Chapter 424:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 424:

As Yoo-hyun was about to leave the conference room, Kwon Se-jung, an assistant manager, grabbed his arm.


“Yoo-hyun, you should say goodbye to everyone. How can you leave first?”

He whispered in a troubled tone. Yoo-hyun answered him.

“Why do I need to butt in when the higher-ups are talking?”

“Hey, you just want to eat the skewers quickly, right?”

“You’re quick to notice.”

Yoo-hyun winked at him. Kwon Se-jung pleaded with him as he held on.

“Come on, this is the innovation strategy department.”

But that was only for a moment.

“Ah, the logo marketing progress? We, the practitioners, know it well.”

Kim Hyun-min, the director’s voice came from behind. Yoo-hyun patted Kwon Se-jung’s shoulder lightly.

“I’ll take care of your stuff too. I’m counting on you, Se-jung.”

Then he walked away leisurely.

Kwon Se-jung looked at Yoo-hyun’s back with a crestfallen expression. He turned his body around.

He greeted the team leaders and the innovation strategy department staff in front of them.

“Hello. I’m Kwon Se-jung, an assistant manager.”

His shoulders, which had been drooping until a while ago, were now straightened up confidently.

Yoo-hyun returned to the office and Yang Yoon-soo greeted him sarcastically.

“I’ve specially wrapped up your portion, sir.”

Why is he acting like this again?

He ignored Yoo-hyun’s puzzled gaze and moved quickly.

He crawled under the table and pulled out a steamer.

Inside it were untouched pork belly and salted skewers.

“Why did you leave so much?”

“I split it in half. Some people went to the conference room, and some haven’t eaten yet.”

“You did well. Thanks to you, I can eat it warm.”

Yang Yoon-soo didn’t seem excited by Yoo-hyun’s compliment. He kept looking around.

As soon as Yoo-hyun turned his gaze away, Yang Yoon-soo quickly picked up a salted skewer.

He wrapped the handle part with a tissue in case the sauce got on his hand. It was impressive.

“Thank you. Aren’t you eating?”

“I ate a lot.”


Yoo-hyun chuckled and bit into the salted skewer.

The soft and chewy texture and the spicy sauce went well together.


Yang Yoon-soo handed him a drink at the right time.

Yoo-hyun smiled and drank the carbonated drink he gave him.

These kind of sensible responses were hard to see from Jang Joon-sik, who was ignorant.

He looked around the office while drinking the beverage and asked.

“By the way, where’s Saet-byul?”

“She’s in the utility room preparing cocktails.”

There were cocktail ingredients that they had bought in advance for the picnic in the utility room.

Yoo-hyun was planning to drink them, but it was an idea that others wouldn’t easily come up with.

Who came up with such a response?

“Already? Who told her to do that?”

Yoo-hyun asked in surprise. Yang Yoon-soo answered.

“I thought you might be looking for cocktails, sir. Did I do something wrong?”

“No. That’s not it. You did well.”

Yoo-hyun chuckled. Yang Yoon-soo smiled brightly.

“As expected, you know how to take care of people, sir. I’ll get ready right away.”

Take care of people? What does that mean?

Yang Yoon-soo moved before Yoo-hyun could ask him anything.

He ran away quickly while Yoo-hyun laughed dryly.

“It’s nice that he does things on his own.”

He ran into the utility room and said.

“Saet-byul, Han Daeri said it’s okay to make cocktails.”

“Really? I thought he would definitely say no.”

It wasn’t because of alcohol.

She could make it without alcohol if she wanted to.

In this case, it was best to ask what people were most curious about.

“Director, will you let us go home right after we finish our work at dawn?”

“No, the working hours are...”

Lee Bon-seok, the team leader, who was about to flare up instinctively, was stopped by Kim Hyun-min, the director.

“As long as everything is properly organized, we should go right away. I’ll let you go even if it’s dawn.”

“Wow wow wow wow.”

As Kim Hyun-min came out strongly, the people around him reacted at once.

Someone asked a question.

“Do we have to sleep and come in the afternoon?”

“Don’t be ridiculous. If you leave work, you can’t come to the office.”

“Wow. That’s great.”

That was the start.

As Kim Hyun-min opened his heart, people approached him.

Yu Seok-won, an assistant manager from the TV team, was one of them.

“Director, can we have a dinner party?”

“You can have a dinner party anytime. You can fill your stomach with beef every day if you want. Just decide on it.”

“Then I’ll book it right away.”

“That’s right. Yu did a lot of work preparing for food. Of course I have to listen to him.”

“You really remember that. I’ll prepare it fiercely.”

Yu Seok-won clenched his fists and the people who were preparing food with him chuckled.

These small gestures of consideration narrowed the distance between the leader and the members in an instant.

Thanks to that, the walls between ranks also began to crumble.

The color of the former 3rd part that communicated up and down and collaborated sideways was melting into TF as well.

Yoo-hyun could see such changes clearly.

Who would have expected that TF would grow so much because of the sudden cancellation of the picnic and the overnight work?

Yoo-hyun smiled wryly at the ironic situation.

Then Kwon Se-jung called him from behind.

“Yoo-hyun, do you want to get some fresh air?”


He had no reason to refuse. Yoo-hyun nodded his head.

It was almost midnight. The outdoor terrace on the 20th floor was quiet.

While Kwon Se-jung was on the phone, Yoo-hyun sat on a bench and checked his phone messages.

-The director said you guys are working hard. Thanks to you, we’re also getting strength here.

Given the situation, Shin Nyeok Jeonmu was also staying up late.

Yoo-hyun replied right away.

-You’re working hard too until late at night. Don’t worry about us and go home.

-We’re going to finish up here and organize things soon.

-I guess you have to respond right away tomorrow. I’m sorry but we’ll finish early and go first.

-Haha. Okay. Hang in there a little more. I’ll make sure to take care of the innovation product TF.

-Yes. I’m looking forward to it.

What else is he going to take care of?

Yoo-hyun smiled and put his phone in his pocket.


He leaned on the railing and felt the cool night breeze.

The night view of Gangnam was quite impressive.

“It’s not bad to work overtime after a long time.”

Yoo-hyun said casually. Kwon Se-jung, who was next to him, nodded his head.

“I know. I used to hate it, but now it’s fun.”

“Because you get to eat a lot of things.”

“Haha. That’s true.”

He shrugged his shoulders and glanced at Yoo-hyun.

He looked like he had a lot to say, but why was he hesitating?

He had a rough idea, so Yoo-hyun asked him bluntly.

“Why? Are you jealous of Park Doo-sik, the deputy director?”

“Huh, how did you know?”

“How did I know? You’ve been shining your eyes since the meeting.”

To Yoo-hyun, it was a normal meeting, but to Kwon Se-jung, it must have looked different.

He had never seen an organization that covered the entire business unit and the client, and even responded to the group strategy room.

It was natural for him, who knew how to see things in three dimensions from a fragmentary fact, to be curious.