Chapter 425:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 425:

Kwon Se-jung, the deputy, took a deep breath and opened his mouth.

“It seemed like Director Park was looking at you, Yoo-hyun.”

“Why are you bringing up my story out of the blue?”

“Just. He felt like a wall to me. I don’t know, it felt like he was seeing a scenery that I couldn’t see at all.”

“Geez, that’s an interesting feeling.”

Yoo-hyun smiled faintly, and Kwon Se-jung continued to speak, looking at a distant place.

His calm words were directed not to the outside, but to his own inner self.

“To be honest, I sneered when Director Park went to the Innovation Strategy Office. ‘What does the HR team know?’, something like that arrogant thought.”

“Do you think he’s doing well after moving to the Innovation Strategy Office?”

“I know it’s not.”


“But if I go there, I might be able to catch a glimpse of the scenery that Director Park sees.”

Yoo-hyun shrugged his shoulders at the typical answer.

“Haha. You’re worrying about something useless. Just finish what you’re doing now.”

“I guess it’s not a place for me, right?”

Kwon Se-jung said in a weak voice, as if he misunderstood Yoo-hyun’s words.

Yoo-hyun was someone who thought that Kwon Se-jung was more suited for the Innovation Strategy Office than anyone else.

His political sense and three-dimensional vision were perfect for an organization that dealt with all-round problems.

However, he still lacked a foundation.

“Don’t be silly. What I mean is, if you finish what you’re doing well, you’ll have much better opportunities. I guarantee it.”

“How do you know that?”

“You know how. Don’t you trust me?”

Kwon Se-jung shook his head vigorously at Yoo-hyun’s question.

“No. I trust you 120 percent.”

“That’s a good number. Then trust me and give it a try.”

“Okay. Watch me.”

“Watch what? You have to do it yourself.”

Yoo-hyun shrugged it off and Kwon Se-jung chuckled.

“Haha. Yeah. You have some fun.”

“You’re finally making some sense.”

Yoo-hyun smiled brightly and looked at the distant scenery.

It looked more splendid today, perhaps because he was with a colleague who understood him.

It was past midnight.

The conference room of the Group Strategy Office on the 32nd floor of Hansung Tower.

A man in there, which was set up as a 24-hour situation room, opened his mouth with a grim expression.

“Did the audit report from the Home Appliances Division already come out?”

“Yes, sir. As you can see, the content is quite detailed. And the Mobile Division has sent a unanimous rebuttal article to the press.”

Audit report, an article draft that went to Wooree Daily.

That alone was enough to make his head hurt, but there was something else on his subordinate’s monitor.

Shim Byeong-jik, the deputy director, touched his throbbing forehead and asked.

“What are you looking at now?”

“It’s a complaint that came in through an information company. Maybe they had another deal, but Dell seems to be backing off too.”

“Huh. Did the Innovation Strategy Office do this much? In such a short time?”

It had been only a few hours since their plan was ruined.

It was impossible to make all these materials and respond in that time.

The subordinate opened his mouth cautiously.

“Maybe they were waiting for it?”

“Do you mean someone leaked our internal opinions?”

“That’s the only explanation I can think of.”

If this went wrong, someone would have to pay for it.

Shim Byeong-jik looked into his subordinate’s eyes as if to confirm.

“Did Director Kwon plan everything by himself?”

“Yes. That’s right.”

The subordinate nodded, understanding his meaning.

Meanwhile, the atmosphere of the 13th floor office, which had been briefly excited, quickly subsided.

Tap tap tap.

The sound of typing started by someone spread like an infection.

Meetings were held here and there, and the team leaders who received reports made their own materials.

They all looked very tired.

Yoo-hyun raised his hand before any unnecessary words came out.

“Sir, can we go home now?”


Kim Hyun-min hesitated at Yoo-hyun’s words.

He wasn’t going to ask them to eat something together, was he?

He understood that he was worried about his subordinates’ stomachs, but this was not the time for that.

“Sleep comes first. Sir, let’s go.”

Yoo-hyun emphasized again, and Kim Hyun-min shouted with an embarrassed expression.

“Let’s all go home. Try to forget about work and get some rest. Oh, and you can come in tomorrow afternoon.”


Cheers erupted everywhere at once.

They might have been unhappy that the picnic was canceled, but they forgot about that and looked happy.

It wasn’t because they paid a high price for it.

A very small kindness united people’s hearts and made them happy.

Moving the hearts of office workers was very simple.

While the members of the Innovative Product TF were sleeping soundly after staying up all night,

The Innovation Strategy Office and the Group Strategy Office were waging a small war.

First of all, Hansung Electronics countered Ilsung Electronics’ news right away.

It was only a day later and there were so many detailed supporting data that people also took Hansung Electronics’ side.

The PR team of the mobile phone business unit received praise from the business unit head for their quick response.

Thanks to this, the status of the Innovation Strategy Office that helped them behind the scenes rose even higher.

It wasn’t over yet.

The sudden audit of Kimpo Factory by the Group Strategy Office was eventually canceled.

Shin Nyeongwook, an executive director, pushed in supporting data and even moved Shin Myeongho, vice president.

Since they had a weak reason in the first place, the Group Strategy Office couldn’t hold on any longer.

Some executives from the home appliance business unit who were stuck in between were in trouble.

It was the same for leaking information to customer companies.

When the Innovation Strategy Office moved quickly and caught their tail, the Group Strategy Office ran away by cutting off their tail.

The quick response completely tied up the Group Strategy Office so that they couldn’t even take any follow-up measures.

In the end, all three events ended with a decisive victory for the Innovation Strategy Office.

With this as an opportunity, the Innovation Strategy Office firmly established its position within the organization.

What about the internal situation of the Group Strategy Office?

Yoo-hyun heard about it the next day in the afternoon.

In a conference room on the opposite side of the outdoor terrace on the 20th floor,

Park Doo-sik, a deputy manager, spoke with a rather tired expression.

“It seems that they think it was a complete failure internally in the Group Strategy Office. I thought they would fight back, but they’re rather quiet.”

“They can’t do anything. The vice president stepped in. They have a weak reason.”

“Yeah. It must be a headache for them. They got caught in so many things this time.”

“Someone will take responsibility. Have you heard anything?”

This was what Yoo-hyun was curious about.

It was customary in the Group Strategy Office that there was always a price to pay for failure.

Who would take the blame?

He thought of the people he had worked with in the past, and a familiar name came to his ears.

“Do you know Kwon Seonghoe, the manager? The one who led sending you to Yeontae-ri.”

“Of course. I know him well. We used to talk on the phone sometimes.”

“Yeah. He seems to be transferred to the Gangwon-do branch.”

Gangwon-do branch?

There were hardly any office workers there, where the home appliance business unit factory was located.

It was practically exile, just like when Yoo-hyun went to Yeontae-ri.

There was no way that proud guy could stand it.

“I see. It’s a shame, but there’s nothing we can do.”

“You don’t look sorry at all?”

“Of course not. I was quite fond of him.”

Yoo-hyun said as if he meant it, and Park Doo-sik shrugged his shoulders for a moment.

Then he calmed down and continued.

“Anyway, thanks to the TF’s active help, we finished everything quickly and well. I feel like we’re on track too.”

Thanks to the Innovative Product TF, the Innovation Strategy Office got a free vaccine.Nnêw n0vel chapters are published at