Chapter 416:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 416:

Deputy Kwon Se-jung was hanging on a wall with a 110-degree slope like a cicada. He reached out his hand with an agonized expression.


“Grab it if you reach out. Why can’t you do that?”

Deputy Kim Young-shin yelled at him, even though he was trying his best.

He thought he was a nice person, but he was really a devil in disguise.


Deputy Kwon Se-jung eventually rolled on the mat.

Next to him, Jang Joon-shik was already exhausted.

Meanwhile, Yoo-hyun had already passed one wall and was climbing the next one.

The ceiling was low because it was indoors, but the course had various slopes, so there was no room for boredom.Rread latest chapters at


Yoo-hyun stepped on a hold and lowered his center of gravity. Then he lifted his body and reached out his hand.

His hand landed on a yellow hold that was quite high.

He was getting used to the feeling of the rough and hard holds.

Deputy Kim Young-shin shouted from below.

“Right. Just keep going like that.”

Encouraged by his cheering, Yoo-hyun sped up.

He had a good lower body strength because he ran a lot, and his body balance had improved a lot by doing martial arts.

His upper body strength was also good thanks to regular exercise, so climbing the wall was not a big problem for him.

Swish. Swish.

Was it because he was climbing places he couldn’t normally climb?

He felt a sense of conquest every time he grabbed a new hold.

He felt a sense of achievement every time he succeeded in a difficult course.

He felt like he had become Spider-Man or something.

Thump. Thump.

His chest throbbed pleasantly.

He smiled broadly when he heard a voice from below.

“Deputy Han, that’s not the right direction. There’s no place to grab there because the holds are low.”

Yoo-hyun confirmed that there was no place to grab and recalled Deputy Kim Young-shin’s instruction.

-Just push your legs and stretch your shoulders. That’s all you need to do. It’s easy, right?

He thought he could grab the red hold behind the low hold if he did as he said.

He decided to act on his resolution.

“You can’t go that way. Are you trying to grab something far away? You’ll fall if you do that. Even I can’t...”

Yoo-hyun ignored Deputy Kim Young-shin’s words and lifted his lower body.


He flung his body with the momentum and stretched his shoulder to grab the hold.

The red hold barely caught his fingertips.


Yoo-hyun put strength into his hand and pulled his body with one arm. Then he placed his other hand and foot on the remaining holds.


His body, which seemed to fall, stuck to the wall like a cicada and became stable.

“Huh? It worked?”

Deputy Kim Young-shin was surprised and Yoo-hyun grinned at him.

“Whew. I’m good at everything except using my feet.”

“That’s true.”

Deputy Kim Young-shin had nothing more to say to him.

Instead, he kicked the two people lying down and said.

“Did you see what Deputy Han did? You have to do at least that much. Come on, get up.”

“Huh? I have no strength in my arms.”

“You have to do it with guts if you have no strength. Come on, get up. Hurry up.”

Deputy Kwon Se-jung felt like dying, and Jang Joon-shik pretended to be dead.

Then they heard Yoo-hyun’s voice from afar.

“Se-jung, come up here. The view is nice.”

Yoo-hyun was sitting on a spot where his head almost touched the ceiling and waving his hand.

He looked very innocent.

“Sigh. What should I do with that kid?”

Deputy Kwon Se-jung covered his face with his palm and sighed deeply.

The next morning.

The office was unusually quiet.

It was because the staff above the team leader level from each team were summoned for an organizational restructuring issue.

In the silent atmosphere, Deputy Kwon Se-jung groaned softly.

“I’m dying.”

He had to admit it.

Anyone could see that the Group Strategy Office was the one who got hit in the back of the head.

“Report on the progress of the electronics side.”

Executive Director Yoon Joo-tak straightened his posture and gestured with his chin. The heads of each department sitting on the sofa opened their mouths one by one.

“The home appliance division and Han Kyung-hoe line...”

“Considering the management situation of the mobile phone division...”

Executive Director Yoon Joo-tak stopped listening to Business Support Director Choi Sang-hyun’s report.

“Simple pressure won’t work. There will be inevitable losses in the short term while switching to smartphones. Aim for that.”

“Yes. I understand.”

“The strategic direction of the LCD division...”

Strategy Director Song Hyun-seung reported, and Executive Director Yoon Joo-tak pointed out the key point.

“Simple is best. Target Messenger Vice President Lim Joon-pyo. He tends to make mistakes when he gets excited.”

“Yes. I’ll get him recorded through you, Executive Director.”

After sorting out the business divisions to some extent, Communication Director Lim Dong-chan asked carefully.

“Executive Director, what about the Innovation Strategy Office?”

“We can’t let them go easily. Let’s see how long they can hold on.”

Executive Director Yoon Joo-tak flashed his eyes.

The effect of the CEO email was immediate.

The movement that seemed to take a long time happened in the afternoon.

The first thing was that Vice President Lim Joon-pyo brought all the group development planning team leaders down to the 13th floor.


The people who were surprised by his sudden appearance got up and greeted him.

Vice President Lim Joon-pyo nodded his head and accepted their greetings. Then he pointed at one side of the office where the Innovative Product TF was located with his hand.

“Clear this side out and tidy up the partitions. Don’t let me hear any excuses about being delayed by the organization.”

“Yes. We understand.”

The development planning team leaders who answered immediately cleared their seats.

Soon after, contractors came running and started working on the partitions.

Drill drill drill.

It wasn’t just clearing out office space.

Inside a small meeting room on the 13th floor.

The mobile team was staying in the meeting room for a while to avoid the partition work.

Deputy Lee Chan Ho, who was fiddling with his laptop on the table, exclaimed in surprise.

“Huh? Our organization changed. We went directly under the division.”

“How many people are there?”

When Team Leader Choi Min-hee asked, Deputy Lee Chan Ho connected his laptop to the TV screen and answered.

“There are a total of 36 people.”

“The other teams must have moved too.”

“Yes. There’s one more part each.”

Yoo-hyun, who was leaning against the wall, looked at the organizational chart on the TV screen.

One part that was assigned to the TV, IT team as a non-resident was moved to a resident member.

Three more people were added to the mobile team.

Team Leader Choi Min-hee pointed out that part.

“Deputy Han, please take care of the new members. Deputy Han has a good personality, so you can easily help them adapt, right?”

“I’ll try.”

Yoo-hyun answered right away, but Deputy Hwang Dong-sik’s opinion was completely different.

“Team Leader, are you serious? I heard that Kim Jin-yeol Manager from the sales team has a pretty cold personality. And Na Guk-do Deputy is also like that.”

“The manager who was appointed to the marketing team also has a strong personality. I don’t know if they can handle Deputy Han.”

Deputy Lee Chan Ho also sided with Deputy Hwang Dong-sik.

Yoo-hyun asked with a bewildered expression.

“What do you mean? So what if they have a cold or strong personality?”

Deputy Hwang Dong-sik glanced at Yoo-hyun and tried to justify himself.

“No, I mean, it’s not our team’s business, but Vice President Yoon Byung-kwan is also grinding his teeth at Deputy Han.”

“Really? I even got a meal from Vice President Yoon.”

“What? Really?”

Deputy Hwang Dong-sik asked incredulously and Yoo-hyun confidently answered.

“Of course. Right, Joon-shik?”

Jang Joon-shik, who nodded his head, said firmly.

“Yes. That’s right. And Deputy Kim Young-shin from the TV team also admitted that Deputy Han has a good personality.”

“Admitted his personality?”

“So Deputy Kim Young-shin paid for the indoor rock climbing fee.”

It was a bit exaggerated considering the situation, but it was what he said and did.

Jang Joon-shik wouldn’t lie in the first place.