juice in a paper cup.

It was impossible in school exams, but it was possible in company life.

Is there a way?

Do you see one?

Hey, jerk.

Kwon Se-jung stretched his neck and asked, and Jang Jun Sik swallowed his saliva.

They both looked like they were expecting a great answer.

Yoo-hyun straightened his posture and looked at their faces one by one and asked.

Do you know whats the easiest way to persuade someone?

What is it?

Its giving them what they want. That is

Yoo-hyun smiled meaningfully.

Kwon Se-jung still looked uneasy.

He glanced at Yoo-hyun who had returned to his seat by the window and flinched when he saw Lee Bon-seok Team Leader walking in from the hallway.


Yoo-hyun tried to get up, but he quickly stopped him.

Kwon Se-jung checked again with a worried heart.

Yoo-hyun, is this really the easiest way?

Yes. The easiest way.

Yoo-hyun said casually and got up from his seat.

Kwon Se-jung looked at Lee Bon-seok Team Leader who had settled in his seat far away from them.

His charisma was no joke, even from a distance.

He grabbed Yoo-hyuns arm and asked.

So youre saying that the easiest way is to confront TV Team Leader directly?

Its not a confrontation, its giving him what he wants.

Anyway. You might get scolded if you go there for no reason.

Yoo-hyun waved his hand at him who looked worried.

No matter how bad his personality was, this was a company.

He just had to listen to some nagging at most, what was there to worry about?

Hey, dont worry. This company is not that strict.


If you dont want to go, just stay here. I can go alone.

He left Kwon Se-jung who hesitated and walked away gracefully.

Kwon Se-jung shook his head vigorously.

This was an opportunity to fill his shortcomings, but he ran away?

That was a really stupid thing to do.

He made up his mind and followed him right away.

No. Ill go with you.

Suit yourself.

Yoo-hyun shrugged his shoulders.

Lee Bon-seok Team Leader was the TV Product Planning 1 Team Leader until recently.

He had the highest seniority among the team leaders and was a strong candidate for the next position.

But everything got messed up because of the sudden innovative product TF.

He moved at the request of the business director, but it was also an awkward situation where the TV group leader opposed him.

Moreover, since he had personnel authority in the TV group, his year-end evaluation would be bad if things stayed like this.

-He thinks that the innovative product TF has no potential. Thats why he wants it to fail and tackles it. Its our job to persuade him on that part.

Yoo-hyun recalled what Kwon Se-jung had said and waited for Lee Bon-seok Team Leaders answer.

Kwon Se-jung, who was standing behind him, had a question in his mind.

You said you would give him what he wants?

But what Yoo-hyun had said just before was the opposite.

Lee Bon-seok Team Leader snorted with his caterpillar eyebrows raised.

So? Lets hear the opinion of the development side later?

Yes. I think its the right direction to make a comprehensive plan first and then persuade the development team one by one.

Yoo-hyun expressed his opinion politely and Lee Bon-seok Team Leader leaned back in his chair and shrugged his shoulders.

Puhaha. This is really funny. Dont you even know the planning of planning?

What do you mean?

What are you going to do with a plan that the development says is impossible? Just pretend? Anyway, you mobile guys are always like that.

Yoo-hyun looked at him biting his tongue and smiled inwardly.