Chapter 423:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 423:

Yang Yoon-soo glanced at Yoo-hyun, who was drinking coffee.

He had to admit that his presentation skills were no joke.

Of course, he always seemed to slack off and have fun.

But he also had a clever mind that solved the problem of the salted skewers in one go.

‘Who would have thought he would bring them to a pork soup restaurant?’

Yang Yoon-soo wondered and asked Yoo-hyun.

“By the way, why did the restaurant lady grill our skewers for us? I honestly thought it wouldn’t work.”

“She’s a regular customer.”

“Oh, a regular customer.”

Yang Yoon-soo blinked his eyes as he saw Yoo-hyun casually answer.

Jang Joon-sik, who was next to him, added his personal opinion and explained.

“Yoo-hyun is such a good person. He has a lot of popularity. And...”

Yoo-hyun, who was listening, was so dumbfounded that he raised his hand.

“Joon-sik, that’s enough.”

“Yes, sir.”

Jang Joon-sik answered sharply and sparkled his eyes.

Why was he following him like that?

Did he have some dirt on him?

Yang Yoon-soo couldn’t understand this atmosphere at all.

It was the same when they went to the pork soup restaurant after drinking coffee.

At Yoo-hyun’s word, Jang Joon-sik ran to the convenience store to buy snacks.

He looked happy even though it was a bothersome task.

Yang Yoon-soo, who tilted his head, waited in front of the restaurant as Yoo-hyun instructed.

Soon, Yoo-hyun came out carrying a large steamer and Yang Yoon-soo quickly ran over to take it.

“What is this? Ugh.”

It was so heavy and hot that he put it down on the ground first.

When he opened the lid, he saw steaming pork in the rising steam.

There were skewers with sauce on them in the lower compartment.

Pork in a steamer with seasoned skewers?

That alone was enough to surprise him, but more shocking words came from beside him.

“You don’t need money. This is enough for me to give you as a service.”

“Auntie, I can’t come here if you do this. Please take the money for the pork.”

“No need. Let me do something good. Yoo-hyun is so grateful to you and Yeon-hee.”

Yoo-hyun refused, but the restaurant lady insisted on giving it to him.


How did he treat people so well that he could get it for free and still hear words of gratitude?

-My grandson, a truly great person never shows himself. But people will recognize him. You should follow such a person.

Suddenly, Yang Yoon-soo remembered his grandmother’s words, who raised him while working hard at the restaurant.

Maybe Yoo-hyun was hiding himself on purpose even though he seemed to be having fun?

Maybe he chatted at the coffee shop to ease his junior’s nerves?

‘Could it be that he brought the salted skewers too?’

When his thoughts reached that point, Yang Yoon-soo felt a chill on the back of his head.

Then, Yoo-hyun bowed his head and greeted the restaurant lady.

“Auntie, thank you. I’ll bring a lot of people next time.”

“Okay. Yoo-hyun, come see me with Ye-seul later.”

“Yes. Anytime.”

Yoo-hyun didn’t just say hello, but held the restaurant lady’s hands and smiled brightly.

Yang Yoon-soo, who had no idea about the relationship between Yoo-hyun and the restaurant lady, sparkled his eyes.

He realized that he had completely misunderstood Yoo-hyun until now.

“Grandma was right. There really was someone worth following in the company.”

Yoo-hyun, who said goodbye to the restaurant lady, met Yang Yoon-soo’s eyes.

He had short hair and a fairly solid build, and he gave off an oppressive look.

“Yoon-soo, what are you doing?”

“Sir, just call me Yoon-soo comfortably.”

Yoo-hyun looked him up and down at Yang Yoon-soo’s sudden change of attitude.

‘What’s wrong with this guy?’

He looked and acted like Yeon-tae Lee Moon-jung.

Then Jang Joon-sik came running with snacks in both hands.

The tension rose sharply, and Kwon Se-jung, who attended as a staff member, shook his legs.

On the other hand, Yoo-hyun looked at them with interest.

Kim Hyun-min seemed to want to use this opportunity to show his leadership in front of the three team leaders.

If he backed down, he might be dragged around by each team, so it was a reasonable choice to stand up strongly.

It was easy to say, but it was a hard decision to make unless he had a strong stomach.

But Kim Hyun-min pushed forward, and the sturdy team leaders began to look at him.

‘He’s amazing.’

Yoo-hyun chuckled and looked at Jin Seung-heon.

His expression gradually hardened.

It was understandable since the Innovation Strategy Office was a new organization.

He had to establish his authority even if he couldn’t lose here.

Who would be stronger?

He wanted to see, but now was not the time to relax.

Yoo-hyun gestured to Park Doo-sik, who met his eyes.

‘Can you step in?’

He smiled and nodded his head.

Park Doo-sik was a competent person.



“As Director Jin said, we have our staff out in the mobile and home appliance business units. Executive Shin Kyung-wook is personally blocking the audit at Gimpo factory.”


He cut into the tense atmosphere and changed it completely.

Like Yoo-hyun did, he also sold his superior well.

“Still, the communication problems between business units should have decreased than before. Director Jin here took care of that a lot.”

And he knew how to take care of his opponent while taking care of his side.

This was also aligned with Yoo-hyun’s behavior of giving what the other wanted first.

“Hmm, why do you say that?”

Thanks to him, Jin Seung-heon backed off and Kim Hyun-min lowered his voice tone.

“The Innovation Strategy Office did speed up the work. But we’re doing a lot of unnecessary things because we’re preparing by ourselves.”

Kwon Se-jung listened attentively.

He started to see Park Doo-sik’s intention as he worked with Yoo-hyun.

‘Does he want to show his expertise here? Will it work?’

As Kwon Se-jung wondered, Park Doo-sik calmly continued.

“I was going to focus more on that part. First of all, for the mobile part...”

He exceeded expectations by far and Kwon Se-jung’s mouth opened wide.

Thanks to Park Doo-sik’s efforts, the meeting ended quickly.

The Innovation Strategy Office decided to take the first results and respond first, and the Innovation Product TF decided to submit the final data by before work if possible.

They planned to use that as a shield against the Group Strategy Office’s attack.

The Innovation Strategy Office helped them as much as they could, so the Innovation Product TF only had to do the minimum preparation.

In other words, the two teams were in a symbiotic relationship where they helped each other.

Park Doo-sik made this point clear and summarized the situation.

“Let’s summarize it like this and meet again in the morning. If you work hard this time, we’ll try to prevent problems in advance from now on.”

“Park, good job. And Director Jin, I apologize for raising my voice earlier.”

Kim Hyun-min, who got up from his seat, took care of Jin Seung-heon.

This flexibility was definitely his strength.

“Haha. I understand your position. We’ll probably see each other a lot from now on.”

“Does that mean there will be more problems? I don’t want that.”

“Haha. No, that’s not what I meant.”

Thanks to him, Jin Seung-heon also finished with a smile.

As they greeted and took care of each other, Yoo-hyun quietly got up from his seat.

The meeting itself was not bad.

If he had to score it, maybe 60 points?

It might sound harsh, but to Yoo-hyun’s eyes, both organizations were still immature.

They had big leaves but they hadn’t grown yet.

Maybe this storm would make them stronger?

As they say, opportunity comes after crisis.

This attack by the Group Strategy Office felt like a good opportunity.