Chapter 413:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 413:

A buzz of voices.

Heo Min-gang, the executive director who was cornered in the corner, glared with a furious face.

He seemed to have forgotten the fact that Vice President Lim Jun-pyo was there, as he raised his voice quite loudly.

Thats nonsense.


You cant make a proper decision by packaging something that doesnt exist like that. Dont you know the basics of planning?

Heo Min-gangs sharp gaze was directed at Yoo Hyun.

The others were the same.


Yoo Hyun took a step forward in the icy atmosphere.

A proper plan is a light that brightens the future. A dream-filled plan leads an impossible future to a possible reality.

The slogan on the wall of the office in charge of sales and marketing for each group came out of Yoo Hyuns mouth.

It was also a word that Chairman Shin Hyun-ho had proven himself while leading Hansung Group.

No one could deny that word, and Yoo Hyun added his vision behind it.

It was something that would shake Vice President Lim Jun-pyos heart and strengthen his resolve.

It may seem impossible, but it will soon be a reality. Just as Hansung has made history so far, Retina Premium logo marketing will make history.

Yoo Hyuns words captured the atmosphere in the conference room for a moment.

In that silent atmosphere, Heo Jun-gang, the executive director, prepared for a counterattack again.

His perseverance was really commendable.

No, you cant deceive reality with such nonsense

But his words didnt continue.

Clap clap clap.

It was because of the unexpected applause from Vice President Lim Jun-pyo.

The others had no choice but to follow suit in terms of the atmosphere.

Clap clap clap clap clap clap.


When Vice President Lim Jun-pyo turned his head slightly, Heo Jun-gang, the executive director who was embarrassed, also clapped his hands.

Yee Bon-seok, the team leader who had been eyeing Yoo Hyun, was the same.

At some point, the hall was filled with applause.

He hadnt even talked about the details of logo marketing yet, but it felt like the curtain had fallen already.

As the applause died down slowly, Vice President Lim Jun-pyo looked straight ahead.

There was a man who gave him not only the answer he wanted, but also shook his heart and made him determined.

Despite being a deputy rank, he stood behind that man and saw Executive Director Shin Kyung-wook.

-Vice President, Im not a naive person who would risk my neck for something impossible. The LCD business division will definitely write a new history and spin off brilliantly. Please join us.

The LCD business division surpasses the home appliance business division and spins off?

It meant that a giant company as big as Hansung Electronics was born.

Already at this age when retirement was imminent, he had enough room to gamble in this situation where he had zero chance of becoming president of Hansung Electronics.

When the applause completely stopped, Vice President Lim Jun-pyo opened his mouth.

Ill say the conclusion first.

He glanced at everyone and said with a serious expression.

In 2011, that is, within a year and a half from now, the LCD business divisions sales will surpass the home appliance business division. This is our business divisions goal from now on.

It was a bombshell declaration that he would follow Executive Director Shin Kyung-wooks intention even if he had to compete with the home appliance business division.

The leader raised his flag toward the distant mountain, and there was no one who could tackle him.

The shock in the hall hadnt subsided yet when he continued his words.

Development team leaders.

Yes, Vice President.

At Vice President Lim Jun-pyos call, each business divisions development team leaders bowed their heads.

Change all your goals for this year. Make a proposal and distribute it evenly to your employees.

Yes. I understand.

Group leaders.

Yes, Vice President.

He asked three group leaders who had different thoughts.

Do you have any way to beat the home appliance business divisions sales other than Retina Premium marketing?

It was a question that couldnt be answered.

He said to them who were silent.

Then you have to succeed in this no matter what. Do you understand?

IT Group Leader Lee Chung Won Executive Director, who had been watching the situation, volunteered to pay taxes first.

I was thinking of providing additional manpower support to the TF anyway.

Hmm, what about TV?

Heo Min Kang Executive Director, who was grinding his teeth at Lee Chung Won Executive Directors betrayal, answered right away.

TV is the same. We will make all non-resident staff full-time and add more manpower.

Vice President Im Jun Pyo nodded his head and asked.

Is that enough?

You have to row when water comes in.

Kim Hyun-min was a person who understood that simple truth well.

He seized the opportunity and drew a bigger picture.

Even if we get more manpower, I think the same problem will arise as long as the TF is in the mobile group.


I think we should move the TF directly under the business division and get personnel authority.

Hahaha. Yeah. That would be fair. What do you think, Executive Director Yeo?

I think thats the right direction. And we will also provide additional manpower support from our mobile division.

Yeo Tae-sik Executive Director gave Kim Hyun-min a look and Jo Chan-young Senior Manager in charge of mobile sales marketing nodded his head right away.

He couldnt hold out any longer when everyone else agreed.

The atmosphere was too good.

On the other hand, Kim Hyun-min became more anxious.

When he glanced around, he met Yoo-hyuns eyes, who was smiling softly and nodding his head.

-If you lose the bet, please request to send TF on a picnic. In front of everyone. You know that, right?

How could he say picnic in this atmosphere?

But he couldnt cancel the bet he made himself either.

Im crazy.

Kim Hyun-min sighed inwardly and raised his hand quietly.

There was no other timing than now to speak up.

Vice President, I have one more request.

What is it? Tell me.

Vice President Im Jun Pyo adjusted his posture and everyones eyes were on Kim Hyun-min.

It was a situation where even Kim Hyun-min, who had a good guts, had to swallow his saliva.

He tried to keep his expression as calm as possible and slowly built up his logic.

I think speed is the key to logo marketing.

We all know that.

Thats why I know you gave us so much manpower support.


It was a tough conversation.

It was impossible to say picnic naturally in this atmosphere.

Kim Hyun-min, who hesitated for a moment, just closed his eyes and blurted out.

We will go on a picnic to bond quickly. Please allow us.

There was a moment of silence.

Everyone looked at Kim Hyun-min as if he was crazy.

Even Choi Min-hee Team Leader, who knew him well, covered her face with both hands in embarrassment.

Vice President Im Jun Pyo laughed and held his stomach.

Hahahaha. Yeah. The TF leader should have that much guts. Set the schedule as you like and go.

Yes. Thank you.

Kim Hyun-min, who endured the embarrassment and answered, received a thumbs up from Yoo-hyun.

Yoo-hyun didnt suggest a picnic to make fun of Kim Hyun-min, of course.

He needed a chance to lead the newly created organization, and he chose the picnic as that chance.

To be exact, he wanted to show everyone that the leader could lose like this in front of them.

Regardless of Yoo-hyuns thoughts, Kim Hyun-mins face turned red for the first time in a long time.

He gave Yoo-hyun a resentful look and Yoo-hyun winked at him.

Kim Hyun-min clenched his teeth as he saw him.

He looked very impressive when he nodded his head as if he understood his feelings.

It was then.

Vice President Im Jun Pyo took another step forward.

Group leaders, support the picnic costs actively. Oh, and of course, move the organization before that. Got it?

His speech was always straightforward.

Yes. We got it.

Thanks to him, the meeting was wrapped up with the group leaders bowing their heads.