Chapter 412:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 412:

Kwon Se-jung, the deputy, straightened his posture and lowered his head as he spoke.

No. It could be positive for us.


Think about it. Our organization was formed to increase the sales of the entire LCD business unit.

Isnt TF created because of the retina display?

Thats superficially true. But we are the only ones who have a project that considers the total sales from the planning stage. The business unit director might be interested in that.

Look at this guy.

Yoo-hyun, who straightened his posture, asked.


Kwon Se-jung, who thought Yoo-hyuns reaction was positive, put more strength in his voice.

He went a step further than the anonymous bulletin board post and said something from his mouth.

From the business unit directors perspective, wouldnt he want to spin off? Its an opportunity to become a president.

Theres no guarantee that it will happen.

Hey, that must have been agreed on behind the scenes. The crown prince wouldnt have brought up such a thing without thinking, right?

How did he come up with that?

This was not something that could be dismissed as intuition.

Yoo-hyun chuckled and asked.

Did you hear it yourself? Why are you so detailed?

Sung Woo-jin, the deputy manager, likes this kind of talk so much that I guess I picked up his habit. Did I go overboard?

Kwon Se-jung paused as he thought Yoo-hyuns words were sarcastic.

Yoo-hyun shook his head as he looked at his colleague.

No. It wasnt bad. Rather, it was good.

Im glad you said that. I was scared that I was becoming like Sung deputy manager.

Why Sung deputy manager?

Why? I hated seeing him whenever he talked about office politics. I dont want to be a bat like him.

As long as he had that much self-criticism ability, he could at least go to the middle.

More importantly, Kwon Se-jung had a fairly extraordinary ability.

He knew how to reconstruct fragmented information into a three-dimensional shape.

And he had a unique sense to add to that.

In short, he had a very good political sense.

Yoo-hyun, who snickered, poked Jang Jun-siks side.

Jun-sik, follow Kwon deputy a lot from now on. You wont starve at least.

Yes. I understand.

Jang Jun-sik answered cheerfully, and Kwon Se-jung, who had a flustered expression on his face, asked.

Am I right?

I dont know. But we need to be prepared if its as you say.

Then how do we persuade the business unit director? Just give him what he wants?

Kwon Se-jung asked anxiously as he looked at Yoo-hyun shaking his head.

No. Thats not enough.


That is

The two men widened their eyes at Yoo-hyuns words.

The time to verify Yoo-hyuns story with their own eyes came soon after.

A few days later.

Conference room on the 13th floor.

At the hastily arranged group manager meeting, Lim Jun-pyo, the vice president and business unit director, showed up.

Not only that, but also the sales marketing managers and development planning team leaders of each group were seated in the conference room.

The team leaders and part leaders of TF were also sitting in the corners on both sides.

In short, it was an atmosphere where it was hard for team leaders to step forward.

With the key executives and core personnel of TF in front of him, Yoo-hyun took the podium.


At the same time, Jang Jun-sik, who was sitting right next to the screen, quickly turned on the data.

-LCD Business Unit Panel Identity Integration Plan

Almost at the same time, Kwon Se-jung, who got up from his seat, turned off the back seat lights, and the light focused on the podium side.

Naturally, everyones eyes turned to Yoo-hyun, the presenter.


In the silent atmosphere, Yoo-hyun slowly turned his head.

Apple Phone 3 had been a hit, but Apple was still a marginal player in the mobile phone industry.

If those numbers were true, it would mean that all other industries were doomed.

Was that even possible?

Yoo-hyun did not slow down his tempo in the midst of doubtful eyes.

Rather, he sped up and led people to a future they had never experienced before.

The world will be shaken by Apple Phone 4. In short, our panel will be supplied exclusively to it.


Everyone had a stunned expression.

Even Kim Young-gil, who had worked with Apple for a long time, had a hard time saying anything.

It was unlikely that others would easily accept it.

But Yoo-hyun did not waver.

Our panel will be unveiled at the Apple presentation that will go down in history. The legend of IT industry, Steve Jobs himself will endorse it.

Whats the result?

Lim Jun-pyo asked.

The atmosphere was already chaotic.

But Yoo-hyuns confident tone and eyes tied peoples doubts for a moment.

He continued his speech with gestures, eye contact, and rhythm that did not lose the flow.

Customers will use panels with a resolution they have never experienced before. How do you think they will react?

Yoo-hyun broke the mood with a question and quickly scanned the rooms atmosphere.


Suddenly, people who came to their senses gritted their teeth and tried to attack him.

It was understandable. Yoo-hyuns answer was also based on nothing substantial.

There was no way to prove it, so there was plenty of room for criticism.

But he couldnt waste time with word games with numbers that didnt exist.

In this case, it was better to flip the board so that there was no room for rebuttal.


Yoo-hyun looked at the TV group manager who was preparing to counterattack with a grim expression.

Sorry, but he needed a scapegoat to shut everyone up.

What about TV? Wouldnt Vizio, who wants premium TV in America, want to use panels certified by Steve Jobs instead of low-end ones?

Vizio? The home appliance division is already saying they wont use our panels. How can you increase sales?

TV group manager, Heo Min-gang, immediately took the bait Yoo-hyun threw.

It was a rumor that the home appliance division was not using Hansung panels.

The group managers, including the business director, were already prepared for the worst situation.

Yoo-hyun was no exception either.

As soon as Yoo-hyun raised his hand, Jang Jun-sik turned on the page he wanted.

Yoo-hyuns voice gained more strength.

Last years home appliance division sales were 8 trillion won, of which flat-screen TV accounted for 50 percent. Of that, premium LCD TV accounted for 30 percent.


Heo Min-gang was momentarily flustered by the sudden data that popped up.

Meanwhile, Yoo-hyun quickly continued his speech.

If the home appliance division gets panels from somewhere else, it means giving up on premium LCD TV sales. This means that sales will definitely decline in the short term.

So? If home appliance division sales decline, we cant avoid the decline either. Is that a reasonable thing to say?

It was a question that could be expected, and it was what everyone was worried about.

It was the point where Lim Jun-pyo hesitated to make a decision, and where Yoo-hyun would hit the decisive blow.

Yoo-hyun asked back.

The price of premium products is at least 10 times the price of panels. If fewer TVs are sold, which division will lose more sales?

If they sell less together, its the home appliance divisions loss.

This made Lim Jun-pyos lips curl up.

Heo Min-gang, who didnt know that, argued.

You cant just calculate it like that.

Then lets calculate it another way.


We sell panels certified by Retina Premium, not low-end ones, to Vizio who wants premium products. If the same quantity is sold, how much will our sales increase?

Yoo-hyuns question was not a simple number game.

As if he had expected this question, the screen showed the exact figure that matched it.

It became a reality that was hard to question.

In other words, it was obvious who to trust when the data was clearly there.