Chapter 428:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 428:

As expected, a man came over and sat down on the spot, grabbing a bottle of liquor.

He was Ha Mu-gon, the manager of the IT team, and his face looked quite drunk already.

“Ha Daeri, you’re lucky. You get a lot of love from your juniors, a lot.”

His mouth spat out bitter words.

He didn’t like Yoo-hyun from the start.

He was annoyed by his flashy actions, and he hated seeing him having fun with the staff below the manager level under the pretext of preparing for the retreat.

He had been holding back, so he filled his beer glass with soju.

Yoo-hyun, who saw that, moved his hand under the table and answered with a good-natured tone.

“It’s all thanks to Ha Manager’s support.”

“Geez, you’re good at talking. That’s why you get a lot of love from the director too. Come on, drink.”


Ha Mu-gon pushed his beer glass forward and curled his lips.

Yoo-hyun understood and sympathized with his dissatisfaction.

Not only him, but other managers and deputy managers also looked unhappy.

It was a natural thing, and there was no reason to fight, so Yoo-hyun accepted his offer without refusing.

Of course, his hand was holding a beer glass filled with water by now.

Gulp gulp.

He leisurely emptied his glass and handed it to him.

“I can’t just take it. I’ll offer you a drink too.”

As Yoo-hyun picked up the soju bottle, Ha Mu-gon’s face turned red and he said.

“Are you trying to screw me over?”

“Of course not. If you can’t drink, you don’t have to. It’s not mandatory, is it?”

Yoo-hyun answered calmly and poured the liquor, and Ha Mu-gon snapped at him.

“Hey, follow me.”

Then Jeong Saet-byul came over with a cocktail shaker in her hand.

She seemed to be in a good mood after receiving some compliments.

“Oh my. Manager, you have to drink a penalty drink for talking about work at a drinking party, a penalty drink.”

“What are you talking about?”

She shrugged off his words and picked up the half-filled beer glass that Yoo-hyun had poured.

Then she turned the cocktail shaker upside down and sprayed it into the beer glass.


The vodka that went on top of the soju bubbled up and spilled over the beer glass.

It looked like a very strong drink.

Jeong Saet-byul pushed the glass towards Ha Mu-gon and shouted.

“Ta-da. This is a new menu made with soju and vodka.”

“What? Why are you doing this?”

“Hey, Manager, don’t be so timid and drink like a man.”

Jeong Saet-byul was not trying to make him uncomfortable at all.

She was just acting as she pleased because she was in a good mood.

“One shot. One shot.”

She clapped her hands and incited him, and people who didn’t know the situation cheered him on with laughter.

“Yeah. Ha Manager, drink it coolly.”

“Try it. It’ll make you buzz. Hahaha.”

Ha Mu-gon’s face turned red and blue in an instant.

He couldn’t just avoid it because there were many eyes watching him.

He finally closed his eyes and emptied his glass.


He barely drank it and made a grimace.

“How is it? Delicious, right? Right?”

She asked innocently, even though he looked very upset.

Yang Yoon-soo, a junior from the same team, added more fuel to the fire.

He handed him a hangover remedy that he had prepared in advance and flattered him.

“Manager, you’re amazing. You must have a stomach ache. Please take this. I prepared it specially for you.”



Ha Mu-gon was dizzy from the two people’s unexpected actions and the alcohol that rose up quickly.

He couldn’t handle this situation anymore and got up from his seat.

Yoo-hyun chuckled at that sight.

It was no big deal to roast one manager when two fourth-dimensional people got together.

Choi Min-hee, the team leader, also found that sight very impressive and came over to Yoo-hyun and said.

“They look just like Ha Daeri when they’re together.”

“No way.”

Yoo-hyun frowned and Choi Min-hee laughed softly.

“Well. You’re still unbeatable. You even made Go Jae-yoon Deputy Manager lose his mind.”

“I do everything you ask me to do.”

“Like what?”

“Make me in charge of the integration plan, make me in charge of the picnic, make me in charge of the exhibition. Oh? They’re all hard things?”

Deputy Director Kim Hyun-min folded his fingers one by one and looked away awkwardly.

He glanced at Yoo-hyun and said with a sheepish expression.

“Well, I’ll just have to do better from now on, right?”

“Yes. Then let me see how you do it.”

“Okay. So don’t go anywhere else again.”

“What do you mean?”

“Did you wander around a lot? If you say you’re going again, I’ll go to Yeontae-ri instead of you.”

Deputy Director Kim Hyun-min growled as if threatening him, and Yoo-hyun pointed out the flaw logically.

“Yeontae-ri is not a place where you can go if you want to. The competition rate there has gone up a lot.”

“So are you saying I’m not qualified?”

“You have to take a precision test. From what I see, it’s close.”

Deputy Director Kim Hyun-min stuck out his tongue at Yoo-hyun’s serious expression.

“Sigh. This kid, can’t you lose a word?”

“I must have learned from my senior rascal.”

“Haha. Well done, you learned well.”

Deputy Director Kim Hyun-min laughed and shrugged his shoulders.

Maybe it was because of the warm evening breeze or the pleasant conversation, but Deputy Director Kim Hyun-min’s face looked much more relaxed.

Yoo-hyun also enjoyed talking with him very much.

They chatted for a while without noticing the time passing by.

It was then.


Deputy Director Kim Hyun-min carried his feelings for Yoo-hyun on the wind that blew in.

“How can I be good to you?”

“Just buy me something delicious.”

Yoo-hyun answered nonchalantly as he looked at Deputy Director Kim Hyun-min who sparkled his eyes.

“Haha. Then do you want to go to Paju with me this Saturday? I know an awesome restaurant there.”

“Hey, what are we going to do there as two men?”

“What’s wrong with that? You don’t have a girlfriend yet.”

“I’ll have one soon. And I’m really busy this weekend.”

Yoo-hyun flatly refused, and Deputy Director Kim Hyun-min leaned in and urged him.

"What? Do you have a chance? What is it?”

“You’re already helping me enough.”

He had made him in charge of the exhibition, and he had also assigned him the right staff.

Thanks to that, he had enough preparation to meet Jeong Da-hye again.

Deputy Director Kim Hyun-min blinked his eyes as if he didn’t understand.

“What do you mean?”

“There’s something like that.”

Yoo-hyun smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

The warm evening air felt very pleasant.

The Innovative Product TF had changed after the emergency issue response.

Thanks to the short but impactful time they spent together, the new members quickly blended into the organization.

That change was also easy to find within the mobile team.

“Deputy Kwon, you did a good job with the data organization. You have a good vision.”

Deputy Kwon Se-jung became more proactive with the compliment from Kim Jin-yeol, the newly joined senior manager.

“Thank you. I have some updated data, do you want me to upload it?”

“Sure. Let’s do that.”

The two filled the gap that Yoo-hyun left when he stepped back from the work for a while.

The second part also had Lim Myeong-hwan, the newly joined senior manager, who took the lead well.

Thanks to him, Senior Manager Yu Hye-mi was able to speed up her steps with less burden.

Meanwhile, Yoo-hyun led the Starlight Team and prepared for the exhibition.

To be precise, it was not Yoo-hyun but Jang Jun-sik who led his two juniors well.

Jang Jun-sik, who was carrying a laptop bag, greeted Yoo-hyun.

“Deputy, I’m going to Ulsan on a business trip to check on the mobile exhibition panel.”

“Okay. Jun-sik, go and see and hear a lot. Yoon-su and Saet-byul, learn a lot from your senior.”

Yoo-hyun asked the three people who were standing in a row, and they all bowed their heads.

“Yes. Thank you.”

They were so passionate and diligent that Yoo-hyun didn’t have much to do with them.

After sending off his juniors, Yoo-hyun returned to his seat and slumped down on his chair.


He just relaxed his body a little bit, but wary eyes came from behind the partition.

It seemed like they were trying hard to find something to catch him on.