Chapter 417:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 417:

“Really? You went rock climbing together?”

Lee Chan Ho, the deputy, asked in surprise. Yoo-hyun shrugged his shoulders.

“What’s the big deal about that?”

“Oh, well.”

“It’s natural for people who work together to get along. We all have to live in peace.”

That didn’t make any sense.

It was not something that Yoo-hyun, who had made Yun Byung-gwan and Na Han-eul suffer in the integration meeting, and hit Lee Bon-seok, the team leader, from behind in the general meeting, would say.

Was that why?

For a moment, the people in the meeting room blinked their eyes.

Even Kwon Se-jung, the deputy who had watched the whole process, was speechless.

Regardless, Yoo-hyun continued.

“I think the other team members are also nice people, so I hope we can get along well this time.”

“Yeah. Han is right. We should get along better now.”

Choi Min-hee, the team leader who was listening, agreed.

“Team leader, you should do that too.”

“I know. But the problem is the director.”


Yoo-hyun asked and Choi Min-hee answered.

“You know, right? The director and the other team leaders have a big trouble. Now that he has some power, he will push harder.”

“That’s true. They have a grudge against each other, so they shouldn’t do that.”

Kim Young-gil, the section chief, also joined in.

Everyone seemed to predict that, but Yoo-hyun thought differently.

“The director is not an easy person.”

“Yeah. It’s not something anyone can do to ask for a picnic in front of the business director.”

Choi Min-hee, the team leader, suddenly said something out of the blue, and some of the attendees shrugged their shoulders.


“Why? What happened?”

Lee Chan Ho asked and Yu Hye-mi explained kindly.

The people who heard the story laughed loudly.

“Puhahaha. Anyway, the director is unstoppable.”

Yoo-hyun also hid his embarrassment and smiled along.

Kim Hyun-min, the director, was not a really easy person.

Yoo-hyun had a reason to be confident about that.

The evening after he finished his presentation.

Yoo-hyun had been with Kim Hyun-min, the director, after finishing his meeting with Yeo Tae-sik, the executive director.

And he asked him the same thing that Choi Min-hee had worried about.

-Personnel authority? Power? What’s the use of that? The important thing is to get things done.

-What’s wrong with you? I thought you were eager to do it.

-I’ve seen them fight and worry so much. I realized that they are grateful for just working with me.

When he heard that, Yoo-hyun was confident.

A leader with such a mindset had enough qualifications to lead the scattered people.

And the next day, in the conference room on the 13th floor.

In the conference room where all TF members were suddenly gathered, Yoo-hyun’s expectation became reality.


There was a noisy atmosphere in the conference room.


When Kim Hyun-min stood up from his seat, the place became quiet as if it were a lie.

In the strange atmosphere, sharp eyes were directed at Kim Hyun-min.

He saw Lee Bon-geun, the team leader who had criticized him all along, and IT team leader who had mocked him from behind.

He also saw Yun Byung-gwan and other members who had ignored his orders.

And there were new members who were dissatisfied with their sudden transfer.

There were hardly any friendly eyes.


As Kim Hyun-min walked toward the podium side of the conference room, his sharp eyes turned into curiosity.

What was he trying to do?


Yoo-hyun turned on the lights on the podium side at a good timing.

Under the bright light, Kim Hyun-min had a calm expression on his face.

In an awkward situation, Kim Hyun-min opened his mouth.

“Hello. I’m Kim Hyun-min. First of all, thank you for joining TF in this difficult situation.”


It was an ordinary greeting with an ordinary word.

His tone was not particularly strong or his eyes fierce.

It was still a long way to go, but at least they had taken the first step.

A short while later, on the 10th floor lounge.

The TV team staff below deputy level gathered when their superiors left.

An Ju-kang, the oldest deputy in the team, gave a brief comment on the general meeting today.

“Kim director doesn’t seem to be that stupid.”

“He spoke well. He seemed to acknowledge us too. But who was that guy at the end? He was so arrogant.”

Yu Seok-won, who had just joined the team, nodded his head and asked.

Park Heon-gi, who had been following Yu Byung-kwan’s orders, answered.

“Oh, you mean Han Yoo-hyun? He’s someone that Yun deputy hates, but well...”

He had not attended the general meeting, so he had never seen Han Yoo-hyun’s presentation.

He just defined Han Yoo-hyun based on what he heard from others.

Some people who knew Han Yoo-hyun remained silent, but he went on with his speech.

Yu Seok-won also reacted strongly after listening to him.

“Wow. He’s such a jerk.”

“That’s not true.”

Kim Young-shin shook her head and An Ju-kang teased her.

“Kim deputy, are you betraying us because you hung out with him once?”

“Of course not.”

The atmosphere in the TV team was so oppressive that Kim Young-shin also held back her words.

Beep beep

Then, the cell phones on the table rang at the same time.

-Tomorrow there will be a retreat preparation meeting for Innovative Product TF. Please attend if you are a recipient. Han Yoo-hyun assistant manager

“Geez. What a jerk. He’s really something else.”

Yu Seok-won snorted incredulously.

It seemed nice to go on a retreat with the company, but in reality it was different.

The first reason was that they had to mingle with people they were not close to.

The second reason was that they had to drink alcohol even if they didn’t want to.

The third reason was that they had to please their bosses even outside of work.

Above all, the retreat was less fun than just leaving work early.

What they hated more than the retreat was preparing for it.

It was hard enough to find a place for a company dinner in reality.

But it was impossible to match everyone’s opinions on food, accommodation, and entertainment.

The next morning.

Kwon Se-jung strongly expressed his opinion.

“Yoo-hyun, it’s better if we just do it ourselves. Don’t bother with other people, they’ll just complain.”

“Why? Preparing for the retreat is fun. Right, Jun-sik?”

“Uh, I’m not sure about that.”

“See? Even Jun-sik, who always agrees with you, says no.”

Han Yoo-hyun recalled the retreat he had gone to in Ulsan.

He had a lot of fun back then.

Of course, Maeng Gi-yong was the one who did most of the preparation.

Han Yoo-hyun shook his head after a moment of thought.

“Still, we have to do it together. There are so many people.”

“Kim Young-shin deputy said that too. There are a lot of bad things said about you in the TV team. Why don’t you think about it again?”

“Then who will do it?”

“There are a lot of people in our team. They’ll all help you if it’s you.”

“No way. There’s so much work to do, do you want to work overtime because of the retreat?”

Han Yoo-hyun shook his head and Kwon Se-jung came out stronger.

“You have to do that. It’s better than you suffering in the middle for no reason.”

He smiled at his colleague who showed his will for once.

He wanted to tell him.

“Se-jung, you have a good sense, but you don’t know people yet.”

“What do you mean by that?”

He looked at Kwon Se-jung, who blinked his eyes, and said.

“Just watch what I do.”

“No matter how good you are, it won’t be easy.”

“You said you wanted to learn. Watch and learn. You too, Jun-sik.”

“Yes, deputy.”

Jang Jun-sik answered with a determined expression.

On the other hand, Kwon Se-jung still looked puzzled.

Han Yoo-hyun looked at them alternately and smiled.

It was time for them to level up too.